Skin Fight's Avatar
Skin Fight has begun!
New Team
Level 1
Skin Fight is an annual fan-skin event held every June

Past Seasons

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-~+.; 2020 Season ;.+~-
Dusk 7,520 - Dawn 7,516

Dusk Skin Collection: Link -~- Dawn Skin Collection: Link
Skin Fight (Dusk) MVP: Marma - 758 points
Dawn MVP: bunyeet - 645 points

Bulletproof: BlossomBoop - ratio of 31:9

Pin-Cushion: angelicteaaa - ratio of 3:21

Starstruck: BlossomBoop - 31 attacks

Community's Vote: habearry - Sparkling Tone

Staff Picks:
anxii - SF Mystereh
bonke - Fly Me to The Moon
Michiru - Stellar Gardener
wqtermxlon - Corgi
Grymslie - Affection

-~+.; ✎ ;.+~-

-~+.; 2021 Season ;.+~-
Sweet 7,232 - Sour 7,513

Sweet Skin Collection: Link -~- Sour Skin Collection: Link1 - Link2
Team Sweet MVP: anxii - 1,007 points
Team Sour MVP: interlude_vi - 546 points

Powerful Punches:
budg1e - 47 points avg.
bluetatu - 38.1 points avg.
bunyeet - 32.5 points avg.

Starstruck: anxii - 44 attacks

Friends Come First: Huskys_R_Awsome - 16 Friendly Fire attacks

Staff Picks:
budg1e - Protector of Justice
Opaline - A Thousand Colors
bluetatu - When the Ocean Holds the Sunlight Tightly With a Smile of Waves

-~+.; ✎ ;.+~-

-~+.; 2022 Season ;.+~-
Starfish 12,595 - Seashells 9,505

Starfish Skin Collection: Link1 - Link2 -~- Seashell Skin Collection: Link
Team Starfish MVP: anxii - 1,845 points
Team Seashell MVP: inzanely - 654 points

First Blood:
aquarine - Team Starfish
inzanely - Team Seashell

Starstruck: anxii - 104 attacks

Still Going Strong: BirbMum - 43 attacks received

Friends Come First: anxii - 10 Friendly Fire attacks

In it to Win It: PsioPsia001 - 5 Bounty Board submissions

Powerful Punches:
BlossomBoop - 39.9 point avg.
Eshii - 31.6 points avg.
Auri - 29 points avg.

Staff Picks:
bluetatu - Voltage Charge
wqtermxlon - Time is Ticking
kittywomp - Lazysushi, Attack!

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