Tenebris Dimension: Idea thread

duke_Frans's Avatar duke_Frans3/5/13 4:59 pm
6/1/2013 6:45 pm
Monkeyy's Avatar Monkeyy
Hey guys.
This is a thread dedicated to/for you to post ideas.

Original Thread: http://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/tenebris-dimension/

Just leave a comment on what block.item/mob you want added, and it will maybe be added!
Please keep it ''freaky'' but not violent.

Mob name: Rainbow pony
Abilities: Teleport
Sound: Custom (link pls) or Enderman

Item name: Dirt sword
Abilities: Applies slowness to mobs

Block name: Stained bones
Does it gen?: Like in-ground flowers
Abilities: Gives player poison

Be creative!
Posted by duke_Frans's Avatar
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Modder

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05/31/2013 6:57 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Devcon1's Avatar
Mob: Wreath
Ability:Blinds You And Gives You Wither Effect.
Sound:Crying And Screeching With Ghast Sounds Mixed In.
Appearance:A Tall Skeleton Like Mob That's Black And Grey With White Eyes.It Stalks You Relentlessly Until You Or It Dies.It Can Teleport As Well.
Drops:Soul Shard,Tattered Reality.
You Can Use The Soul Shard To Make A Soul Crystal.
S=Soul Shard
Then You Can Combine Soul Crystals With Tattered Reality And Wither Skeleton Heads To Make Wreath Skull.
S=Soul Crystal T=Tattered Reality W=Wither Skeleton Head


When You Wear Wreath Skulls You Get Ender Effect Which Is Night Vision And Teleportation Effects Combined.Also, Wreaths Don't Attack You When You Wear A Wreath Skull.
05/31/2013 8:39 pm
Level 41 : Master Robot
Monkeyy's Avatar
So the mob is a wreath, eh? Doesn't look scary to me...
06/01/2013 4:51 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Devcon1's Avatar
06/01/2013 6:45 pm
Level 41 : Master Robot
Monkeyy's Avatar
I was joking, bro.
06/01/2013 5:03 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
I think it shouldn't drop an item with the name 'Soul Shard'. There's already a mod called Soul Shards that adds Soul Shards.

Also, probably a different name. A wreath is something you put on your door during the holidays, (Christmas for some people) as Monkeyy has shown.
05/09/2013 1:05 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Modder
duke_Frans's Avatar
All these ideas are getting me to work on tenebris, expect an update soon-ish!
05/05/2013 3:28 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Zombie
UndeadGaming606's Avatar
Mob name: Bone Stealer
Abilities: Gets the speed potion effect everytime it hits the player, has a 50% chance to give the slowness effect to the player
Sound: Makes no sound, except for a death sound, which is the Enderman death sound
Drops: 1-2 Rotten Flesh, 6-19 Bones, and 0-3 Enchanted Bones

Item name: Enchanted Bone
Uses: Priests and Librarians will sometimes have a trade where they'll buy Enchanted Bones, Priests will give 7 Emeralds for 4 Enchanted Bones and Librarians will give 3 Emeralds for 5 Enchanted Bones

Block name: Dead Flower
Does it gen?: Like vanilla flowers
Abilities: Heals undead mobs and gives the wither effect to alive mobs and the player when stepped on
03/27/2013 8:04 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Modder
duke_Frans's Avatar
Guys, you have come up with some epic ideas! A large update is coming with most of these things added!
03/26/2013 9:39 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragon
Hub's Avatar
Mob: Goliath
Abilities: Break blocks to reach the player and have a massive 150 health points (75 hearts) and 7 hearts per attack. It can also throw blocks at the player.

Drops: 10 rotten flesh, 3 emeralds and the hand of Goliath.

Looks: It looks like a giant zombie in the shape of an iron golem but a bit bigger and have a hunch back it also has 2 different sized arms, the right arm is bigger then the left arm and the right arm is used to smash through the blocks.

Item: The hand of Goliath

Abilities: If you have seen the mutant creatures mod then you might know that i got the idea of Goliath being able to throw blocks from the mutant snowgolem.

The hand of Goliath is also inspired by the mutant creatures mod as it can pick up a block with right click and right click it again to throw that block. It can also destroy any block with 1 left click. It has 100 uses but destroying a block takes 4 uses.
03/26/2013 11:12 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
Passive agressive mobs (don't move, killed when mined, but hurt the player one way or another) (explanation about items yet to come)
Click to reveal
Name: Crose, Creose, or Creepy Rose
Ability: when stepped upon, explodes like a creeper, propelling the player 5-12 blocks into the air. no damage to environment, lessened explosive damage (1 heart less than creeper at 1 block).
Drops: 1-2 Colored gunpowder, 1-2 redstone (optional)
Essence extractor: Boom!-Juice
Can be cut with: Sword, Shears, Axe (other tools and no tools sets it off)
Can be obtained with: Shears + Silk Touch enchantment
How to spot: Has red roots similar to redstone trail at it's bottom, in 4 directions. otherwise identical to Rose.

