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Tales From PMC (A PMC in IGEBM Lore Companion Piece) | Anthology

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Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
These are mini-stories from the world of PMC in my lore.

All stories are written by IGEBM unless noted.

Moving Up
It is a dark night on Morbid Island. The CrypticMorbid Orchestra is playing the Cryptic Family National Anthem. Why is this night so special? Well, to celebrate the ending of the Sweet Dreams competition and announce the winners, the Family is hosting a festival for their members on their island. Everyone quiets down and takes a seat as Aspect of Horror Chaos walks into the stage and begins to speak. “Welcome everyone, to the Sweet Dreams Ceremony!” Everyone cheers. “For all who forgot what happens after the competition ends, let me explain how judging went: for the first phase, all the Scare Seekers who entered had their artwork judged. For the second phase, all the Fear Priests who entered had their art judged. I am about to announce the winners for both. Whoever wins phase 1 will become a Fear Priest, taking the place of the phase 2 winner, who will become a Lord of Terror, a new rank who will serve as my second-in-command. So, without further ado, here are the winners! For phase 1, we have IGEBM, for his art Dream of Mirrors IGEBM!” Everyone cheers as IGEBM walks into the stage to receive his medal. He was excited at the fact that he was becoming a Fear Priest later that night. Then, Chaos announced the winner of phase 2. “And it’s Firestar, for his art Siege!” Firestar comes into the stage, standing next to IGEBM. Chaos continues. “Now, the ceremony begins.”

Firestar and the other current Fear Priests, Aspirin, Ghostly, and DarkRob, gather around IGEBM on the stage. Chaos brings forth the Unholy Water, a mixture of snake’s blood and non-lethal poison brewed under hellfire. The five of them recite the Rite of the Cryptic Morbid. “O great and mighty Creator, we bring forth a new leader in this community: IGEBM!” Chaos pours the Unholy Water onto IGEBM, and, as it soaks into his suit, Firestar wraps him in Fear Priest robes.

The Fear Priests then leave the stage as Chaos prepares for Firestar’s ceremony. “Guts, come on up!” he says. From the back of the crowd, former Aspect of Horror Guts N. Pixels comes onto the stage, ready to make Firestar into the new Lord of Terror. The two stand on opposite sides of Firestar, who is facing the audience. Chaos speaks first. “O great and mighty Guts N. Pixels, do you agree to Firestar becoming the Lord of Terror?” “I agree.” Guts responds. The two pour the Unholy Water on him, and then remove his Fear Priest robes, replacing them with new Lord of Terror robes. Then, Lord Firestar, Aspect of Horror Chaos, and Guts leave the stage. IGEBM steps onto and says into the mic, “Alright, storytime, everybody!"

Cast (in order of appearance)
@OrderOutOfChaos as Aspect of Horror Peter
Firestar2477278 as Fear Priest/Lord of Terror Firestar
Aspirin60 as Fear Priest Aspirin
GhostlyBit_57 as Fear Priest Ghostly
DarkRob333 as Fear Priest DarkRob
Guts N Pixels as Guts

Si’s Vacation
IGEBM and Si were eating lunch at a McBlockalds, when Si told IGEBM he was planning on going on a cruise. “So, IGE, I was thinking of going in this cruise. I mean, I’ve been getting pretty tired burying all these bodies. By the way, did I tell you that SB was spotted walking down the street at night?” “Wait, what?” IGE responded at the thing about SB. “Yeah, but the grave is perfectly fine.” Si explained. “But, anyways, it’s a 9-day cruise that stops at the Cholan Empire’s island around day 4, and then departs the next morning and we come back to the city.” “I think you should go.” IGE suggests. “And say hi to Elightin, Rob, Golden, and Greief for me.” “Of course!” Si takes a bite out of his McBlockets. “So, once we finish this, wanna come home with me and help me pack?” “Yeah, I’ve got nothing better to do. I’m on a day off from my firm.”

About 10 minutes later, IGE and Si find themselves walking to Si’s house on the outskirts of town, and they begin packing his bags. The next morning, IGEBM meets Si at the docks before he goes to work. “Enjoy your trip.” IGE says. “I’m so glad to be rid of you for once. Just kidding, but remember to say hi to the people I named yesterday.” “Sure.” Si responds. “And I’ll call you and tell you how the cruise is, and let you know when we get to the Cholan Empire.” A couple of minutes later, the ship leaves port, and Si waves to IGE from the top deck before the lawyer goes to work.

Cast (in order of appearance)
LegendarySi as Si

Mentioned (in order of mentioning)
anonpmc4374529 as SB
Elightin_elytra as King Elightin Elytra of the Cholan Empire
Rob333 as Rob
GoldenScientist as Golden
Greief as Greief

Chaos Is Dead - Or Is He?
Peter wakes up on April 1st, ready to see some pranks. Then, he gets an idea, but decides to work on it later. He goes about his morning as normal. IGEBM, his neighbor in their apartment building and friend, was hanging out with the PMC D&D Campaign watching Honor Among Thieves. However, they were going to meet up and have lunch afterwards.

After lunch, the two go to the mall and hang out with Si. By the time they leave, it’s a bit late. As they walk through the parking lot, two masked men in all black point their guns. “Nobody move!” one says. “This is an armed robbery!” Chaos, acting stupid, runs and is shot in the back. IGE, not wanting to resort to violence but now faced with no other option after watching his friend get shot, fires a light blast at the two robbers, knocking them out. He calls 911, and then rushes to Chaos’ side. Si, who was stuck in line at another store, finally got out and spots the two in the parking lot. “IGE, what happened?” he asks. “He got shot.” IGE explains. “Two guys tried to rob us, he ran, they shot him in the back, I knocked them out, and then called 911. “IGE…” Chaos says. “…I’ll miss you…most of all.” He passes out as 911 arrives.

In the hospital, the two stand around Chaos, who’s laying on the hospital bed, and listen as the heart monitor flatlines. “I can’t believe he’s dead.” IGE says. He leaves the hospital, saddened, and goes home. Once home, he makes a post his best friend’s death, and then turns on the TV, watching the announcement by Silabear of the new CFTs. Later that night, Si comes over, and the two talk about his death.The next day, IGE hears a knock on his door in the morning.

“Who is it?” he asks as he opens the door. Then, he sees Chaos standing before him. “Wait, you’re alive?” “Yeah!” he says as the two hug. “Check your PMCNet feed.” IGE grabs his phone, opens the PMCNet app, and sees a post from Chaos. “April Fools?” he asks as he looks up from the screen. Chaos explains everything: he hired actors to play the robbers, had a specific person to answer 911 calls from IGE’s number, and told them to send a specific ambulance crew, which knew that he had rewired the heart monitor (with permission from the hospital staff). “So this was all part of your plan” IGE asks, seemingly angry. “Well, I have nothing else to say but… BEST PRANK EVER!” “Thanks!” Chaos says as he hi-fives IGE.

