Hala the Winged Hussar (Contest) w/ Story! Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Medieval / Dark Ages Skin Contest!.

Minecraft Skins

Hala the Winged Hussar (Contest) w/ Story!

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iilo's Avatar iilo
Level 57 : Grandmaster Bunny
So my entry is based on the Polish winged Hussars; warriors who donned huge wings on their backs when they rode into battle. I'm from Poland and the Hussars not only fascinate me but they're a source of great pride to Polish people. The winged Hussars I'm referring to technically came about sometime after the Middle Ages, but Hussars in other forms existed well before that, so I feel like this is still within Medieval time period. This pretty much sums up their awesomeness (a quote from http://www.badassoftheweek.com/hussars.html):

"These daring, brave, unabashedly-feathered badasses crushed throats up and down Europe for two centuries, annihilating battle-tested armies three times their size with nothing more than a huge-ass lance, an awesome set of ultra-cool wings, and a gym bag full of iron-plated armor ballsacks.

So there you have it! Anyway, my character is something like Mulan-Meets-the-Hussars (Though I wouldn't rate this one PG, tbh). Hala is a 17 year old girl who joins the Hussar army masquerading as a man. Basically, she's the first Hussar in drag? It's hiiiighly unlikely that a woman could have actually gotten away with this, but the idea of it appealed to me so here we are. I had a little trouble doing the wings since Hussar wings were so tall they towered over the wearer's head. Still, I did my best! Tell me what you think! Comment, diamond, subscribe. ESPECIALLY diamond so this can get into the Top 100! Thanks! :]

Also! I wrote a little story to go with it. These are the moments before Hala's first battle.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hala looked at the man next to her but their eyes never met. She guessed he must be somewhere around 19, maybe 20. He was smaller than the other men, and they called him "Skrzydelko" - Little Wing. He gazed ahead intently, icy blue eyes fixed upon the targets before them at the bottom of a gently sloping hill. 3,000 men in tight formation. They were only 400. The odds seemed poor but she knew that the Hussars had faced worse. The silence enveloping them all was so peaceful, in stark contrast to the sounds of battle that were to come. Each Hussar had a pair of wings strapped to his back and barely moved a muscle. The feathers were made of steel hammered until it was paper thin, or goose feathers, or eagle, but neither horse nor rider made a move. Not even a breeze dared to descend upon the Hussars to disturb their quiet trance. Hala let out a breath that steamed before her as she turned her head back to the enemy.

Suddenly, a shout broke her reverie. Out of the corner of her eye, Little Wing tensed, just briefly. She dared not look at him again, but she knew he was not afraid. The Hussars were never afraid. A second shout traveled through the air and it seemed as though the next few moments happened in slow motion. A snowflake fell upon her nose. Another, then another, then another, and suddenly she was raising her lance and they were moving. The sound of hooves on earth grew from a quiet rumble to a mighty thunder, and then the most beautiful sound of all filled her ears. The sound of wings. A thousand metal wings scraped the sky as the wind whistled through them and the Hussars took flight. The wind ripped her hair from beneath her helm but she had no time to concern herself with that now. It trailed behind her like a proud banner, revealing her secret. Hala didn't care. She wondered if Little Wing had seen but she couldn't seem to look away. All she could feel was the bloodlust welling up inside her and suddenly pride and honor and blood all seemed to melt together. She sucked in a breath and held on tightly to the lance, and as she plunged it through the heart of the man before her, her laugh fluttered through the air around her, like bells, like song, like wings.



1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by iilo 02/17/2013 11:29:23 pmFeb 17th, 2013

Updated shading/made colors a little more vibrant.

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03/24/2016 8:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
mimozarozen's Avatar
Akurat ostatnio na historii mówiliśmy o Sobieskim i husarze też się przewinęli.
Ciekawa fryzura (-:
03/17/2015 4:29 pm
Level 42 : Master Paladin
Diasavia's Avatar
Uh...Winged Hussars are 1800s. Do the moderators even check to make sure that the skins are related?
Niebieskie Skrzydla
01/06/2014 7:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Niebieskie Skrzydla's Avatar
Bardzo dobrze! Lubię to.. :)
02/26/2013 8:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
slimek's Avatar
Congratulations for getting 47th place in contest
02/26/2013 6:08 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Bunny
iilo's Avatar
Thank you, thank you
02/19/2013 12:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
slimek's Avatar
Good skin of hussar
Second Poland based skin on this contest
02/19/2013 5:12 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Bunny
iilo's Avatar

Be sure to give it a diamond if you like it! :D
02/18/2013 12:14 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
peonftw's Avatar
Here's a tip, and a spear behind it! Xin Zhao Winged Hussar ftw xD

Well skinned though!
02/18/2013 1:03 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Bunny
iilo's Avatar
Thanks :]
02/14/2013 8:09 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar
Whoa, I've never heard about them before. Epic!
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