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Academy for People Like Us [Story]

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Spoookss's Avatar Spoookss
Level 33 : Artisan Lava Rider
Ellie's POV

I took a deep breath. With my lucky pen, this shouldn't end up too bad. I wrote my name on the top of the paper. My hand moved a couple of spaces down, ready to start writing. But as soon as the tip of the pen touched the paper, everything I had in mind just vanished. I sat like this for thirty minutes before getting up to get a snack.
As I walked downstairs, I noticed all the lights were off. The darkness made me twitch, and shivers ran down my spine. I turned toward my stove, and eerie green glow coming from the digital numbers on the clock. It's 2:00 am already. Panic flooded through my veins. I shouldn't be up this late, I have class in less than five hours! There's no way I'll-
Something clanged behind me. I spun, scanning the room. Nothing suspicious, except for a pot on the floor which five seconds ago was on the counter. I picked it up and gently placed it back. My panic grew. I squeezed my eyes shut, anxiety taking over my mind. My thoughts screamed over one another, none clear enough to make out. Some were screaming about the test, others about the essay, and some just didn't make any sense. Now why would I dump ice cubes in my stove? That's just stupid.
I opened my eyes and everything in the room was floating. Above the ground. I let out a yelp of fear and everything dropped to the floor. Pots clanged, and my dog yelped. I ran to her, not noticing how she was caught in the air too. "Are you okay, love?" She barked happily in response.
"Ellie, what on earth happened in here? Why are you up at two am?"
I turned, more fear flooding my mind and clouding my actions.
"M-my essay.. I needed to work on it.. and I stopped.. and something happened.. and.." I gestured to everything on the floor. "I-I honestly d-don't know what I did.." I stepped around pots and pans, making my way towards the thin outline of my mother. "A-are you m-mad?"
She wrapped her arms around me, like I had done nothing wrong. "Oh, of course not sweetie.." She cooed in her mother's voice, one she only used when around children or when she was hiding something. I squirmed from her grip.
"Something is wrong. You're cooing."
"Nothing is wrong, sweetheart. You're not in trouble."
"Why are you cooing? I'm 14, mom. I can handle it."
"No you can't.. Just trust me."
"So something is wrong?"
"N-no.. Just go back to sleep.."
"Tell me, please mom."
"Go to sleep.."
"Mom, tell me."
"I said, go to sleep!"
I had never heard my mom so angry. Tears filled my eyes and I maneuvered around her, back up the stairs and into my cozy bed. My sadness turned to anger, my anger to fear. She was hiding something very important, I just knew it. And I was going to find out what it was.
Chapter 1
Ty's POV

She ran through the trees, panting. Dogs barking came from behind her, as she ran faster. She'd never escape. You could never escape. Images flashed and blurred together, like a slideshow. First it was the girl running. Then came the owl sitting on a ledge. Then it was the gate. SITA was written on the wall next to the shining brass gate. The moonlight flickered off it, making it seem like the perfect place. Take one step inside, and you'll never leave. Never. Suddenly, it was all gone, leaving me in the darkness.

I gasped, sitting upright. I wiped the sweat off my forehead. I looked up at my mom, who was standing in the doorway.
"Is something wrong, sweetheart?"
"No, I'm fine." I muttered, climbing out of bed. "Just more dreams."
"Ah." She said quietly. "Well, come downstairs when you're ready. I made you pancakes."
I closed the door behind her when she left, leaving me on my own. I got dressed and threw my backpack over my shoulder. I started walking downstairs when a delicious smell hit me. I smiled. "Pancakes.." I whispered to myself. I ran downstairs and grabbed a plate, sitting down next to my sister at the table. She looked at my plate of three pancakes and whined.
"Why does Ty get three and I get two?"
My mom laughed and patted her head. "He's a teenager, Mags. You're only seven."
Maggie huffed and folded her arms. I snickered, contently eating my pancakes. I looked at the time and jumped up, shoving the last pancake in my mouth. "Gotta go!" I yelled between chews.
I sprinted out the door, barely making it onto my bus.

Ellie's POV

I curled up inside an empty box. Another new school. My mom came into my room and laughed.
"Get out of the box and get ready for your first day, Ellie."
I folded my arms, squeezing my eyes shut. "I can't hear you, I'm still sleeping." She grabbed my upper arm and helped me out of the box. "Why do we move so much?"
My mom shrugged. "We just do."
I frowned. "That's not an answer."
"Whatever. Get in the car when you're ready." She left the room. I stood still for a while, wondering if I should hide. I decided against it and changed into clothes, grabbing my backpack and hopping in the car.


I hopped out of the car, saying nothing to my mom as I rushed past the crowds of people. I knew what it was like to be the new girl. Everyone pushes you around and picks on you. Been there, done that. I'll just stay in the shadows until a week or two, when I won't be the new girl anymore. Makes sense, right?
I found my locker rather quickly, which is good. I quickly opened it, loading my stuff into it. I grabbed all needed books and rushed off to my first class, avoiding all eye contact.

