Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Sci-fi Dreadnaught: Ba'al

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Neroxyl's Avatar Neroxyl
Level 58 : Grandmaster Senpai
Sci-fi Dreadnaught: Baal (2000 blocks long!)

Hello everyone!

Here's my latest contribootion(just because #swag)

Baal: the Obliterator of Sheep and Planets

Just a few basic questions answered:
Q: Did you make this genuinely?
A: No, despite the fact that i may look like a drug-user, i did not legitly collect
182413182(<-- dis is a fax ) blocks and shaped this ship
Q: Why not?
A: Because drugs is bad
Q: No, not the drugs, the ship!
A: Oh, Collecting this immense amount of blocks would take me 50 years without sleep, building it i'd think a week without sleep. I also don't want to be accused of mass-sheep genocide (the ship is made out of wool)
Q: TP?
A: SMP's 2263, you can patch it with MCpatcher
Q: Alright, final question, what programs did you use?
A: Chunky for the rendering and MCedit for the designing.

Why would you want to read some lore?

Geez, alright, i'll think of something, just not now alright?

It has to do something with a cannon and millions of tiny spaceships.

or something like that

And it has it's own metrostation, that's rather cool.

Ah nevermind, alright son, hop on my lap.
Have you heard of the aliens? No, not those lame-&^% grey things with big eyes and
a big fish-bowl, our creators i mean.

Well, the creators, created us, hence they are called the creators, because they create.. things... right?
Anyway, after having created more than a thousand solar systems and.. What? How? Don't interrupt me, i don't know how! anyway, after that, some of the races encountered their creators, not knowing who they are, they engaged in a war. Because the creators didn't have any military, simply because of the fact that war was completely unknown to them and they had only observed it through their own created races, a cold decision came. Obliteration! BOOM! Ge-no-cide! The creators harvested all of the advanced civilizations and through that, the scientific efforst of the creators improved aswell. What do you mean this is from mass effect? No shut the *(^& *(@*(!~!! I

i'm done with this, Oh and you're grounded.

Additional Notes

This is a beta release of the Baal spaceship.

The spaceship is not completed yet, alot of work remains on the interior

Oh i actually spent more time on this than on the contest and on my exams #yolo
CreditThe numerous of brave sheep that have
Progress65% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Neroxyl 06/05/2013 4:02:01 pmJun 5th, 2013

Interior has been updated alot, will not update the download however, but release it in a month with everything done right

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10/21/2015 11:57 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Toast
japs2002's Avatar
Haha! Really amazing!


(i'm not joking)
12/22/2013 3:27 am
Level 73 : Legendary Architect
Rolofolo's Avatar
Amazing shaping! Big sub and diamond!
12/29/2013 11:23 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Senpai
Neroxyl's Avatar
11/29/2013 10:48 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Crafter
Plutouthere's Avatar
You my friend, are very good at making spaceships.. This is definitely your best yet. You think you can do even better? :P
11/30/2013 8:03 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Senpai
Neroxyl's Avatar
I have an idea in my head, but i can't draw it out!
10/27/2013 5:44 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
LaughingUrchin's Avatar
Nice work! Sub from me.
08/13/2013 4:44 am
Level 25 : Expert Architect
matthewianmcc's Avatar
To bad I can't fit this on my map. This would make for a crazy cool addition.
07/06/2013 10:10 am
Level 37 : Artisan Geek
Upper_Echelon's Avatar
Is the name anyhow related to Baal, the Carthaginian god of Destruction?
07/06/2013 3:59 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Senpai
Neroxyl's Avatar
Directly, to be fair
06/22/2013 3:00 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
R_B98's Avatar
Also it's amazing great job
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