Server staff ranks + Description

chunkaboy's Avatar chunkaboy3/29/17 6:35 pm
1 emeralds 6.6k
Here's a list of Staff ranks I've used on all of my servers:

Builder - Builders send in project requests to Admins and when approved they're given creative in a special world to build their projects

Helper - Usually a starter staff rank who gets limited permissions e.g. /kick /tempmute /warn. They usually contact a higher staff member if assistance is needed.

Moderator - The Moderator rank uses bans, mutes, and kicks as well as various invisibility permissions to spot hackers and xrayers under extreme conditions.(Moderator may go into the Spy rank which is for spying on players invisible and doing inventory checks)

Admin - Admins are required to not just have building capability but server knowledge as well, this includes plugin work, server balancing in both PvE and PvP, great social ability (Your ability to talk with other players and take extreme pressure in interviews and talk your way out and into conversations)

The Admins are the highest ranking staff members and have all permissions and control over the server staff and server activities, their job is to both build and Moderate the chat keeping new content flowing through, the players happy, and staff under control.

Sr. Admin - The Sr. Admin is a rank the same power as Admin but the only person capable of actually speaking on behalf of the Owner of the server, It is like a Co-Owner.

The Sr. Admin talks to the owner and sets everything in motion that the owner of the server has planned to consider this rank as a rank to guide all staff members in the right direction without the Owner having to come on all the time and explain things.

Owner - The Owner is as the name states head of the server and in control of everything, this includes plugin development, staff employment, and server development. (There is only one Owner and that is whoever is control of the server files)

Recommended amount of staff -

Builder - 4

Helper - 10

Moderator - 4

Admin - 2

Sr. Admin - 1

Owner - 1

http://mc-demenchia.ucoz.com/index/staf ... ation/0-55
Posted by chunkaboy's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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