Bella's POV

I turned towards Phoebe, my locker slamming shut as I did so.
"Leave me alone. I told you, I did not such thing. I'd never made out with your ugly boyfriend. My god, I can't even look that creep!"
She huffed, running off. I smirked. I knew exactly what to say to get people to go away. I reopened my locker and grabbed my books and my phone. I left, looking for Jack. I found him and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him to the side and away from his little football jerks.
"Woah, what is it? You look pissed."
I stomped my foot. "I am pissed, idiot." I hissed through clenched teeth. "Phoebe thinks I was making out with her little preppy again. Can you make her back off?"
"If by back off, would you mean beat her up?"
"You know what I mean." I said, confidence flooding my voice. Boys like a girl with confidence that knows what she wants.
Jack smirked. "Fine. Now can I go back to plotting with the guys?"
I nodded and shoved him away. 'See you in English.' He mouthed. I waved and skipped off to English.
Chapter 2
Ellie's POV

I sat down in the very back of the classroom. I checked my schedule again, just to make sure. Yep, Mr. Brownburn's class. English. I let out a small sigh and examined everyone entering the room. No one really stuck out, except one girl. She had a perfect body, her long blonde hair swaying behind her as she walked. Her eyes sparked a brilliant blue. She sat down in the front with confidence. If I'm staring at her, imagine how many boys are.. I tore my eyes off of her too look around. As I thought, all the males in the class were gawking at her. Except one, who rolled his eyes when she walked in. He had dark brown hair and chocolate eyes, with a firm face. He's actually kinda cute.. He looked over and caught me staring. I jerked my head to the front of the class, turning a bright shade of red. Finally, a tall man entered the room. He stood at the front, placing his bags on the desk. He rested his glasses on his nose and examined the class.
"Good morning."
"Good morning." The rest of the class chirped. Everyone except me.
"Welcome to a new year. My name is Mr. Brownburn. You can either call me that or Mr. B." He rubbed his hands together, almost as if he was actually excited to begin. "Today we won't be doing any work. It's your first day! You all need to get to know one another and relax. We'll be playing several games in which you'll each take part in. First, let's just talk. Take a breather from all the stress of school. Tell me about.." He rubbed his chin, staring directly at me. I wanted to crawl in a ball and disappear. "About secret talents. Talents that no one else knows about." Panic bubbled up inside of me. Do you think he knows? Does he? He's staring straight at you... Oh god, he knows! Something loud crashed in a cabinet. Everyone in the class, including me, jumped. "It's alright, class." He reassured everyone. "I'm sure it was just something that fell over. Anyways, back to our game." He pointed at the girl sitting the the front right corner. "You can start. Tell us your name, and a secret talent." The girl was thin with jet black hair that covered a pair of glasses. She looked up shyly.
"Brooklynn.." She said, her voice barely more than a whisper.
"Alright Brooklynn. Got any secret talents?" Mr. Brownburn chirped, a little too happy.
"Um.. well.. I'm not entirely sure if it's a talent but.."
"It's okay, tell us anything. Even if it's not that big!" He said with a bright smile.
"W-Well.." Brooklynn stuttered, almost as if trying to pick out the right words. "I can skim books and understand all of it.. I think. And, um, I know things I haven't even learned from books or school." She said, uncertain.
"Would you mind elaborating?" Mr. B said, curiosity laced in his voice. There was something about him that didn't feel right.
"I haven't learned any languages, but it's like I can speak all of them fluently.." Brooklynn stared down at her desk. She looked like even she didn't understand it.
She nodded, curling her legs and arms into a tight ball. "Can I be done now?" She whispered.
"Yes, you may. And that is quite a talent. Not everyone can be bilingual without actually learning the language first." He said. I wasn't sure if he was sarcastic, but Brooklynn seemed rather shocked and embarrassed by that comment. I heard a boy snort. He was tall and buff, with a football jersey on. I rolled my eyes. Why is no one questioning the fact that this guy wants us to tell him our deepest and darkest talents?
"Who's next?" Mr. B said, clapping his hands together. The beautiful girl raised her hand.
"I'll go." He smiled and gestured to go on. The girl smiled brightly and sat upright in her chair. "I am Bella. As majority of you know." Bella said with a small hair flip. "My secret talent is that I am super fast and agile." She spoke with confidence. Almost everyone in the classroom applauded, except me, the cute boy behind me, and another girl with purple hair going into a solid aqua.
"Alrighty! Very good Bella! Anyone else?" No one said anything. Mr. B rubbed his chin. "Hmm. Then I will pick. How about.. you. You can go. What's your name?" I froze. Everyone was staring at me. Oh god, he picked you. He picked you! What now? Do I tell him I have no talent? Do I lie? What do I say? Ellie, you idiot. Tell him your name.
"E-Ellie." I stuttered.
"What's your secret talent?"
"I-I have n-none." I refused to bring any type of attention to myself, bad or good.
"None? None at all?" Mr. B said, surprised.
"None.. Well, I do draw from time to time.. but it's not a secret." I said, managing to keep my voice calm and steady. He nodded slowly, as if understanding.
"Okay then. Moving on. How about the boy behind Ellie?" I turned my head slightly, watching him out of the corner of my eye. He shrugged.
"My name's Ty, and I don't really have a talent either."
Mr. B frowned. "You?" He said to the girl with the purple and aqua hair.
"Avi." She said. "And no, I don't have a talent."
He folded his arms. "Okay then. Who does have a talent they wish to share?" The football jerk raised his hand.
"I'm Jack, and I've got mad strength." Several of his football friends sitting next to him whooped, and started punching his arm. I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be friendly or what.
"Alright alright, settle down. Thank you for sharing that." Mr. B looked at the time. "We'd better move on to the other fun activities before we run out of time!"
I sighed. I figured at first that the games would be creepy and unusual like the first, but the rest seemed pretty normal. Introducing ourselves, saying what we like, that kind of stuff. I packed up my stuff, ready to leave.
Mr. B clapped his hands together. "Before you all go, I need to see Ty, Avi, Brooklynn, Jack, Bella and Ellie after class." I turned a bright shade of red. Did I do something wrong? "You're not in trouble." He said, as if reading my mind. "I only need to speak with you."
All six of us stayed sitting while the rest of the class left. Ty was the first to speak up. "So, did we do something wrong or..?"
Mr. B shook his head. He sat down at his desk and folded his hands. "I just want you all to know, all six of you, that you can talk to me. About anything happening in your life that may seem impossible or wrong. But I assure you, it's all happening for a reason."
Avi stood up and huffed. "You're a complete nut job. What are you even talking about?"
"Yeah!" Jack growled. "We're completely fine and we don't need no wacko teacher to tell us that!"
Bella stood up as well. "Aren't you a new teacher too? You aren't doing a very good job, pervert." She huffed out of the room, followed by Jack.
Mr. B stared calmly. "You can go now."
We all stood up, leaving the classroom. Avi folded her arms. "I wonder what that was all about."
Brooklynn and I shrugged, and we all went our separate ways. The rest of the day was boring, but luckily there was no homework in any of our classes. I sat alone at lunch, like usual.
I waited outside for my mom's car. When I saw it, I hopped in.
"Hello sweetheart. How was your first day? Did it go well? Make any new friends?"
I folded my arms, looking out the window and leaning back. "The same as it always does. Bad, no and no."
My mom sighed. "I hope you make new friends."
I spun, narrowing my eyes. "Why? Why do you want that? It only hurts more when we move. We are going to move again, right? I mean, we do every single year so why not this one?" I huffed, my anger bubbling up inside of me. "Why do we move so much? I know it's not for work, and I can tell when you're lying." I looked at her and she looked away, saying nothing. I felt all my anger fizz away into loneliness and despair. "Please.. tell me."
She shook her head. "I can't."
I nodded. "You never can, can you?" I snapped, looking back out the window. She said nothing and started driving home.

