_Star_Phoenix_'s Avatar
Level 58 Grandmaster Architect

On Me / Upcoming Projects

Hello there! I'm _Star_Phoenix_, and I like to build things in Minecraft. I literally can't do anything else in the game. When it comes to building, I believe strongly that quality should always come first. This means realism (if making a replica of a real-life structure), attention to detail, and commitment. It is those three tenets that I adhere to no matter what I build; small builds that can be used anywhere, or large-scale dedicated builds.

I hope that gives the world a context to who I am. If you're interested, feel free to explore some of the projects I work on below. I like science-fiction to a religious degree, so expect to see a lot of that on my submissions.

Any questions, build testing, or inquiries can be sent to my discord, linked in my banner, or to starphoenixbuilding@gmail.com.

Have a great day you legends,


Projects in No Real Order

- MCRN Raptor-Class [​Pella] (The Expanse)
- United Planets Cruiser C-57D (Forbidden Planet)

- L.O.S.S. "Observation" (Observation)
- Krell Machine (Forbidden Planet)
- UNN Leonidas-Class (The Expanse)


Long Term Projects

- Falling From Grace: The Fall of ARC Site-86 (SCP Foundation)
- Stargate Command (Stargate)
- ICR Site-47 (SCP Foundation)
- Site X1 (Original)

Member Statistics

21,723Profile views
259,073Experience points
238,545Submission views
5Forum threads
138Discussion posts
8Wall posts
Jun 1, 2019Joined PMC
_Star_Phoenix_Minecraft Name

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