Published Oct 15th, 2013, 10/15/13 9:59 pm
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When making a minecraft skin, you have such a small canvas, each pixel has to count in terms of the grand scheme of things.
In my opinion when you have made a skin the eyes and faces are attributes that I feel could completely change the feel of the skin or the vibe. Now although that statement is obvious, to illustrate this take in example Teen skins, changing just a few pixels can age the skin, make it look more serious rather than innocent or cute. This is where variety comes into play, as I find it quite enjoyable to see different styles of skin, especially the faces.

Variety in skins I feel is very important, it's a wonderful thing! We as humans are all unique, and so with playing a game like minecraft, I'd like to see as many unique skins floating about.
The amount of skins that I see on planet minecraft and in game which is just generic block coloured skins is a little unsettling... But, yes, style of skin does factor into it, and I'm not opposed to that at all, what I'm saying is that if everyone has something, don't you just want to break free from that and find something fresh? It's nice to have certain styles but sometimes it can get boring, we all shouldn't be afraid to try something new... Cause remember, variety is wonderful!
Which leads me onto my next point...

This is NOT true! There is a large variety of different eyes & faces that can be used and some do.
Yes there are a lots and lots of skins that follow a certainstyle, but there are plenty of different styles that you can have, some of us have more unusual skins you know! Don't just boat everyone together, there are different skins out there, you just have to keep looking~!
I find the people that say that agree with that quote tend to basically say that all girl skins are 'teen skins'.
To which I saybalderdash!
I'm here to show you a selection of different Minecraft Eyes and faces (Girls) to combat against people saying that all girl skins are just the generic 'teen skin'.
A minecraft skin can be as diverse as the people who wear them :)

There are of course other eyes/faces, I have only shown a select few to get you guys started off ect~!
I may add more in the future :)
Anyhow, I apologise if anything isn't coherent, it's about 3AM and I shall edit if there are any errors. Thank you either way for reading this blog!

Thank you for Pop Reel ^_^ !
Pop Reel

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Lol this blog is so true :)