Andrew's POV

I sat upright in my chair, waiting. It was late at night, the only time he ever agreed to meet. The secretary looked up at me through her glasses.
"You may enter."
I nodded and thanked the lady, entering through solid oak doors. There was a man sitting on the stage, looking over a pedestal. He coughed, annoyed, and motioned for me to come up and sit across from him. I obeyed, looking him in the eye.
"Andrew Brownburn." Damon said, his voice dark and monotone. "You originally worked for Dr. Howard. I already hate you for that. You better not be wasting my time."
"I'm not. I promise." I said, my voice confident.
"Alright. Get started."
I sat upright. "I believe I've found them."
"Found who?" Damon raised an eyebrow.
I shrugged. "You know. The six from the prophecy."
He glared. "You are wasting my time, aren't you? The prophecy is a load of crap. If there was six teenagers who could destroy the universe with a snap of their fingers, either we or Dr. Howard would have found them by now."
I nodded. "I agree. But if they are the six, shouldn't we get to them first? If Dr. Howard does, then it's all over for us."
"That may be true, if there were such thing. I'm going to leave before you waste anymore of my time." Damon stood and started walking away.
"But wait!" I called after him. "I have a feeling!"
Damon stopped and turned. "A feeling?" I nodded and he returned, leaning forward in his chair. "Tell me more." He said with a smirk.
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5


2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Spoookss 07/14/2016 9:40:54 pmJul 14th, 2016

Chapter 2 is done!

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07/12/2016 8:02 pm
Level 24 : Expert Nerd
Hazlf's Avatar
Wow. Interesting. Can't wait to read the rest. ;D
07/12/2016 8:20 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Lava Rider
Spoookss's Avatar
tyty ;3 I should be working on chapter 2 soon
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