Pirealta's Avatar
doing cool things at inconvenient times
Level 15
Journeyman Procrastinator Procrastinator


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Bounadries (might put more here later if i think of them)
(NOTE! I might have missed some things while writing this, if in doubt just ask) [​I realize some of these are boundaries that content creators use, but that's because I based this off of boundaries I read about online. XD]

GENERAL (these apply to everything):
Do not make/do anything NSFW regarding me or my persona.
Do not ship me/my persona with others.
I am fine with people swearing/using profanity around me, as long as it isn't directed at me (Examples of it being directed at me are: Oh Pi is such a [​swear] or That [​swear] Pi).
Do not jokingly ask me to die (in fact, don't ask that unjokingly either :\).
Do not mock me for the fandoms I'm in.
Do not sexualize me.

Do not write RPF about me.
Do not make me/my persona an animal hybrid. Or if this is absolutely necessary for your story, please refrain from using hybrid instincts.

Do not make me/my persona an animal hybrid.
Do not draw extreme gore. Some gore is fine, but nothing super graphic.

OTHER FANWORKS (like edits):
Same rules as fanfiction and fanart.
If you use an AI voice or smth, make sure you have a disclaimer in the description or video/audio that it is AI.

If you use a variation of my name or profile photo as your own, don't get into drama or do something stupid.
Do not ask to voice/video call.
You can ask to play Minecraft with me, but we must have talked multiple times before (and it will probably be a public server at first).

Math, YouTube, Minecraft, Minecraft YouTube, Reading, Writing (sometimes), Plotti- I mean Planning, And listening to music. So. Much. Music.

Dislikes: Miscategorized books, Creepy people, My lack of free time, And being unable to help people.
Planet Minecraft


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