Cast (in order of apperance)
@OrderOutOfChaos as Peter
LegendarySi as Si
Silabear as Silabear (on TV)

An Ex-Moderator Falls
Adrestio arrives at a small cottage in the woods of the mainland, and inside he finds Stubbs and Stubbs. "I left the meeting as soon as you called, Sila." he says, panting at the doorway. "What's going on?" "It's Cara." Stubbs says. "Her illness..." "Oh no." Adrestio realizes. "How bad has it gotten?" "Adrestio... Stubbs... Sila..." Cara Rose says, laying on her bed in a weakened state. She points at a table. "On that table... is my will... last updated a few days ago... I want you to announce them... on a news broadcast... tomorrow." "Understood." Sila says. "We're sorry the others couldn't make it." "They were either too busy or too far away to get here on time." Stubbs adds. "It's okay..." Cara says. "As long as some of you are here... I'll be happy..." Cara closes her eyes for the last time, dead from the illness.

The next day, Silabear, Stubbs, and Adrestio appear on the channel 1 news. "And now, two members of the Council of Mods and a former councilman will speak about some important information." the reporter says. "Thanks." Adrestio says. He turns to the camera, waiting for Sila to speak. The head councilman speaks. "I have some saddening news: last night, a former councilwoman, Cara Rose, passed away from her illness." he says. "Me and the two people sitting next to me were the only ones there to say goodbye. It's very saddening to see someone you've know since, well, the beginning of your life, die." He hands the mic to Adrestio. "Cara left us her will to read out on live TV." the councilman says. "If one of the people in this will isn't watching this, it's also on PMCCity.gov." He hands the mic to Stubbs, who begins to read the will. "Firstly, she leaves Cara Rose Construction Co. to DreamWanderer."

Cast (in order of appearance)
Adrestio as Adrestio
Stubbs1 as Stubbs
Silabear as Silabear
CaraRose as Cara Rose

Mentioned (in order of mentioning)
DreamWanderer as DreamWanderer

The Four Horsemen Rise
DarkGEBM sits in a coffee shop in PMC City. After IGEBM sent the police after him for harassment and stalking, he has been forced to live a normal life in the city. Luckily for him, he's no longer being watched by the cops, and can now begin preparations for his master's arrival. After getting his coffee, he heads home to his little apartment, where he watches some TV and sees a news report about Cara Rose's death the night before, finishes his drink, and then gets up. "Time to do some recruiting." He warps away.

DarkGEBM appears in the dark forest, on Illager Island. He sneaks through the woods, avoiding teams of vindicators and pillagers, and eventually finds what he's looking for: a small cottage. DarkGEBM knocks on the door, and is greeted by DarkIce. "Greetings, DarkGEBM." the corrupted version of Firestar says in an annoyed voice, as he was hoping for a normal day. "What brings you here?" "I have come to recruit you." DarkGEBM says in Zalgo. "Recruit me to what?" DarkIce responds in the same language, shocked that he can speak it. "I'm forming a team." DarkGEBM explains, still in Zalgo. "A group of Four Horsemen, led by me, to herald the arrival of a powerful entity." "The only entity who I seek to herald the return of is Zalgon." DarkIce responds. "Fine." DarkGEBM says, returning to English. "But know this: Zalgon will be destroyed when this being comes, as will all who stand against him." As he walks out, DarkIce speaks up. "Where are these horses?" he asks. DarkGEBM smiles. Outside, he uses his enhanced powers, which were granted to him by his master. Two demonic skeletal horses, surrounded by green flames, appear. "Hop on." DarkGEBM says as he gets on his horse. The two ride through the woods, entering a ghostly form to hide from the guards and avoid hitting the branches and leaves of the dark oak trees.

They return to the city, where they sneak through the sewers into the Deep Dark, where they find Shadow Zibonzi in a cave cutting up deepslate and putting the pieces together with sculk to make weapons. "DarkGEBM, DarkIce, to what do I owe the pleasure?" the Sculk duplicate asks. "Well, we were wondering if you'd like to join our team." DarkIce asks. "The Four Horsemen." "We seek to herald the arrival of a powerful entity that will raze the planet when he arrives, and destroy all who stand against him." "Hmm." Shadow Zibonzi thinks. "A group of horsemen to serve a powerful entity? Count me in." He follows them to the surface, where DarkGEBM summons three horses instead of two. The three of them ride off into the woods.

They arrive at the cabin of Shadow Greief. He opens the door after DarkGEBM knocks and immediately slams it closed when he sees Shadow Zibonzi. "What's wrong?" he asks. "Too scared to see me?" "No!" Shadow Greief responds. "I don't want to see you! I'm trying to live a normal life!" "You can't deny your true sculk nature." Shadow Zibonzi says. "Whatever it is, I don't want a part in it!" Shadow Greief says. "Now, leave!" "Fine." DarkIce says. "Very well." Shadow Zibonzi responds. "But your choices will have consequences." The three horsemen hop on their steeds and continue on their journey to find a fourth member. However, they find nothing.

Out of nowhere, Silence appears behind them. "Hello." he says. The startled horsemen turn around to see him. "Yeah, appearing behind you and scaring the crap out of you is kinda my thing. My name is Silence." "Aren't you Si's brother?" DarkGEBM asks. "Yes, why?" Silence answers. "Si's a friend of my counterpart in this universe." DarkGEBM explains. He proceeds to explain why he's with DarkIce, Shadow Zibonzi, and a trio of demonic horses. "I'm in." Silence says. "I'm always ready to cause chaos and destroy stuff, and this sounds like it should be an interesting event." DarkGEBM conjures a fourth horse, and together, the Four Horsemen ride on through the dead of night.

Cast (in order of appearance)
DarkGEBM666 as DarkGEBM
DarkIce8727742 as DarkIce
ShadowZibonzi as Shadow ZIbonzi
ShadowGreief as Shadow Greief
-Silence- as Silence

Mentioned (in order of mentioning)
CaraRose as Cara Rose
Firestar2477278 as Aspect of Horror Firestar
LegendarySi as Si

Written by DarkGEBM666
Allow me to tag the mains that weren't already tagged: Zibonzi, Greief, and LegendarySi

Years Later (An Epilogue to "The Fall of PMC City")
It is the year 2033. Three friends are walking back to the city after a nice walk through the woods. On their way, they pass by Si's graveyard. As the older gravedigger polishes the headstone of a man called Chaos Crypteral. Wondering why there are so many headstones in a city (and world) where hardly anyone dies, the three enter the PMC Cemetery. The first one taps Si on the back. "Umm, sir, we'd like to ask you a question." he says. Si turns around. "What is it, youngster?" he asks. "Well, this city has such a low mortality rate, as does the entire planet." the second one asks. "Why are there so many headstones, and why is this one so special out of all the others? Barely any headstones are designed like this." She gestures to the field of graves around them, most of which are ordinary headstones. "So, you want to hear a story?" Si asks. "Yes!" the third one answers. "Follow me." Si says. He leads the kids out of the cemetery and to his cabin nearby.

