PermissionsEX wont work. =(

CurseCraft's Avatar CurseCraft2/28/12 12:55 am
1 emeralds 573 6
2/28/2012 3:08 am
tmad40blue's Avatar tmad40blue
Me and some friends are putting up a server, but the permissionsEX i put together wont work. We get alot of errors in the server. Heres the yml. I cant show the spaces because PMC ignores spaces. If you want I could send the file through things like skype or something. :L

2. Guest:
3. default: true
4. prefix: '[&8Guest&f]'
5. suffix: ''
6. options:
7. rank: '400'
8. permissions:
9. - modifyworld.chat
- modifyworld.blocks.destroy.*
- modifyworld.blocks.place.*
- modifyworld.blocks.interact
- modifyworld.vehicle.destroy
- modifyworld.vehicle.enter
- modifyworld.vehicle.collide
- modifyworld.entity.damage.deal
- modifyworld.entity.damage.take
- modifyworld.entity.mobtarget
- modifyworld.usebeds
- modifyworld.bucket.empty
- modifyworld.bucket.fill
- modifyworld.items.drop
- modifyworld.items.pickup.*
- modifyworld.blocks.create.*
- modifyworld.build
- mcmmo.skills.*
- mcmmo.ability.*
- mcmmo.regeneration
- mcmmo.commands.whois
- mcmmo.commands.myspawn
- mcmmo.chat.partychat
- mcmmo.commands.party
- mcmmo.commands.ptp
- factions.admin
- factions.autoclaim
- factions.chat
- factions.claim
- factions.create
- factions.deinvite
- factions.description
- factions.disband
- factions.help
- factions.join
- factions.invite
- facitons.home
- factions.kick
- factions.list
- factions.map
- factions.mod
- factions.open
- factions.owner
- factions.power
- factions.power
- factions.sethome
- factions.show
- factions.tag
- factions.title
- factions.unclaim
- factions.unclaimall
- essentials.sethome
- essentials.tpa
- essentials.tpahere
- essentials.motd
- essentials.tpaccept
- essentials.tpdeny
- essentials.spawn
- essentials.ignore
- essentials.help
- essentials.pay
- essentials.balance
10. inheritance:
11. Moderator:
default: false
12. prefix: '[&3Moderator&f]'
13. suffix: ''
14. options:
15. rank: '399'
16. permissions:
- essentials.kick
17. - modifyworld.blocks.destroy.*
18. - modifyworld.blocks.place.*
19. inheritance:
20. - Guest
21. Admin:
22. prefix: '[&cAdmin&f]'
23. suffix: ''
24. options:
25. rank: '250'
26. permissions:
- essentials.warp
- essentials.setwarp
- essentials.tppos
- essentials.nick
- essentials.tp
- essentials.tphere
- essentials.time
- essentials.spawner
- essentials.realname
- essentials.invsee
- essentials.world
- essentials.weather
- essentials.ban
- essentials.banip
- essentials.kickall
- essentials.broadcast
27. - modifyworld.vehicle.*
28. inheritance:
29. - Moderator
38. Donator:
39. prefix: '[&5Donator&f]'
40. suffix: ''
41. options:
42. rank: '100'
43. permissions:
- essentials.warp
- essentials.nick
44. - modifyworld.*
45. - modifyworl.usebeds
46. inheritance:
47. - Guest
48. Owner:
49. prefix: '[&8Owner&f]&9 '
50. suffix: ''
51. options:
52. rank: '0'
53. permissions:
54. - '*'
- essentials.*
- mcmmo.*
- factions.*
- essentials.op
55. inheritance:
- Admin

- Owner
- Owner
- Owner
Posted by CurseCraft's Avatar
Level 54 : Grandmaster Necromancer

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02/28/2012 3:01 am
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
melrose123's Avatar
RoxthesoxYou could switch over to GroupManager if permissions is giving you trouble, I find it much easier.

Group manager is very much outdated and, also PEX is a lot easier to promote someone in game, by using: pex user (name) group add Admin
Where as group manager you have to go in files and fiddle with it all, Then you use /reload all which may lag if you have many plugins.

In permissions EX if you need to fiddle something in the files you can do that with ease and simply use /pex reload.
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