Noncommercial's Avatar
what is the colour of a mirror?
Level 48 Master Archer


Who are you? How did you get my address?

Okay, my name is Noncommercial (i can't think of any other names). Despite what Google thinks, I'm not a robot (hopefully). I'm a PMC visitor since 2021 but just created my account on August 27, 2022. And I don't care about my gender.

I have been making texture packs for Bedrock Edition since 2019 (i think)
I'm an absolute waffle hater
I don't care about my pronouns (you can use anything)
I'm half British, so I have that British accent
I don't eat pork becuz pigs are disgusting
I love coding
I used to play basketball a lot, but I stopped becuz our coach is torturing us
I love Minecraft

Also, subscribe to Seedformat becuz he is my cousin

"Take a breath, now. Take another. Feel air in your lungs. Let your limbs return. Yes, move your fingers. Have a body again, under gravity, in air. Respawn in the long dream. There you are. Your body touching the universe again at every point, as though you were separate things. As though we were separate things."

Profile banner: from a site that I forgot the name
Profile picture from Minecraft Earth

You're using Light Mode
You're using Dark Mode

Cool people, probably the coolest people I've ever met

Fun Facts about me
* I love cheese so much. I could eat it everyday.
* I'm obsessed with the new mace weapon
* I was once a site moderator of PMC
* I love nights, it gives me energy for whatever reason
* It's impossible to offend me

Member Statistics

8,490Profile views
97,290Experience points
79,695Submission views
15Forum threads
181Discussion posts
272Wall posts
Aug 27, 2022Joined PMC
evoker512Minecraft Name

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