In the cabin, Si sits the kids down. "Hey, IGE, these young ones want to hear a story about Chaos!" IGEBM, who was in kitchen making lunch (he was visiting Si at the cemetery to help him out with grave polishing, and went to the cabin to make them lunch), walks into the living room, where he sits down next to Si. "Let me tell you a story about an incredible artist, skilled blacksmith, and hero to many." he says.

"Chaos Crypteral was born on February 14th, 2020-" IGE is interrupted. "That's Valentine's Day." the first kid says. "Yes, now let me continue." IGE says. "As I said, he was born on February 14th, 2020 in PMC City, and, several months after his birth, he was taught by four skilled smiths in the four forms of smithing. He learned how to be a whitesmith from a great warrior who had retired and became a whitesmith, he learned how to be a redsmith from a copper miner who became a redsmith after quitting his mining job, and he learned how to be a yellowsmith from a gold seller who forged with the metal in his spare time. However, most importantly, he learned how to be a blacksmith from a kind, caring, and brave man on a taiga island, who Chaos regarded as a father figure. Chaos spent several weeks on that island, learning the art of blacksmithing, and, at the end of his training, he was gifted a sgian dubh by his teacher, which he has had with him ever since. He left the island, but returned to it a few months later because he heard news that his teacher had fallen ill and was dying. According to him, his master's dying wish was to take care of the island, which Chaos did by building a small cabin on the island and visiting it every month to keep things tidy there. Si, wanna tell them about Shadow?"

"Gladly." Si responds. "In PMC City, he regularly attended the Circle of Caring Souls church, where he began to develop a crush on the pastor, a girl named Shadow. The two became good friends, and Shadow even started to develop a crush on him! A few months before Valentine's Day in 2023, the two professed their love to each other and became a couple. He really loved Shadow, and she loved him just as much, and they were very happy together. After Chaos formed the Forge on his teacher's island, the two built a house where they lived together. Sadly, that all came to end in April of 2023. IGE, care to finish this story?"

"I don't see why not." IGE says. "As you may know from the history books, between late March and early April of 2023, the entire planet was at war. We recently passed the 10-year anniversary of that war ending. I'm sure you all know about the Battle of PMC City, when the people of the Overworld and the End united against King Noncommercial and the Nether Empire in a final showdown in the ruins of PMC City, but, in my knowledge, you guys barely learned about the Fall of PMC City. Well, let me tell you about it. Me and my team, the Soda Strike Team, which consisted of me and my friends Peter, Pig, and Ella, had returned from the End to PMC City after battling the Crimson Butchers alongside Lord Piaccu of the End and two of his highest-ranking military soldiers. Now, the reason we returned was because our commanding officer, General Playz, had sent a distress call to us saying that the Nether Army had invaded the City and him and a few others were holed up under the military base in a bunker. After a battle in the streets, during which Noncommercial himself arrived in a mech, we found ourselves losing. Our men had guns to their heads, and Stubbs was trying to help out in a tank. Then, Chaos arrived, and with him came Shadow, their friend Trot, and the Forge Apprentices.

"They turned the tide of the battle, but then Noncommercial returned after leaving the battlefield for a bit. Using a massive cannon that seemed to have been engineered by his chief scientist, he cut Cyprezz Tower in two at the middle and the top half of it came down and wrecked part of the city, as well as trapping Chaos under a piece of rubble. Shadow pulled him out, and helped him stand as we all looked around at the destroyed area around us. Those of us battling the Empire fled to the Ancient City, where General Axo and High Councilman Silabear had evacuated the rest of the city. However, the piglins, led by some crazy, gold-eyed scientist, followed us to the cave entrance, where me, the Strike Team, the Apprentices, Shadow, Trot, and a weakened Chaos tried to hold them off so the others could escape. In the end, Chaos, knowing he would soon die from his injuries, asked Pig to give him a grenade, said his goodbyes to us, Shadow especially, and then set the timer as the piglins surrounded him. As we ran deeper into the cave, we saw the explosion bring down the roof of the cave entrance, killing Chaos, that crazy piglin, and anyone else caught in the blast. Shadow was heartbroken, and Trot had to literally carry her down the tunnel to prevent her from getting caught in the blast and being either injured or killed."

"So, yeah, that's the story of Chaos Crypteral." Si says. "Now do you three understand why that grave is so special?" "Yep." the second kid says. "I never knew there was so much history behind this guy." the third one says. "Do you either of guys have a picture of him?" "Sure." Si says. He takes out his phone and scrolls through his Library to the year 2022, where he finds a picture he was asked to take of Chaos, Shadow, and Trot. "There's Chaos in the middle, in his casual wear." "Oh yeah, I remember that jacket." IGE says. "He loved that jacket. When we found his will, he said he'd like to be buried wearing it." "Dang." the first kid says. "Well, anyways, I guess we'll be on our way. Bye." The other two say goodbye and then leave the cabin, continuing on their way to the city."

"It's hard to believe that there's a whole generation of PMCers out there who don't know anything about this guy, or anyone who died during that period where the mortality rate here died." IGE says. "Yeah, same." Si says. "At least we were able to teach a few people about him. One day, we're gonna die too, and we'll be forgotten like all the others." "Let's hope that takes a while, though." IGE says. He hears the microwave ding. "Oh, hey, those secret nuggets I put in the microwave are done." He goes to the kitchen to get their lunch.

Cast (in order of appearance)
Young PMCer #1
Young PMCer #2
Young PMCer #3
LegendarySi as Si

Mentioned (in order of mentioning)
TheCrypteral as Chaos Crypteral
ShadowOnTheLoose as Shadow
@OrderOutOfChaos as Peter
TheMcPig as Pig
Pixella_9487 as Ella
LeLovesJazz as Lord Piaccu of the End
AxolotlArmy as General Axo Playz
Noncommercial as King Noncommercial of the Nether Empire
Stubbs1 as Stubbs
Trotelot as Trot
Dr. Goldeye

A Casual Encounter With a Council Member
It was a normal day for Gracie. She had been walking through the streets of PMC City after spending the weekend with her boyfriend, Piaccu. However, something that happened that would make this day a memorable day, for she had walked into a coffee shop and ended up sitting down next to none other than Uknownymous, a member of the Council of Mods!

