Ticket #16832
Status: Open
Opened by mythicaldream69
Feature Request
3/25/22 2:12 am 3/25/22 2:12 am

A group 'Exp Bar'

I have an idea to make the groups even better than they are right now. It is a very simple idea, not much to do with it. You will read what the idea is, in the following ticket :D

IDEA – A group exp bar

USE AND ADVANTAGES – The idea of the group exp bar is pretty simple. An exp bar provided for a certain group much like the member exp bar. This would really help members improve their group. They can see how much exp is left to reach the next level and with this knowledge, they can publish submissions accordingly! For example if I see that my group only has 10 exp to reach level 10, then I would publish some sort of content to get exp. If I see that I have 1,000 exp left, then I can rest for a while or publish content from my own profile. This would encourage members of the group to publish content as well.
DISPLAYMENT OF THE BAR My opinion of the placement of bar in the group is in some sort of Widget [not permanently as with the member exp bar]. If the members and the owner of the group wants to display the exp bar to people not inside the group, he can add a widget to the group screen. The widget would be titled ‘Exp Bar’. In some case, if the people don’t want to display the exp bar publicly, they would not add the widget to their group screen. They could see the exp bar by clicking on the 3 lines button, but no outsider would be able to see it.

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Papa Enny
11/10/2022 11:10 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat
Papa Enny's Avatar
We do need it, group is a mass used pmc member
03/25/2022 3:19 am
Level 26 : Expert Warrior
MythicalWilbur69's Avatar
I agree with everything, PMC should have added a group exp bar for many reasons being to see what levels u have passed, and I was offline and then the next day my group was Level 3 and I was confused so it’s important that this get added to PMC

I said what I needed to say, thank you 🙏🏻 👏👍🏻
03/25/2022 2:30 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc3692897's Avatar
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