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A Short October Story: Where Creepers REALLY come from!

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SuperKingRyan's Avatar SuperKingRyan
Level 39 : Artisan Geek

This is a short story on where creepers really come from.
The story of Dr. Ben.

   Deep in the woods, there was a man named Ben. Ben was very curious of his surroundings, and believed he saw art in everything he saw. The thing that interested him most though, was explosions. He loved to watch things explode. Even more, he loved to create things with explosions. To him, explosions was an art. He was able to create large structures, and underground temples with the explosions he created.

   However, after awhile, Ben started to feel very, VERY lonely. He was saddened that nobody was able to see his fantastic creations. So he went out adventuring for people. Eventually, he found people, and started asking if they wanted to come see his work. For every person he asked, he was turned down, either because they were too busy, or other reasons. This angered Ben.

   Being drove insane from his loneliness, Ben began to plot against the people of the world. He devised a devious plan to get revenge. At last, he believed he had the solution. Late at night, he would abduct people from their homes, carrying them all the way to his underground temple, and put them in cages. From there, he started his plan. He would saw off the arms of his victims to keep them from excaping. After that, he would carefully peel off the skin intact, just to sow it back on after he stuffed their internal organs full of gun-powder, causing the deformed body and to appear a gross green color. Then he would sow the arms back on to act as an extra set of legs for balance. He did not want them falling over, after all.

  Even as wrong as this was, Ben's sanity was too far gone. Once the transformation was complete, Ben sent his creepy creatures out into the wild, where the "Creepers" would run for help. Everywhere, these Creeps of nature would run towards people, tears of blood running down their deformed faces as they finally found someone who could help them, attempting to scream for help (Of course they couldn't, because Ben removed their vocal cords). Their increased heart-rates setting off the gunpowder planted inside their organs, causing a huge explosion.

   Ben watched from afar, pleased with his new creation. He watched as people died or became injured, just so he could make them into more Creepers. He watched as the world became beautiful one explosion at a time.


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