At first, Gracie doesn't notice this and simply opens her notebook to start writing a story. Then, her phone beeps, and she takes it out and sees that Piaccu has sent her a text about a possible time they can go on a date, but he accidentally wrote "Tuesday, April 30th" instead of "Tuesday, May 30th." Gracie begins to type a response, and says the text to herself as she writes it. "It's May." she says to herself. "It's after April." "I've heard certain people discovered time travel." Uknownymous responds, curiously reading the text Piaccu sent and the text Gracie is writing. "Oh my God, wait, you're-" Gracie is cut off. "Yep." Uknownymous says. "I've decided some more time out and about, so hi, I'm Uknownymous." They shake Gracie's hand. "Gracie." she responds. "Well, um, anyways, what I was gonna say - before I saw who you were - was, 'Congrats, you have completed life!'" Uknownymous chuckles at the response. "You won the Internet!" she responds joyously. "Who knew I'd be having such fun with a mod- I mean, a regular PMCer." Gracie says excitedly. "Fair enough." Uknownymous says, giggling. "It's hard to think of us Council members as people sometimes, but yeah, we're all PMCers. "Well, yeah, but does Cyprezz ever seem robotic sometimes?" Gracie asks. "I mean, first of all, do you guys speak to him or anything like that?" "Firstly, yes, every once in a while, we communicate with our creator, and yes, he does seem robotic sometimes." Uknownymous responds. "When his avatar comes down to the Tower, his eyes occasionally light up when he goes off on a rant about robots taking over the world or something and then wiping us out. It's kinda concerning, especially considering the fact that he's a literal god and could kill us with the snap of a finger, but I guess that's just life, right? Nothing to worry about."

"Okay, I believe you." Gracie says. "It's hard to believe, but I believe you." "If you're intimidated, hide in a dirt hut." the Council member says with a chuckle. "I've heard that staying there for the night works. I think. Maybe." "Okay, I'll try it sometime." Gracie responds. Then, Uknownymous gets an email from Silabear. They read it. "I gotta go." they say afterwards, rushing out of the coffee shop. "Okay, it was nice talking to you!" Gracie shouts as she leaves.

Cast (in order of appearance)
GracieMockingjay as Gracie
Uknownymous as Uknownymous

Mentioned (in order of mentioning)
LeLovesJazz as Lord Piaccu of the End
Silabear as Silabear

Based on the comments of this wall post
Return of the Grimm Knight!

It was another normal day in PMC City. Well, if a curfew being put in place to protect the people of the city from a crazed version of IGEBM from another universe is considered normal. Gracie was in her apartment, writing another short story on her desk, when she felt a presence near her. She got up from her desk and walked around, checking to see if anyone was nearby. When she walked near the door leading into the bathroom, she felt cold, and when she went into the bathroom, she felt even colder. "That's weird." she says to herself as she leaves the room. That night, she goes back into the bathroom to brush her teeth, and when she enters the room, she sees writing on the wall! It reads, "It's Grimm. Go to the cemetery tmrw." "Wait, what?" she says to herself. When she goes to bed, she thinks about whether she should go or not. After all, it could easily just be her friends pranking her.

The next morning, Gracie decides to go to cemetery. She finds Grimm's headstone and waits. A few minutes later, she feels a similar way to the way she felt the previous night. "It's been a while." a familiar voice says. A ghostly figure appears before her: Grimm's ghost! "Grimm?!" Gracie asks, shocked. "Is it- is it really you?" "Yes, Gracie, it's really me." Grimm says. "Then prove it." Gracie says. "Prove this isn't a prank by telling me something only Grimm would know. What day was it that you told me about the fall of your mech squadron?" "December 12th, 2022." Grimm responds. "It really is you!" Gracie cheers. "I'd hug you, but I'd go right through you. Is there a reason you're appearing to me now and not after you died?" "Well, I was able to escape the ethereal plane, but my time on the mortal one is limited, unless we complete a ritual. For that to happen, however, we'll need a personal belonging of mine and someone who knows necromancy." "I know exactly who to go to." Gracie says.

She takes Grimm to an apartment in the city, and she knocks on the door. Rakkitatoru, who is staying in PMC City for a few weeks, opens it. "What is it?" she asks. "Just so you know, you're the only one who can hear and see me." Grimm says to Gracie. "I'll explain in a moment." Gracie responds. "Can I come inside?" "Of course!" Rakkitatoru says, leading Gracie into the apartment. The two sit down on the couch, where she explains everything. "So, basically, you need me to perform a necromancy ritual - a type of magic I'm not very good at - to resurrect your dead ex-boyfriend?" Rakkitatoru asks. "I'm in! What about that personal item?" "On our one-month anniversary, Grimm gave me a gift: a piece of plating from the very first mech ever piloted." Gracie explains. "It was a small, light piece of metal that he carried around his neck every day after he left the military, and he gave it to me." "It'll work." Grimm says to Gracie. "And he just said it'll work." Gracie adds.

Rakkitatoru sets up the ritual in the living room, turning off the lights, spreading out a special tablecloth on the table and lighting a few candles. She place the piece of metal in the center of the table, and had herself and Gracie sit at the table on opposite sides of it. Finally, Gracie told Grimm to stand on the table, in the same place as the metal. Rakkitatoru recited an incantation in another language, and the candles went out. All of a sudden, the ghost of Grimm began to fade into existence. However, this time, he is not a ghost. Grimm has returned to life!

The mech pilot looks at his body. He steps down from the table and taps Gracie's shoulder. His hand doesn't go through it. "I'm back!" he cheers. "I'm alive!" "Well, time to write a long recap of everything that's happened since you died." Gracie says.

Cast (in order of appearance)
GracieMockingjay as Gracie
TheGrimmKnight as Grimm Knight
Rakkitatoru as Rakkitatoru

Mentioned (in order of mentioning)
The Maddened One

Post-Apocalypse (A "The Great Convergence" Epilogue)
IGEBM walks out of his apartment building in his new attire: a tan hoodie, with a Master of Puppets t-shirt underneath, as well as gray sweatpants and electric blue sneakers. "I've been wearing suits and capes for so long, I'm not used to this." he says to himself as he walks down the street, waving at the neighbors on his way to the Nugget Factory. He's officially quit being a lawyer, deciding to focus on his writing career while working at Factory. He arrives at the restaurant and opens the door, seeing that there are four customers waiting for their food to be served. He walks into kitchen and sees Si frantically trying to put together the four orders. "Need a hand?" IGE asks. "Please do." Si responds. "You can do orders 2 and 3. 2 is a medium order of Animal Nuggets and a Coke, and 3 is a small order of Normals." "Copy that." IGE says, preparing order 2. "I see you finally changed your outfit." Si says as he prepares order 1 (a large order of Mysterious Nuggets). "Yeah, I officially quit the firm yesterday, so I don't have to wear a suit all the time." IGE responds. "You got rid of the royal wear too." Si adds, before noticing he still has his crown. "But you kept the crown?" "Losing the cape and shoulder pads is my way of letting go of and coming to terms with what happened on Hell's Island back in November." IGE explains. "I kept the crown as a memory of my old life. It'll always be a part of me." "Got it." Si says. He steps out of the kitchen to server order 1. IGE follows him out with order 3. Storm walks in, followed by Pinkie a few minutes later. They continue serving, and at lunch, IGE goes for a walk through PMC City.

