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How to create Exploding Snowballs!

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oXSkylordXo's Avatar oXSkylordXo
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
Hello! Today, this tutorial will be about creating Exploding Snowballs. I know that Dragnoz (I apologise if I spelled his name wrong) made a turtorial about it too, but in his video he said that it's not accurate; the explosion doesn't go off when the snowball hits the ground. It is randomly done, and isn't that efficient. In this turtorial, I'm gonna show you how to fix that.

First, create a redstone clock (the fastest one; with a command block of /setblock ~1 ~ ~ redstone_block 0 destroy

Activate the command block, and look at where the redstone block is spawned. then, put 3 command blocks around it. 

Type in the first command block: /tp @e[type=Item] @e[type=Snowball]

2nd command block: /testfor @e[type=Snowball]

Then, lead 2 comparators off the second command block, and make sure those paths don't intersect.

Put a command block in front of one of the comparators, and type in: /summon Item ~ ~10 ~
Then, lead the second comparator so that instead of a command block, it is a normal block (i reccommend a stone block). On the other end of the block, put a redstone torch, so that if the comparator lights up (like the /testfor is true), it deactivates the redstone torch. Then, put a command block in front of the redstone torch, and type in:
/execute @e[type=Item] ~ ~ ~ summon PrimedTnt ~ ~ ~ {Fuse:1}

Then, lead a REPEATER off from the command block and put another command block down in front of the repeater, so that the signal continues once the /execute command is done. 

Type in: /kill @e[type=Item]

Put down another repeater, and another command block, that says the same thing: /kill @e[type=Item]

You're done! The snowball explodes on impact, no matter what is is; mobs, ground, whatever. Just don't make it too close to the ground next to you, or it won't work because the signal is too slow if it destroys before it even leaves your hand.


You can:

*Create maps with this


*create a turtorial about this using the exact same idea
*leave your minigames uncredited, please.

Thanks for reading this!

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05/03/2015 10:20 am
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05/06/2015 1:09 am
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