Overgrown's Avatar
Bigfoot saw me yesterday, but no one believes him
Level 74
Legendary Botanist

Golem Knowledge

3 art for PMC proflie

Preferred Pronouns: He/him
Birthday: 25th June (06/25)
Skinner/Origins Datapack Creator
Earth Golem
Discord: Overgrown#5799
I play Minecraft since February 2010

NOTE: Most Origins I've uploaded here are Commissions
But are open to the public, so feel free to use them.

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Overgrown Lore
The Earth Golems, creatures of legend and mystery, were not the mechanical entities that many believed them to be. Instead, they were organic beings imbued with a potent blend of Geo and Ecomancy magic.

It was said that after the great battle between N'ót-ch and Hr-ó-Brinë, the world was left in shambles and the undead continued to rise each night, threatening the existence of all life on the planet. In its hour of greatest need, a Seed sprouted from the Earth's core, bringing new life to the world.

Recognizing its physical vulnerability to the undead, the Seed created the first Golem from foliage and stone as an artificial protector. These creatures were made from the soil they walked on, a hundred times stronger than human flesh, and were gifted with the power to manipulate the plant life around them. Trees, leaves, flowers, branches, stone, anything and everything was in their control, and their mission was to fight back the Darkness.

Their power proved sufficient, soon the creatures of the night retreated to the underground caves. Over time, the Testificates chose to not break their Oath of Pacifism and instead built an artificial protector made of iron, rendering the Earth Golems a thing of the past. Today, it is believed only a few Earth Golems remain, roaming freely but silently. Those fortunate enough to encounter them are given a red flower to plant in a pot as a symbol of their passing.

Despite the rarity of their existence, the Earth Golems remained a symbol of hope and strength to those who knew of their existence. Their creation was a testament to the resilience and determination of the world in the face of adversity, and their continued existence was a reminder that magic, and life could still thrive in a world filled with darkness and decay.

It was said that those who encountered an Earth Golem were blessed with good fortune, for the Earth Golems were protectors of the natural world and symbols of life's unending cycle. They were the guardians of the earth and the keepers of its secrets, and those who crossed their path were sure to experience a profound change in their lives.

Some believed that the Earth Golems held the key to unlocking the mysteries of the world, that they knew the secrets of life and death and held the power to shape the future. Others believed that they were messengers from the Gods, come to offer guidance and wisdom to those who sought it.

Regardless of what people believed, the Earth Golems remained shrouded in mystery, and their existence was a source of both wonder and fear. They were revered by some and feared by others, but to all who encountered them, they were a reminder of the world's power and its resilience in the face of even the greatest of threats.

It was said that one day, when the world was once again threatened by darkness and decay, the Earth Golems would return, bringing with them the power of the earth and the magic of the nature. They would rise up to protect the world and its people, and those who had kept their memory alive would be rewarded with their grace and protection.

The Earth Golems would continue to roam the world, helping to shape its landscapes and bring new life to its barren lands. They would continue to be a symbol of hope and resilience, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always light and life waiting to be reborn.

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Overgrown (Standing with Pickaxe)
Made with Novaskin Wallpaper Generator
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Profile Picture by Novaskin Wallpaper Generator - Mineshaft
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