On his walk, he takes in the beauty of the city and appreciates what the Council of Mods have created. When he gets back, he goes back to serving orders of chicken nuggets until nighttime. "You working the night shift?" Storm asks as he opens the door to head home. "Not today, but I'm gonna stay a bit to clean up." "Well, see you tomorrow!" Pinkie says as she follows Storm out. They head home while IGE picks up a broom and dustpan and starts sweeping up the nugget crumbs. As he wipes the tables, Si notices something's off with IGE. He doesn't do anything, for fear of hurting his friend, and they finish up cleaning the main room, before going into the kitchen to clean that area as well. Once they finish, they leave, with Si locking up the store for the night. "See you tomorrow, IGE." he says as they head home.

IGE spends some time on the roof of his apartment building, admiring the city at night, when Si appears behind him. "You okay?" he asks, sitting down next to his friend. "Yeah, why do you ask?" IGE answers. "Well, you looked a little sad while we were cleaning up." Si responds. "I just wanted to check and see if my friend was okay." IGE sighs before taking out the gun of Studio Series 101 Scourge to fidget with while he talks. "When I went for that walk during lunch, I spent my time looking around at this lovely city." he explains. "It made me realize how poorly I've been towards Sodaville. You know, the town's kinda in shambles. Me, Peter, Pig, Taco, and Kiwi stayed there for a few weeks after the war ended, then we slowly started leaving: me and Peter came back here, no longer enemies, Pig went on his own adventures after our trip to the End before Piaccu was king, Taco disappeared for a bit, and Kiwi stopped hanging out with us for a while. Seeing how well the Council has treated this city and taken care of it, it makes me feel like I could have done better. I mean, I could have, but it hurts to feel like that." "Then go back." Si says. "Get everyone back together. I mean, besides Peter, but yeah, meet them all in Sodaville and start fixing things there. I'll give you the month off from the Factory." "That's... actually a good idea!" IGE says. "Thanks! I'll say my goodbyes tomorrow morning and leave in the afternoon. Lemme text the group chat." He takes out his phone while Si gets up and heads back to his apartment building across the street. "Good night!" he says as he heads down the stairs. IGE says it back while texting the chat and going back to his apartment.

The next day, he goes to work again, but tells his friends he's leaving work at 11, and leaving for Sodaville at noon. "I'll be back in August." he explains. "Si's given the month off, I'm leaving at 11 to tell everyone else about it, and me and the others are gonna fix our city." "Well, good luck." Storm says. "See you in August!" Pinkie adds. "By the way, it was my idea, for him to go back." Si says. "Yes, it was your idea." IGE responds. "I gotta give credit where it's due." He takes orders, makes food, and then says goodbye to his coworkers one last time before leaving to find his other friends throughout the city and let them know what's happening, and to tell anyone who doesn't know and asks where he is.

At noon, Si arrives at the docks before IGE leaves for Sodaville in his boat. "Well, I guess we'll see you in August." he says. "Keep in touch!" "Of course!" IGE responds. "See you in a month." He puts his last bag on the boat and boards it, before pulling out of the harbor while waving goodbye to his friend. When he arrives in Sodaville, he sees Taco and Kiwi (Pig was busy) standing outside the cafe, with Taco sipping from a can of Diet Coke and Kiwi sipping from a can of Coke Zero while they catch up. "Hey guys!" IGE says, waving at them as he unloads his bags. "I'm guessing you already dropped off your bags at your houses?" he asks. "Yeah." Taco answers. "I haven't seen either of you in so long, I was worried you wouldn't respond!" IGE says. "Taco, you changed your number, and I almost forgot about it until I remembered Gracie telling me about it a few months back. And Kiwi, you were gone for, like, a month, and then you texted the chat last week." "Sorry we missed the funeral." Kiwi says. "It's fine." IGE says. "It must have been hard, you know, watching him die." Taco says. "It was." IGE answers. "But I came to terms with it. I still miss him, though." They all look at the city. "You guys ready to get to work?" he asks. "Let's do this." Kiwi answers.

Cast (in order of appearance)
LegendarySi as Si
Stormy as Storm
ghostoftheglade as Pinkie
TacoFromDaSky as Taco
2000sindie as Kiwi

Mentioned (in order of mentioning)
@OrderOutOfChaos as Peter
TheMcPig as Pig
GracieMockingjay as Gracie Mockingjay

An Old Friend Returns
It has been a little over 5 months since the imprisonment of Emmin and Blazer, who were sentenced to 5 months in PMC World Prison - the highest-security prison on the planet - for stealing classified documents.

Arianwyn wakes up and checks the calendar. "July 11th!" she cheers. "One day 'til my best friend gets released!" She excitedly leaves her house and meets up with Greief, Dr. Golden, King Elightin Elytra, Rob, and Zibonzi at Cafe Chola. "So, Emmin's getting released tomorrow." she tells them. "And I think we should have a big party for her return here in the Cholan Empire!" "I can arrange for the streets to be shut down." Elightin says. "And I can set up lights, sounds, and other technical stuff." "I'll help, and pick up Emmin tomorrow morning." Greief adds. "Me and Zib can decorate the streets around Castle Cholan." Rob says. "I'll head to the party store right now." Zibonzi says, getting up and taking his coffee with him "Then it's settled!" Arian says. "I'll write and send out the invites. Let's go! We have one day to get this ready!"

Throughout the day (and a little of the following morning), the team work to prepare for the celebration. In addition to picking out their outfits for the party, they also rush to make everything perfect for their friend's return. Elightin issues a notice that the streets around Castle Cholan will be closed from 6 PM OT until midnight the following day. After the streets are cleared, Golden drives her van over to the front of the castle with several trailers hitched to each other like a train. She unloads the equipment on them and begins to set up the spotlights and sound system around the castle. As she sets up, Rob and Zibonzi arrive on the scene and begin to decorate the streets with colorful streamers and banners saying, "Welcome back Emmin!" Meanwhile, Arian wrote all the invitations and sent them out, with everyone RSVPing.

The next day, everything was finished being set up after a break to sleep during the night. At 8:40 AM, a live broadcast began on every news channel worldwide showing Head Councilman Silabear and Greief arriving outside PMC World Prison aboard Golden's ship, the Golden Glory, where the latter stood on the steps as Silabear entered the prison. The councilman bear emerged seven minutes later with 5 guards and Emmin, whereupon he personally took off her handcuffs. She ran over to the Greief and hugged him before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "We have a big surprise for you." Greief says. "I can't wait!" Emmin cheers. Along with Silabear (who was invited to the party), they board the Glory and head back to the Cholan Empire. They disembark, with Silabear going ahead of them to get to the celebration to join everyone else at the castle entrance. Greief covers his girlfriend's eyes and leads her from the docks to the front of Castle Cholan, where he takes his hands off of them. The first thing she sees is the 500+ PMCers standing in a massive crowd in front of the castle. "WELCOME BACK, EMMIN!" they shout in unison (as does Greief, who joins them in the crowd). "I can't begin to say how grateful I am for this!" Emmin says. She runs up to Arian (who is in the front of the crowd) and hugs her tightly. Arian hugs back before letting go. "Alright, time for the picture!" she says. Golden, also in the front of the crowd, throws a ball into the air, out of which come a pair of wings. The drone flies above the crowd as everyone poses for the shot, looking up, making faces, and waving their hands in the air. A holographic countdown appears above the drone.

