Why i enjoy this server: Loflaria

Kirihime Natsuno's Avatar Kirihime Natsuno7/4/15 9:52 pm
1 emeralds 72
Hello, I'd like to explain to you all why i enjoy this server known as "Loflaria"

Now this isn't a forum intended to be something such as "Join now! free stuff!" its more of explaining the reasons why i enjoy the server and would suggest it to you.

Now lets dive right into this.

The server is a bit of a unique experimental idea. The server is based around exp and exp is used as money, life, and even score.

This allows the server to be quite hard since you only have 3 hearts without exp so you have to either A create a way of earning exp or B kill things for it and that leads into my second point.

The mobs are changed. By this i mean they are changed to be stronger. So let me explain. For one there are tiers of gear. And these tiers can go beyond normal minecraft enchants. But the only way to obtain them is by killing mobs. And all the mobs have been geared up with random gear sometimes its plasma (The highest and most poweful gear) sometimes its just normal unenchanted gear. This makes fighting quite hard but honestly i enjoy the idea of mobs being possibly stronger than me it adds more of a challenging aspect. It makes the server more PvE rather than PvP which i like.

The server is semi-raiding. Now you might be asking "What the heck does semi-raiding mean?" Well it means that bases can be raided if they aren't claimed. See if the base is claimed its unraidable but you can only claim so many things so bases still are slightly raidable and although i hate this somewhat i can still enjoy the server with and or without this feature.

The dungeons. In the server there are these dungeon type things where you have to parkour to the end to earn a bunch of exp or a special item. What does this have to do with anything involving the PvE/PvP? Well its something to do if you get bored of PvE/PvP its a optional thing to do and i find it quite fun even if i purely hate failing the jumps but hey thats my own fault.

The spawn. Now the current spawn we have isn't very... whats the word... "Fancy". But there is a new spawn being built by myself (Just because i build here doesn't mean i can't enjoy the server and play for myself normally.) But anyways here is a image of the new spawns progress if it interests you. Link to the image: http://prntscr.com/7owzno

The overall experience. I love playing on this server and feel more people should experience it as well. Why? Well me and my 3 friends all got on made a giant temp base. Then we had a chicken invasion. It was a barrel of laughs and we all had fun even if 2 of my friends we're new to minecraft and had to learn a lot overnight. I honestly think you should give this server a try and as unforgiving and how much of a prick it is i still love it. If you are interested feel free to join. Server IP:
Posted by Kirihime Natsuno's Avatar
Kirihime Natsuno
Level 1 : New Explorer

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