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A Dark War is upon us!

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Level 80 : Elite Modder
A Dark War is upon us!

Greetings PMC, we bid you welcome, into the heart of a new mod

But it is no time to jump for joy, for the time for a release has yet to come.
As each day goes by we get closer to an initial teaser, but more work is wished to be done before such matters are touched upon.

About Dark War

Our initial idea, was to create a unique gaming experience, by immerging storyline gameplay with sandbox. For this goal we are creating lore and manuscripts, for a story to set place in our own world. The story takes place in a fantasy world setting, where creatures such as Dragons and Giants roam the surface.

We want to change the vanilla way combat and exploring works. Combat changes, unique attacks, custom mob attack patterns with different attacks, magical abilities to both fight monsters, but also create various machines, weaponry and armor, depending on class.

A huge part of the mod, revolves around the classes. As the story unfolds, the player can change professions and classes, they will be able to create and fight with, unique content for that class specifically.


Each class consists of 3 or more talent trees, each talent tree has some unique skills. Here are an example from the magical class set and the physical class set:

- Leave chaos, death and destruction on your path.

- Summon the power of the dead.

- Inflict curses and disease to your enemies.

- The ones that defends their allies with their impenetrable armor.

- The more damage you take, the more damage you’ll inflict!

- Devastating attacks with giant weaponry.


Such is the name of one of the many custom built villages/cities that are generated into the world. These villages are tied with the storyline, and so are other structures as well. Here are some pictures of Rivermaw:


A Dark War is upon us!
A Dark War is upon us!

This blog wont contain too much information about the mod as we'll like not to promise any specific content. Following updates will be made in which more detail will follow as to mod development, as well as lore, screenshots, and more. You will also be able to follow the mod development a bit more by following on us twitter.

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06/03/2016 6:15 am
Level 77 : Legendary Alien
I like
06/01/2016 4:17 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
looks promising, GL with the progress.