3... 2... 1... SNAP!

A picture falls out of the bottom of the drone, which IGEBM catches and passes to Si, who passes it to Storm, who passes it to someone else until it gets to Arian and Emmin. "Now, who's ready to party?" Rob asks. The crowd disperses and everyone walks through the streets, going to various stores and stands and enjoying the celebration.

Cast (in order of appearance):
Arianwyn as Arianwyn
Greief as Greief
GoldenScientist as Dr. Golden
Elightin_elytra as King Elightin Elytra of the Cholan Empire
Rob333 as Rob
Zibonzi as Zibonzi
Silabear as Silabear
Emminlk12 as Emmin
LegendarySi as Si
Stormy as Storm

Note: For those wondering what happened to Blazer, he was released a few weeks later, as he had fled the crime scene before the cops could arrive and was given the same sentence a few weeks after Emmin, thus making his release date after hers. Also, for those wondering about this sudden change in Emmin's story in my lore, which is different from what it says in the lore blog, I've decided to change it because the explanation for her banning in my lore was too confusing.

Cloning Gone Crazy
Blue meets Greief in an alleyway next to his apartment building. "What'd you want to talk to me about?" he asks the scientist. "Well, I recently engineered some cloning tech, and I was looking for someone to test it on." Greief responds. "Wanna be my guinea pig?" Blue thinks for a second. "I'll pay $100." Greief adds. "I'm in." Blue says, shaking his hand. They take his car to the edge of the woods outside of the city, and then walk the rest of the way to Greief's underground lab. Eventually, they arrive at a bunker door in the middle of the forest. Greief opens it using a keycard, and leads Blue down the ladder.

The two arrive in a large lab, with several cloning pods against the wall. In addition, there are numerous consoles and other machines littered throughout the space. "Okay, so you're just gonna step into that open pod right over there." Greief says, pointing to an open pod at the right end of the line. Blue steps in, and the scientist closes the pod's door, before pushing some buttons. He turns on a camera. "The date is Sunday, September 10th, 2023 at 2:10 PM OT. This is cloning test #1. The test subject is Blue "Tribby" Tribalt, a local comedian who goes by the stage name of BlueBoyBuilds. I'm about to create RedBoyBuilds." He pushes a button and the pod next to Blue begins to fill with red smoke. A few moments later, the smoke clears, and a being identical to Blue appears, but instead of being blue, he's red. Both pods open and they step out. "I'm Red "Tribby" Tribalt." the clone says. "I'm Blue "Tribby" Tribalt." Blue responds. "You look good." "Thanks." Red responds. "So do you." "As you can see, I have just created the first successful clone in PMC history." Greief says, pointing his camera at Red. As he walks backwards to get the entire cloning set-up in the shot, he knocks over the can of Sprite he was drinking earlier. The soda spills onto the console, causing it to short circuit, and sparks fly in the pipes and wires that link the cloning pods. The other pods begin to fill with different-colored mist, and soon, there are more clones of Blue. "What?!" Blue, Greief, and Red say at the same time.

Greief sets the camera on his desk and grabs three crowbars, and, with help from Blue and Red, uses them to pry open the pods. Each clone steps out and introduces themselves: Green, a green female clone of Blue with a love of arson, Magenta, a magenta adult clone with a love of creating, White, a white adult female clone who enjoys writing, Pink, a pink male clone who plays games of various kinds, Teal, a teal clone who sleeps a lot, Violet, a violet hippie clone, and Yellow, a younger yellow clone who yodels a lot. "Holy Cyprezz, that's a lot of me." Blue says. "Alright, it seems that the experiment has gotten a bit out of hand." Greief says. "At least things can't get worse." As if on cue, the clones (sans Red) begin touching and tampering with the stuff around the lab. "Don't touch that!" Greief shouts at Magenta, who is pressing buttons on his 3D printer. "Or that!" He pulls Pink away from a large PC meant to handle lots of things running at once. "And least of all that!" Green activates a timed plasma bomb. "Time to blow something up." she says excitedly. Greief rush towards her and takes the bomb out of her hand before tossing it to Blue. "Get that out of here!" he says. "Why me?" Blue asks. "JUST DO IT!" Greief shouts. Blue hurriedly climbs up the ladder and carries the bomb through the woods as the timer counts down. 10 seconds before it explodes, he sets it down far away from the lab and runs as if he's about to get mutilated by a monster from one of Guts' stories, narrowly escaping the blast radius as the bomb explodes. He returns to the lab and tells Greief that the bomb's been dealt with.

The next day, everything seems to have calmed down. The clones (including Red) have been tagged so Greief can keep an eye on them, and Red has moved in with Blue. The two are planning a comedy double act when Blue gets a text from Greief to check the news. Blue opens the PMCNews app on his phone and sees an article saying that head councilman Silabear has temporarily changed his name to BrownBearModerates, Ayanoaishi has temporarily changed her name to PurpleGirlKills, and there's a new PMCer named OrangeOctopusOrchestrates. Red than watches as Blue puts his phone face down on the table, gets up from the couch, walks into his room, opens a window, and then sticks his head out of the window. The next thing Red hears is Blue screaming in surprise and annoyance.

Cast (in order of appearance):
BlueBoyBuilds as Blue "Tribby" Tribalt
Greief as Greief
RedBoyBuilds as Red "Tribby" Tribalt
GreenGirlGriefs as Green
MagentaManMakes as Magenta
WhiteWomanWrites as White
PinkPersonPlays as Pink
TealHumanSleeps as Teal
anonpmc4776391 as Violet
YellowYounginYodels as Yellow

Mentioned (in order of mentioning):
Guts N Pixels as Guts
Silabear as Silabear/BrownBearModerates
Ayanoaishi as Ayanoaishi/PurpleGirlKills
anonpmc4776536 as OrangeOctopusOrchestrates

From now on, I'm gonna be adding a song to each story that fits with the theme. In this case, it's Helloween's "Dr. Stein," from their 1988 album Keeper of the Seven Keys: Part II, which is about a mad scientist's cloning experiments.

