Ticket #2973
Status: Open
Opened by WorldCreations
Feature Request
12/27/16 9:35 pm 12/27/16 9:35 pm

Weekly And Monthly Rewards For The Best Projects, Skins, Mods, Etc.

So a long time back probably a year a great user by the name of GrayRemnant was around, he was probably the greatest most engaging creator here in a long time. He would go around weekly and monthly and review all the PMC projects he saw, usually like 10 pages back only. What he would then do is release a Blog and YouTube Video congratulating all the users he choose on their great work, he would link them and give them a virtual medal as seen in some of his video like Bronze, Gold, Platinum, Silver. These events really kept me engaged and striving to make better and better content. I was wondering if you guys could check out what he did and maybe vote on if it should be implaced as a official PMC tradition

Heres My Ideas

Start small and test the idea, by first restarting GrayRemnants Project reward system. Weekly and Monthly most likely weekly to hold people over while Contests weren't active. If this seems a problem or conflict of interest, maybe we only judge areas of PMC like skins if there inst a skin contest that month, kin of to keep the skinners active until the next contest rolled around.

So judges most likely I think it should be just PMC staff should go around, look at all the submissions say only 10 pages back or so and rate which one is the best, next make a blog post or video outlining the First Second and Third plus Honorable mention place winners with either a trophy on a say leader board somewhere on the website, or a trophy for their profile, or say they get a title for a week or month until the next winner is announced so they get some fame :)

Pretty simple do note 1 man was able to do this monthly so if the PMC staff work together maybe they can pump out more results quicker. Anyhow if the PMC staff wants to pick a select few as the dedicated judge reviewers for each month yearly, say user A B & C do January each month and D E & F do February each month and so on. Either way so many dang ideas in my head I just cant get them all out, so please Heavily review Gray Remnants work and try to mimic it into the community as to constantly reward those who try their hardest to create High-Quality content.

Thank you guys also maybe the winners or the blog post can be posted to the Homepage so people notice. Also check the links below, sadly I think Gray Remnant has left PMC for now so maybe we can revitalize his movement and even credit him in the creation of a new grand PMC tradition

Thats Gray Profile:

Thats Gray Youtube:

Thats Gray BlogPsot Example:

Thats Gray Video Archive, All His Wekks Of Reviews etc.:

Here Is Gray Yotube Week In Review Example:

Thank You mods for taking time to Review this, please spread the word, do a poll, heck if you want Ill do one, I will even do the first week in review, golly this is a passion I have always loved to see return, PMC staff and make this idea BOOM, let us hope there will be more than ticket upvotes to get people on the road to liking this idea!

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11/23/2017 9:40 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
LightlySaltedBuilder's Avatar
This sounds awesome! I think it could really increase the quality in each section and increase the motivation to post, plus it could get smaller members more exposure. Also, it would probably be best to get judges for each section instead of one group for all of them, so that you have the best critics from each field.
11/23/2017 7:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Kinzie's Avatar
Great ideas
12/27/2016 10:09 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blob
Panda's Avatar
I just had a quick inquiry;
If this were to be put in place, in what way would the bias of the judges be taken into account, without making it a rehash of the competitions on a smaller scale? Like how would this be different from the competitions while still managing to keep it a fair judging process?

For example, the two "showcase" features on this site- which I've perceived and there's a big chance I might be wrong- are the competitions and the pop reel.

The pop reel is pretty easy to interpret in terms of skins, where if you manage to get enough diamonds and views in a certain amount of time it will show up on the reel, and when it stops getting this regular attention it is replaced by another submission. I'll just assume the other blog/mod sections work in the same manner? Altogether they don't work off of an opinion-based system- it's just statistics.

The competitions are opinion-based, but the number of judges eliminate any bias in terms of the submissions. Also the judges are chosen quite selectively, and they certainly know what they're doing in that field.

Basically I would like to know what you had in mind of the judging system? Is it going to be the same as the competitions, but judging fewer submissions? Or would it be fewer judges, in which case how would you manage the bias?

Thanks for reading,
12/27/2016 10:32 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Terraformer
WorldCreations's Avatar
I feel the PMC staff is honest enough not to put their personal likes ahead for certain members, that is why I recommend they judge, they choose because they made this site and maintain they have a say in what PMC feels is the best. With hopefully no biased, but still look at Gray Remenant, no biased there just tons of love and effort from a guy striving to make others happy, his blogs where quite popular and his videos! He did something right! PMC will love this!
12/27/2016 9:40 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Nerd
Strauss's Avatar
Very interesting, good idea!
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