Skallord's Avatar
Level 64 High Grandmaster Architect

About me

What do I do?
I build sci-fi projects, mostly spaceships but I've dabbled in mechs, ground vehicles, and space stations. I also was a member of the Celestial Chaos build group, and manage its successor, Celestial Diplomacy, a sci-fi role playing/turn based strategy game with some of my friends. Almost all of my projects exist in the CD universe, with canon lore and technical information in the descriptions of my projects and some blog posts.

Old Schematic Archive
In recent years I updated almost all of my projects, incorporating new blocks added in the current versions of Minecraft and bringing the detailing, texturing, and general design of my ships up to my new quality standard. Many of the new and updated ships will not be posted with schematics, as Mcedit is not compatible with versions of Minecraft past 1.12. I'm aware that many would like to be able to still use these schematics, so they can place my ships in their own worlds. I have thus made available an archive of all of my old schematic files. Please be aware that you still must provide credit if you use my content in any work of your own. A link to my page will suffice.

Here is the schematic archive. Be aware that these ships do not match the images shown on Planet Minecraft.

Member Statistics

56,134Profile views
386,946Experience points
325,999Submission views
447Discussion posts
12Wall posts
Sep 3, 2014Joined PMC
SkallordMinecraft Name

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  • Skallord#4456
Planet Minecraft


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