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138-kv/25-kv Substation

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AngelicDork's Avatar AngelicDork
Level 24 : Expert Whale
Substation in Minecraft that is based of Altalink and Fortis Alberta substations that step down 138,000 volts to 25,000 volts for rural distribution. Made use of RTM, primarily Saracalia's Pack. Other mods are Mr Crayfish furniture mod, rustic, chisel, chisel and bits. Non of these mods are made by myself so Credit is given to those who made this mod. Nor is this a completely accurate representation of a substation. The only thing that is made by me (other than the build) are small Chisel and Bits Pieces used on some power poles as I found certain limitations when trying to make an accuratish representation of 25-kv lines in Canada. As the mods were not intended for that use. The voltages present in Altalink's Tranmission Grid are 500,000 volts, 240,000 volts, 138,000 volts and 69,000 volts. Distribution by means of Fortis Alberta ranges from 7.2-kv to 25-kv. However for those living more in the northern and eastern reaches of Alberta this will be different as ATCO electric has different voltages for there transmission lines and distribution lines. Also credit to the Serene Seasons Mod for making a very real autumn atmosphere.

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02/06/2021 4:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
zlequia's Avatar
what did you use for the transformers wires and unsulators
02/06/2021 5:24 pm
Level 24 : Expert Whale
AngelicDork's Avatar
The Real Train Mod paired with an addon Pack made by Saracilla. Here's a link to the addon. In the addon page it provides a guide for how to install this with Real Train Mod and it's dependency NGT LIb. https://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/forge-realtrainmod-saracalia-s-pack-an-addon-pack-for-realtrainmod/ Note I'm using Forge 1.12.2
12/09/2020 10:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
zlequia's Avatar
So which mod has the substation and power lines
01/02/2021 11:28 pm
Level 24 : Expert Whale
AngelicDork's Avatar
I primarily built it out of memory and google maps but primarily Real train mod with saracillias addon pack as well as some chisel blocks, immersive engineering and using some Mr. Crayfish furniture fence blocks.. This is 1.12.2 and I have a ton of mods being used.
