Minecraft Blogs / Interview

#12 || Asher Interviews: GracieMockingjay

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
Better quality cover-image. and the thing I use for the element-names
Featuring GracieMockingjay

Green is my questions, purple is her answers.


What are some things you'd like the reader to know about you before we begin?

Whoa, an interview with Angel??? Wooooow- I made it to the big leagues!!
Lol.... Uhm, if you're subscribed to me, you'll know that I'm a music nerd- loll


How did you find PMC and why did you join?

Skindex's terrible moderation system -_-


What sort of PMC-er do you consider yourself?

Well, I'm not a furry, nor am I gay, but I'm a Christian, so in the middle XD


What is your opinion on the PMC community?

PMC is cool! It has its quirks and bugs, but the mods do their best :D


What advice would you give to a new PMC-er?

Whatever you do, dont lick the yellow snow- sorry, it's that time of year XD All kidding aside, go talk to LegendarySi, the poggiest brother figure anybody could ever want


You joined PMC in 2022. What kept you here?

The friendliness of the people I met... The first interaction can change your life, fr


What is the Princess of the Dawn series and what inspired it?

Oh my gosh don't get me started... Or do? 😏
*DEEP BREATHE* Well, I would say that The Princess of the Dawn is an off the top of my head stories, but that's a lie.
I created it for a writing class I had, and honestly, I used a little bit of The Princess Bride and a little bit of the Zelda game series- specifically A Link To The Past, with the faeries, and Megamind, with Vult wanting Mercy as his- oop, I spoiled it! But yeah, I used a little of everything. Lol


How did you discover Wattpad and why did you make an account?

Katfoo10's Wattpad profile and neat stories. I figured it out myself and wanted to share my stories with the world!


Correct answer to the
trolley problem?

Well, it depends... I've heard it multiple times. 1 loved one and 5 strangers...
All lives matter to God, so I'd untie the one, switch the track and help untie the 5.


What inspired your persona? (If you have one?)

An anime picture that my friend drew. I became OBSESSED with it.


Why is your username?

My name is Grace, most call me Gracie, and my 'Mockingjay', well, The Hunger Games, which i was ALSO obsessed with, lol


What are some hobbies you enjoy?

Gaming! I also like hiking, biking, reading, writing and running


What are some things you are planning to/would like to do in the future?

-Finish The Princess of the Dawn
-be more productive / exercise !!!
-rank up a few times in CAP


What is your favourite (or some of your favourite) colour combinations?

Green and purple soo go together, Blue and yellow, hmm... Sunset orange and a baby pink


Favourite book/movie/game/series/fandom/franchise?

The Hunger Games, (always!) Harry Potter, The Wingfeather Saga (it's so underrated), PENDRAGONNNN


Does pineapple belong on pizza?

NO. N.O. ew ew


Was the moon landing fake?

No, what makes you think that?

[me struggling to think of questions ;-; comment any silly/lighthearted/conspiracy theory question ideas you have]


What is something you want to tell about yourself that you probably wouldn't get to in a normal conversation?

I was born on a Friday the 13th 🤓


Describe yourself in a single sentence.

A quirky, creative, out-of-the-box sorta idiotic thinker.


What is one thing you made and one thing someone else made that you'd like to advertise?

Idk for mine, but literally any skins Arianwyn, TheMountaineer or katress makes are amazing


One last thing you'd like to say to the reader?

Dear reader, thank you for taking your time to read this. Sub to Angel. Jesus loves you. Byyye


And that's all for this interview :D
Thank you, GracieMockingjay, for being interviewed, and thank you for reading :D
Please let me know things you liked about this interview and things you think I could improve on!


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01/01/2024 9:05 am
Level 46 : Master Baconator
:O GracieMockingjay thank you!!
Definitely the best interview yet
(sorry I'm late lol)
12/16/2023 10:00 pm
Any/All • Level 19 : Journeyman Collective System
i understand you may have ur plate full and i am a small account but, may i join?
12/17/2023 1:09 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
you are now on the list!
12/16/2023 3:31 pm
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12/17/2023 1:08 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
you have been added to the list!
12/14/2023 9:02 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
12/14/2023 8:26 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Blueberry Mlem Mlem Bat
i added you to the list
12/14/2023 3:33 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Well- I am to me-
12/14/2023 6:33 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
12/14/2023 9:21 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Well- there's no way to combat that- but I seem stupid to me-
