zomb69's Avatar
Level 29 Expert Pixel Painter

VonDoomCraft is ReBorN!

My name is Zomb69

I am the co-creator of vonDoomCraft, the high-definition texture pack for Minecraft with a unique horror-pop style.
I have always been passionate about pixels, graphics, and animations, and I wanted to share my vision with the Minecraft community.
I joined forces with EmperorDoom, the original creator of vonDoomCraft, in 2011.
Together, we worked on updating and improving the texture pack, adding new features, models, and sounds.
We also created a loyal fan base that supported our project and gave us feedback.
However, life got in the way, and we had to put vonDoomCraft on hold for several years.
During that time, I kept dreaming of returning to the pixelated realms and unleashing my creativity again.
I also missed the thrill of interacting with the fans and seeing their reactions to our work.

As a digital creator, artist, and editor, I am known as Zomb69.
I take immense pride in being the Co-Creator of VonDoomCraft, a high-definition texture pack for Minecraft that infuses the game with a unique blend of horror and humor.
This creation, originally crafted by EmperorDoom, has redefined the Minecraft experience.
In 2023, I decided to resurrect vonDoomCraft and take it to the next level.
I managed to recover my old account and started working on new textures, blocks, items, and mobs.
I also experimented with new technologies, such as RTX, 8K resolution, and Nvidia tools, to make vonDoomCraft more stunning than ever.
I launched a YouTube channel,
where I showcase my progress and updates.
I also invite other pixel artists and modders to join me and collaborate on vonDoomCraft.
My goal is to make vonDoomCraft the ultimate texture pack for Minecraft, and to amaze the community with my horror-pop vision.
I am grateful for the support and feedback I receive from the fans,

I Am Zomb69
We Are VonDoomCraft
This Is Our World
And We Are Just Getting Re-Started

VonDoomCraft is ReBorN!

Member Statistics

1,502Profile views
18,808Experience points
16,732Submission views
3Forum threads
86Discussion posts
1Wall posts
Nov 28, 2023Joined PMC
Zomb69Minecraft Name

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