Name: Deathodill
Ability: Drains the player of health, at a rate of 1/3 hearts per second. when 3 hearts (9 sec.) have been drained (from any amount of players), a poison effect is given to the next player to touch it (usuall the one touching it at that moment). Poison effect identical to Cave-Spider bite.
Drops: 1-3 Thorns, 1 Fermented spider eye (optional)
Essence Extractor: Potion of Poison (base)
Can be cut with: sword, shears, axe (other tools and no tools spawn cave spider)
Can be obtained with: Shears + Silk Touch Enchantment
How to spot: Has 3 brown thorns in sides, otherwise looks like yellow flower

Name: Withered Grass
Abilitiy: applies a weak version of the Wither effect to a player walking to it. All Wither powers are half that of normal effect.
Drops: Cursed seeds, Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg (Rare)
Essence Extractor: Withered water
Can be cut with: Sword, Shears, Axe (other tools are used up 10 times as fast, no tools applies (full) Wither effect for 3 seconds to the player)
Can be obtained with: Shears + Silk Touch Enchantment
How to spot: slightly blackened spots, less dense and less high than Long Grass

Name: Cursed Dragon Egg
Ability: when touched orclicked upon, teleports the player instead of itself, doing 1-3 hearts of damage in addition to any other damage that might occur. can teleport the player anywhere within range, including in the void (if low enough), or inside a solid block
Drops: Itself
Essence extractor: Cursed Ender Pearl
Can be destroyed with: anything that works on a normal Dragon Egg
Can be obtained with: See the above
How to spot: Identical to Dragon Egg, apart from a single, dark purple spot at its very top

The Essence Extractor is a device that extracts the core element of a mob, entity or block when right-clicking on it with the Extractor in hand. Further information follows.

I have more coming up. I'd like to make a blog about this, listing Ideas for mobs, items, blocks, etc. (If you don't want me to, pm me and I'll remove the ideas relating to your mod from the specified blog)

PS: here's the link: http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/mobitemblock-ideas-for-modders/
03/09/2013 12:23 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Spriekens16's Avatar
Here's my idea. It involves a lot of sludge. I thought of the mob first and the idea grew from there.

Mob name: Sludgecrawler
Abilities: Leaves a trail of thin toxic sludge wherever it walks. (Like a snow golem) It is peaceful until attacked. When angered, it shoots Sludgegun shots and has a weak melee attack with a large knockback. Has 7 hearts but can only be damaged by shovels and bows.
Drops: 1-3 Sludge Blob, 0-3 Sludgecrawler Eye, 0-1 Slimey Tentacle.
Looks: 1.5 blocks tall, is a purpleish-brown color and has 5 tentacles that it uses to drag itself along the ground. Has 3 eyes and can easily camouflage in toxic sludge lakes.
Sound: The slime hopping sound but without any pauses. Only heard when it moves or attacks.

Item name: Toxic sludge bottle
Abilities: Applies wither effect to player if drank, can be poured on the ground. It is also used as ammo for the Sludgegun. Can be crafted with a glass bottle and a Sludge Blob.

Item name: Sludgegun
Abilities: Shoots toxic sludge on right click and uses toxic sludge bottles for ammo. It shoots instantly but takes time to reload and the shots are effected by gravity like arrows. When it hits the ground or a mob, it will splatter thin toxic sludge in a 3x3 area.
T= toxic sludge bottle O= obsidian P= piston L= lever R= redstone

Item name: Sludge Mask
Abilities: Provides infinite night vision and can detect Sludgecrawlers, Slimes, and Magma Cubes through walls when worn in the head armor slot.
B= Sludge Blob E= Sludgecrawler Eye

Block name: Toxic sludge (not to be confused with thin toxic sludge)
Does it gen?: Liquid that generates in the form of lakes.
Looks: Brownish-purple, similar to the Sludgecrawlers.
Abilities: Right clicking with a glass bottle will create a toxic sludge bottle. Applies the wither effect when touched. Has the same physics as lava.

I hope these ideas help you with the mod!
03/08/2013 10:22 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
ThaumasTheIceBeing's Avatar
A five block tall mob. Has a 2 block long tail and 2 block wide body. Has a flaming creeper face and devil horns. Can jump 3 blocks. Dark reddish in color. Kind of like a mutant zombie in mob design.

Noise:EXTREME LOUD DEMONIC ROARING(I could record some of me roaring if you want. I think.)

