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5 Reasons Why To Make A House Out Of Obsidian

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diamond655's Avatar diamond655
Level 21 : Expert Pokémon
Diamond: Hey guys, Diamond here. Are you having trouble finding a better material to keep from Creepers from blowing up your belongings near the entrance of your house? Do you have a lot of Obsidian? WELL, this is a good idea to use!

1. Protection Creepers can't blow Obsidian. They are fails on it.
2. Griefer Proof Those Griefers will be able to blow absolutely nothing of your home!
3. Nether Portals You can build an Nether Portal on your house, without even building up on top of your floor!
4. TRAPS! Anyone up for trap building? You can set up a TNT explosion trap on a pressure plate! You can keep the real chest upstairs on a second floor and set up a trap chest with a pressure plate that, when stepped on, will trigger the explosion!
5. Factions You use this on a Factions server, you can keep an enemy faction from blowing your base to bits AND set up a counterattack TNT cannon!
Creditcloser75 JRHE, ImALittleCreeper

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by diamond655 12/11/2013 5:37:29 pmDec 11th, 2013

Typo fix, credit to closer75 JRHE
Credit to ImALittleCreeper for the start of making 5 Reasons Why blogs!

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12/11/2013 5:24 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
12/11/2013 5:35 pm
Level 21 : Expert Pokémon
diamond655's Avatar
Thanks. Updated! Also I'll add you in credits!