Tales of the Multiverse
A New Era for the Chaos Legion
Universal Stream: Chaoseus 1122.27

It was a dark day for the Chaos Legion. Their Supreme Commanding Legionmaster, anonpmc4374529, had been gravely wounded by Astral Beasts in battle. His fellow soldiers, now only a team of 36, stand around him as he lays on his deathbed. “SB, please, don’t go.” his fellow SCL violiie pleads. “I’m sorry… but I’m afraid… this is the end.” SG responds, lifting his head to look at her. “Sach… promise you’ll… take good care of the Legion for me? Keep… fighting the good fight… find survivors… stop him…” SB’s head falls back onto the pillow, dead from his wounds. A medic, BookWyrm_, checks his pulse. “He’s gone.” he says. The soldiers of the Chaos Legion salute their leader. Sach leaves the medbay, now the only commander of the Chaos Legion.

In her quarters, she rests on her bed. “Why did it have to be him, and why now?” she wonders aloud. SB’s ghost appears next to the bed. “Wait, SB, is that you?!” “Yeah, it’s me.” he says. “Can we talk?” “Sure.” she responds. The ghost sits down on the side of the bed. Sach sits up next to him. “Look, I know it’s hard to see your friend die.” SB begins. “But I’ve been leading the Legion for a long time, and I think it’s time for a change of management. We’ve been fighting this war for God knows how long, and I feel like I’ve been a bad commander. I think it’s time for someone better to lead.” “I guess.” Sach responds. “But I’m scared to lead. I’m constantly worried that I’ll fail us if I ever to were lead.” “I understand.” SB says, “If you’re not confident in your ability to lead, and I mean, if you’re really not confident, than you could always elect a new leader.” “That’s… actually a great idea!”

For the next two weeks, Sach runs a vote for the Legion members to choose who will be the next Supreme Commanding Legionmaster. Entering this vote are Apprentice Legionmaster LegendarySi, Battlemaster Sp3nc3r_, and Recruit IGEBM, a recently-found survivor who’s been hiding a boarded-up house in the suburbs of PMC City, which were overtaken by Astral Beasts. No one voted for Spencer, while IGE gets the second-most amount of votes. Si is winning the election now. As she watches Commanding Infantryman LBoomsky vote, Sach notices a strange etching in the wall:

Darkness will fall upon the multiverse itself
And the world will enter a new era
An era of darkness
An era of evil
An era where the Maddened One shall reign supreme
And they will know when he comes
When the sky lights up
With the glow of madness and death
And Hell breaks loose
And death rains from above

She is concerned, but decides that they’ll worry about it later.

Somewhere else in the multiverse, in Normax 1010.17, Tzyber sees the same words etched into a stone in the woods. “Hmm.” he says. “Sounds familiar."

The PMC Revolution, Part 1: Anarchy Over Monarchy
Universal Stream: Revolutia 423.7

It was a dark day for Planet Minecraft. Sure, they had beaten the Nether Empire in the Nether War in a climactic showdown in PMC City, during which the nations of the Overworld came to the aid of the people of PMC City and defeated King Noncommercial, but in this battle, the Forge lost their leader, TheCrypteral. Many regarded him as a king amongst PMCers. On Illager Island, illager is deeply saddened at the lost of "King" Chaos Crypteral as well, and realizes that maybe PMC actually does need a monarchy to reduce the chance of another war like this happening. Little did he know he was about to start another conflict.

Illager left the throne room of the Woodland Mansion and went to his study, where he began considering potential candidates for a new king or queen of the planet. He created a website called PMCMonarchy.com, where people could vote for either GracieMockingjay, anonpmc4072473, ManuelXXVI, Hello_there__, or LeLovesJazz, or they could suggest another candidate for king, and then there would be a physical vote on a designated day where people could voice their opinions on the candidates in public. One person (or robot, if you want to get technical), known as StaticNCogs, wasn't too happy about this, believing that PMC was fine with its current governing system of each nation having its own government, and didn't thing that the planet needed a king. In PMC City, they began putting together a revolution.

Based in their house in the city, Static created a system where a revolution leader would be elected, and they would decide who their right-hang man is. The other roles would basically be first come, first server, with whoever was quickest to the station and able to write their name down in time getting that role. IGEBM, one of the four generals, found an anthem for them in the form of Twisted Sister's hit "We're Not Gonna Take It," and stlMitch made a flag for them. General IGEBM also came up with a motto that summed up their goals: "Anarchy over monarchy." (Even though what they really wanted was freedom and equality.) Static would later end the election for the revolution leader and became the leader, choosing to remove the right-hand man position. With everything ready, the revolution mobilized.

On Election Day (April 11th, 2023, 4 days after Illager started the monarchy and Static started the revolution), they marched down Paril Road (the long and wide road that goes from the harbor all the way to Cyprezz Tower, and where the Battle of PMC City took place) to the election area that was set up outside Cyprezz Tower (which was undergoing repairs after former King Noncommercial split in half with a massive energy cannon), armed with laser rifles supplied by revolution members that were in the PMC Military. The election area was guarded by members of the Illager Clan, who took up arms against the rebels. During what became known as the Election Day Uprising, the people of PMC City who didn't join the revolution nor sympathized with them were all agreeing that, instead of one of the candidates being elected, the new King of Planet Minecraft should be Head Councilman Silabear, on the Council of Mods. Illager, understanding what the people wanted, elected Silabear as king just as the rebels were overpowered by security. Many were able to escape, fleeing to the harbor to escape the city for a few days until this all blows over. Sadly, Static was caught and thrown in jail by the new king, arrested for inciting an insurrection.

This wasn't the end for the revolution, however, as, after returning to his home in the End, Lord LeLovesJazz (one of the members of the revolution) decided to pick up where Static left off and began to form a new organization.
The PMC Revolution, Part 2: Piaccu's Revolution

Universal Stream: Revolutia 423.7

Previously, Illager accidentally created a monarchy when he thought the fallen Chaos was the king of PMC, and now the planet is ruled by King Silabear. Static attempted to rebel against him, but it failed. Luckily, the rebels won't be gone forever, as, in the End, Lord Piaccu is working on forming a new organization...

It is April 12th, 2023, and Silabear has been king for one day. In the Dragon Fortress, Piaccu finalizes the flier for his new organization, before hearing a knock on the door. "Come in." he says. Commander Worpin, Head of the Ender Royal Guard and Military, walks into the room. "My Lord, are you almost done?" he asks. "Silabear is growing more tyrannical. He's thinking of outlawing mean-ness." "Don't worry." Piaccu says, getting up from his desk. "Would you and brother like to copy and then pass out fliers here in the End while I do the same in PMC City?" He takes the flier off of his desk. "Of course." Worpin responds, taking the flier out of Piaccu's hand. He rushes to the copy room and returns with the original flier and a stack of copies, leaving it on the desk, while handing his lord half of the stack of copies, before leaving to meet up with his brother, Lieutenant Endrys of the Ender Army.

