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10 Ways To Overcome Your PMC/Internet Addiction

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Level 56 : Grandmaster Spelunker

Did you know?


Yes, the modern life means we have to spend time on Amazon, Ebay, iTunes, Google Maps, Wikipedia and the like. But these are productive websites, and dono t really count.


What you have to worry about are the online activities that you dono t need in your life. Unfortunately Minecraft and Planet Minecraft are included in those. So how do you cut down on this non-essential internet time?

1) Wear a wristwatch. Or, get the voice of Stephen Hawkings to tell you the time aloud on your laptop (yes, this happens to me). If you keep track of the time, you can be aware of when to take breaks - after 45 minute periods.

2) Set yourself goals: times when you have to hit the off button and do something else. Reading, writing, going for a walk, talking to your parents. See? Stuff can happen in real life, too.

3) Force yourself to read messages/e-mails/texts/tweets/etc. just once or twice a day. For instance, read them all at once, perhaps when you wake up and just before you go to sleep. People can become obsessed with checking their inboxes, and writing responses takes up a lot of time. Time you could spend by socialising with them in real life.


4) Take up a new hobby. Building in Minecraft is fun but youo re bound to to find something more interesting (and worthwhile) to do in real life. Doing kayaking or rock-climbing might be easier than you realise. Look into it.

5) Gradually reduce the time you spend daily on Minecraft/PMC. Lower it to 4 hours, then 3 and a half, 3, etc. Try using times and charts or graphs to stick to your targets and track progress.

6) Offer to help family members with chores and routine tasks. Make yourself busy whenever you can. Oh, dono t look at me like that. I know it sounds awful but ito s all for the greater good.

7) Put a brick (or some other large object) on your tablet/laptop/smartphone. Seriously. A physical barrier will remind you to not use them so much.

8) If the problem is becoming cataclysmic, dono t be afraid to go to extreme lengths. It's only inner strength that will solve your problem. Shove your devices in the bottom of your wardrobe, ask your parents to hide them from you, or, if money really isno t an issue, throw them off the edge of a cliff (your electronics, not your parents).


9) Even if these physical barriers areno t working, why not get professional help? The people who can really help you are only a phone call away.

10) If you're beating your addiction, reward yourself. You may celebrate by playing Minecraft for a few hours.


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03/10/2014 1:29 pm
Level 26 : Expert Button Pusher
4) Take up a new hobby. Building in Minecraft is fun but youo re bound to to find something more interesting (and worthwhile) to do in real life. Doing kayaking or rock-climbing might be easier than you realise. Look into it.

I'm going to say this:
Rock climbing is the worst and hardest thing ever lol.
02/01/2014 2:06 am
Level 23 : Expert Artist
11/05/2013 4:41 pm
Level 43 : Master System
Join leadership clubs. They don't cost anything, you get to be with cool people, and you get involved in your community and actually do worth-while things. I'm in three and perfectly busy. These and sports keep me away from the computer
11/04/2013 11:33 pm
Level 43 : Master Pyro
nice this is good
11/05/2013 2:44 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Spelunker
11/04/2013 9:43 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Toast
Sorry but... *message appears*
[You have been playing for 3 years]
[Do you wish to go get a f***ing life?]
[Sure...] [H**L NO!]
*Answers H**L NO!*
*Computer shuts down for 2 weeks*
*2 weeks later*
[Computer calculating solution to question]
[Computer failed to calculate grammar and spelling]
1* Go get a life
2* Reboot
3* Go F*CK yourself
No spam here...
11/05/2013 2:45 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Spelunker
No that sounds good to me ^
11/04/2013 9:08 pm
Level 47 : Master Gent
ha!! XD i love the pic, also very funny blog! ^^
11/05/2013 2:45 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Spelunker
Aw. Thanks.
11/04/2013 4:12 pm
Level 24 : Expert Taco
Another way to cut down if you are still in school join band!
It is very time consuming, in a good way.
People who join band learn to concentrate better read music and learn to become a part of a group.
It really prepares you for life out of school and gives you the skills you need to have a job.
I know what people are thinking "Band? You play instruments how does that relate to life"? It really does.
It helps get people off the computer and learning to love ALL kinds of music.