Has 100 hearts

Demon Bones 50%
Devil Tears 20%
Evil Ingots 10%
Death Essence 10%
2 diamonds 10%

Gives you 1,375 experience when killed.

Punch:Will punch you to deal 3 hearts

Jumpsmash:Will jump 6 blocks high and land on you , dealing an initial 5 hearts. To make it worse the ground will explode when it lands , having an explosion equal to tnt and deals the same hearts as tnt.

Ram:Will run at you from 10 blocks with its horns pointing towards you. Deals 7 hearts.

Can see through all blocks besides cobblestone , glass, netherrack, glowstone , and obsidian.

Can spot you from 50 blocks away. Will agro on you if attacked from 45 blocks away. Will attack if within 30 blocks.

Hope you like it
03/08/2013 11:07 pm
Level 41 : Master Robot
Monkeyy's Avatar
Hmmm, seems like it could be a good boss. I don't think Duke is planning any bosses yet though...
03/08/2013 10:09 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Modder
Villacom's Avatar
Mob: wandering spirit
ability: adds bad potion effects to you will not attack directly
sound: I couldn't find any sounds I thought were right, but the gast sound but softer mite be nice!

Item: Spirit essence (from the Wandering spirit)
use: to craft a Spirit tome

Item: Spirit tome (will need a nether star to craft it, and Spirit essence)
ability: you can do different things depending on what in your inventory (eg. golden melon will heal you, fermented spider eye will poison the mobs around you , gunpowder will make a small explosion, and stuff like that!)

Crafting: I Haven't thought of that yet

PS: hope you like the ideas!
03/10/2013 2:03 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Modder
duke_Frans's Avatar
Awesome! Im adding all these into the next big update!
03/08/2013 6:20 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
Mob Name: Weeper
Abilities: Same as an Enderman, almost, except can't pick up blocks. It will emit white particles when teleporting / standing / walking, won't be as fast, and won't get hurt by water. It could also have tears on its face. (It's Weeping) It could make a screeching noise that paralyzes you for about 4 seconds. May sometimes run away if you look at it.
Sound: Not sure. Just a screeching sound for the screeching, and maybe a weeping noise. I don't know any links to sounds like that. If you can't find any, maybe just Enderman or the Wither.
Drops: 0-2 Weeper's Tear
An idea for a Texture and Model:
Like an Enderman, but only 2 blocks high. Still has skinny legs and arms. Could be black with a sad face, a white mouth and 2 white eyes. (No pupils. Just what I thought of.)

Item name: Weeper's Tear
Abilities: Can be used to craft a Weeper Skull and as a potion ingredient similar to a Ghast's Tear.

Item name: Weeper Skull
Abilities: Weepers won't attack when you wear this skull. It will think you're one of them. However, it will attack if you attack them. The skull can also be used to craft a block I'm suggesting below this. You can wear this item like the vanilla Minecraft skulls.

Block name: Nightmare Block
Does it gen?: No.
Abilities: Can spawn Weepers and Skeletons if right-clicked or punched. May hurt you like a cactus if touched.


Weeper's Tear:

Weeper Skull:
O= Obsidian W= Weeper's Tear E= EnderPearl S= SoulSand


Nightmare Block:
O= Obsidian S= SoulSand W= Weeper Skull B= Bone N= Netherrack

Just my ideas for your mod.
03/08/2013 6:26 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Modder
duke_Frans's Avatar
Awesome! Definitly adding in the next update!
03/08/2013 5:38 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Modder
duke_Frans's Avatar
Cool ideas, keep 'em coming!
03/07/2013 10:19 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
ThaumasTheIceBeing's Avatar
Abilities:Flying , destroying all blocks , firing wither heads , wither effect.
Sound:Roaring wither , enderdragon wings , sound of shooting wither heads, explosion whenever it destroys blocks , explosion when wither heads impact blocks.
03/07/2013 7:45 am
Level 29 : Expert Robot
Zer0Pelonio's Avatar
Mob: EnderCreeper
Abilities: Teleporting Explosions....
Sound: Enderman & Creeper Mixed
03/07/2013 7:39 am
Level 32 : Artisan Button Pusher
Zoralink's Avatar
Whoops. I think I just angered a great modder...
03/07/2013 7:28 am
Level 32 : Artisan Button Pusher
Zoralink's Avatar
Give us IMPROVED MOBS! Like in my blog. Thanks for commenting on that BTW.
03/07/2013 7:36 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Modder
duke_Frans's Avatar
The mod focuses on the dimension, look at my soon-to-be updated MineHard mod for that.
03/07/2013 7:22 am
Level 47 : Master Zombie
Ryanrc's Avatar
mmm. Add a mob that give's you a potion effect? Like cave spiders.
03/06/2013 3:44 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Modder
duke_Frans's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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