Piaccu goes through the portal in the town square and arrives in Silabear Tower, the renamed Cyprezz Tower where the new king of Planet Minecraft resides. He teleports out to avoid running into guards, and begins to put up fliers for Lé And People Against Dictatorship And Communism, or LAPADAC for short. He stays in his apartment in PMC City for the night, waiting for notifications from his secret, newly-launched LAPADAC app for people asking to join. He wakes up the next day to a news report saying Silabear has officially outlawed mean-ness. Luckily, he also wakes up to LAPADAC notifications, and allows the people the join. They meet in his apartment an hour later, and make a plan to sow as much rebellion as possible throughout the planet. Unfortunately, Silabear somehow finds out about this plan and outlaws two things: 8-balls and revolutionists. Everyone in the organization is angered at the outlawing of 8-balls, and proceed to stage a small protest outside Silabear Tower, demanding the 8-ball be allowed again. That night, before he goes to bed, Silabear allows the 8-ball. The revolutionists come up with the idea to make it their organization symbol, as it was their first victory.

Over the next few days, LAPADAC began to grow, while Silabear also outlawed their rallying cry of "Vive la Révolution!" and all cookies other than InDigestives®. He also banned dihydrogen monoxide, also known as water, and commanded everyone to worship the suspension railways he was planning to build to connect the nations.

"Alright, is everyone clear on the parliament?" Piaccu asks the revolutionists before the third of the daily LAPADAC meeting ends. They respond with a mix of "yes" and "uh-huh," and also nods. "Um, Piaccu, we may have a problem." Gracie says in the front of the crowd, looking up from her phone after she got a notification from PMC News. "What is it?" Piaccu asks. "Silabear just publicly thanked his anonymous spy in LAPADAC for feeding information on their plans for the last two days." Gracie answers. "Look." She hands him her phone, with a video open. "My plan is working, thank you anonymous spy." Silabear says in the video, during a press conference happening outside the tower at the same time as the meeting. A newscaster uploaded the clip while recording the event. "Well, does anyone have anything they're hiding from us?" Piaccu asks as he hands his girlfriend's phone back. The crowd is silent. "Alright, Gracie, you, Afap, and Wffl are in charge of finding and getting rid of the mole." "On it!" Gracie says. "We won't let you down!" Afap says. "He's gonna tear down all of PMC..." Wffl says to himself before hearing his new task. "Got it, Piaccu!"

After the meeting, Piaccu watches the live footage of the press conference on his TV. He watches the king ban Pluto and Wyoming, and declare Flynecraft a knight. "I am honored, my king." he says on the screen, bowing down to him on the stage. After seeing this, Piaccu turns off the TV and teleports out of his apartment.

He materializes behind Silabear on the stage. "Hey, where'd you come from?" FWS, a Silabear loyalist guarding the stage, asks, before attempting to handcuff him. Piaccu trips him and taps the king on the back. "What is it?" he asks he turns around. "Oh, you're one of those revolutionists I've been trying to get rid of. What do you want?" "I want to offer an alternative to the monarchy." Piaccu answers. He pulls the parliamentary papers from his satchel and shows them to Silabear, who laughs. "Are you serious?" he asks. "I would never allow this. In fact..." He turns to the mic. "I haven't done the paperwork for this, but I have a new ban." he says. "As of today, April 15th, 2023, I am banning parliaments!" The crowd cheers, and Piaccu is angered further. He shoves Silabear aside, knocking him to the ground (FWS and Sir Flynecraft rushed over to help him) and standing at the podium. "I'll let my 'king' finish, but first, LAPADC is declaring war on 'King' Silabear of Planet Minecraft and all who follow him and his monarchy!" he says into mic, before teleporting away as the crowd boos.

Cast (in order of appearance)
LeLovesJazz as Lord Piaccu of the End
Commander Worpin, Head of the Ender Royal Guard and Military
GracieMockingjay as Gracie Mockingjay
Silabear as King Silabear
Darkfap as Afap
ItsYeWffl as Wffl
Flyrr as Sir Flynecraft OPMCE*
Marshal GrossDemonStein as FWS

Mentioned (in order of mentioning)
illager as Illager
TheCrypteral as Chaos
StaticNCogs as Static
Lieutenant Endrys of the Ender Army

*Order of the Planet Minecraft Empire

Credit to this widget on the LAPADAC group page for helping me write out when all the events happen (and thus to whoever made it)!

16 Update Logs

New Story - Cloning Gone Crazy : by IGEBM 09/10/2023 2:40:39 pmSep 10th, 2023

Wrote a new story about the slew of fake BlueBoyBuilds alt accounts that have been created today (as well as Blue and LegendarySi's alt RedBoyBuilds)

I couldn't find a way to explain how both Blue and Si were in control of Red, but otherwise, I think I nailed the clones pretty well. I also based their personalities and characteristics on their names. (For example, GreenGirlGriefs is a female arsonist.) Lastly, keep in mind that the Blue alts featured in this story are all the ones I'm aware of, which I'm pretty sure is all the currently-existing ones. There may be some I don't know about or some that will be created after this story is published, so don't get mad at me if I missed any.

Oh, and I added a song to the story that fits with the theme, similar to what I did with the PMC: Apocalypse blogs. I do plan to add songs to all the other stories too, but I haven't figured which ones each will get.

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Panda Gocarts3
01/14/2024 1:25 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Pyro
Panda Gocarts3's Avatar
I'm a clown, a clown who likes tooooooooooooooooooooooo make people laaaaauuugh. If they don't though, I try not to take it personally, because I know they'll die.
Panda Gocarts3
09/30/2023 9:09 am
Level 38 : Artisan Pyro
Panda Gocarts3's Avatar

(Likes Mettalica for one song because too much of a bum to try another but loves the only one he tried)
01/14/2024 11:38 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
(which one did you try?)
Panda Gocarts3
01/14/2024 12:29 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Pyro
Panda Gocarts3's Avatar
Lux Aeterna
01/14/2024 1:14 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
nice, one of the new ones

I'd recommend (and here's one from each decade):

"Ride the Lightning," from Ride the Lightning (1984)
"King Nothing," from Load (1996)
"The Unforgiven III," from Death Magnetic (2008)
"Moth into Flame," from Hardwired... to Self-Destruct (2016)
"Inamorata," from 72 Seasons (2023)
Panda Gocarts3
01/14/2024 1:24 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Pyro
Panda Gocarts3's Avatar
Ever played the Mettalica pinball machine?
01/14/2024 2:20 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
I feel like I have once but also feel like I haven't lol
09/10/2023 3:17 pm
They/Them • Level 39 : Artisan Procrastinator Mage
Greief's Avatar
I am still trying to shut down the cloning experiment, but Green keeps doing or stealing things that prevent me from stopping it.
09/10/2023 3:18 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
also, you wanna deal with the forest fire that's been burning from that bomb explosion for the past day?
09/10/2023 4:01 pm
They/Them • Level 39 : Artisan Procrastinator Mage
Greief's Avatar
ill call the fire department later
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