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A World Divided | The Birth of the Chaos Legion Chapter II

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Level 57 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Last we left off, a meeting between the nations of Planet Minecraft had broken down into arguments and almost escalated into a fight. Soon after, the Forge declared war on the Cryptic Family, starting off this conflict by raiding Morbid Island. Luckily for the Family, their ally, the Cholan Empire, has just come to their aid...

"To battle, Cholas!" Field Marshall Rob orders, firing his assault rifle at their opponents. "For the throne and for the Family!" "For the throne and for the Family!" his troops repeat, opening fire with their rifles. "Take cover!" Councilman Axolotl orders, raising his shield and leading his men to a safe spot. They hide behind a large rock. "When we get back home, I'm motioning for us to issue all troops firearms..." "Over there!" a member of the Cryptic Family says, pointing to Axolotl and his not-very-hidden band of soldiers. Ghostly, one of the four Fear Priests that help govern the community, is standing behind him... until he fades away. "Keep your eyes and ears open!" Axolotl warns, gesturing for them to follow him.

He raises his shield and charges deeper into the town, bludgeoning several attackers with his mace on the way. Then, he hears gunshots behind him, along with screams. He and Asher turn to see their teammates either dead or wounded on the ground. "Hello." Ghostly says out of nowhere, materializing behind Asher and throwing him over his head and through a window. "Good morning, Fear Priest." Axolotl greets. "I hope you've said your prayers to Cyprezz and whatever dark, demonic pantheon you creeps worship." He tosses his shield aside and tackles Ghostly, but winds up falling right through him when he disappears again.

His fellow councilman, Potato, arrives with some extra troops. Asher gets up and readies her weapons for combat, despite her injuries. "You're just in time..." Axolotl says to his friend, rising from the grassy floor. "The Cholas are here." Rob and his men arrive, ready to face the two councilmen in battle. "We outnumber you 10-to-1." Rob tells them. "I'd advise surrendering before things get ugly..." "Fat chance, buddy." Axolotl responds. "I'm fighting 'til the bitter end. And so is he." "Darn right." Potato adds.

Then, they hear a screech. "That sounds like our reinforcements." Axolotl comments. "I trust you remember our alliance with the Nether Empire?" "Oh crap." Square, a Chola soldier under Rob's command. "Dive to cover!" one of their teammates shouts as the ghast that produced the screech opens its mouth. The Cholas split in two directions, and the Forge and Cryptic Family members also take cover. The explosive fireball hits the ground, combusting and taking chunks of the nearest houses with it. After that, General Purpl leads the charge through the town, seated atop a tamed hoglin. Behind are several regiments of piglins.

"Not so fast!" Fear Priest Aspirin says, his hands glowing purple as he bends down, grips something invisible, and pulls that invisible thing up. Out of the ground rise the rotting, skeletal corpses of long-deceased local wildlife, and even a few humans. "Oh, and lemme reanimate these fellas too." He puts his arms out to the sides and uses his necromancy powers to resurrect the dead soldiers all over the street. The undead army, although frail, manages to slow down to incoming Nether Army soldiers. Axolotl, Potato, and co. step out from behind a house and open fire on Rob and his men. "How do you figure the numbers are now?" Axolotl asks. "Still 10-to-1." Rob calmly answers, doing a barrel roll to get out of the way and returning fire when he stops. "Maybe 11." He gestures to Square, who takes out a walkie-talkie. "Bring in the reserve troops." he says. Not too long after the order is given, more Chola troops who were waiting aboard the ships arrive into the town.


"After a long battle, the Forge and Nether Empire's attack on Morbid Island was repelled by the native Cryptic Family and their allies, the Cholan Empire." a news reporter says on the TV. "The tide was turned when more Chola soldiers arrived to tip the scales and outnumber the Forge-Nether alliance; the intervention of Aspect of Horror Firestar also helped them Cryptic-Chola partnership win the battle." "Alright, call up Piaccu." Head Councilman Silabear says to his aide. "And the rest of the council."

Roughly 10 minutes later, the Council of Mods has an emergency meeting, with Lord Piaccu attending on a holo-call. "I have summoned us here because we need to discuss our foreign policy in lieu of the new war. I personally believe we should remain neutral." "As do I." Piaccu adds, his voice crackling a little due to the maintenance being performed on the Dragon Fortress' WiFi. "Though that's obviously easier for us to do than you all." "I agree with Silabear." Phantasm comments. "Does anyone think we should get involved?" Silabear inquires. The room is silent. "I'll have the papers drawn up for an announcement tomorrow. Meeting adjourned." "Well, I'm off to write some poetry." Piaccu says. "See you all later." His holographic body disappears, and one of the technicians in the room turns off the holo-transmitter. The following morning, Silabear holds a press conference to announce the Mainland-End alliance's decision to remain neutral and answer any questions.


Elsewhere, in a universe separate from this one, but tied via dimensional links to it, an armored black limousine pulls up to an ominous mansion. Out steps General Leonard Greatstoneman, chief strategist of the Imperialstoneland Federation and second-in-command to its supreme leader, General Schtormand. Greatstoneman enters the magnificent house and makes his way to his leader's office. He knocks on the door. "Come in." Schtormand says. Greatstoneman opens the door and salutes his master. "Sir Schtormand, I bring good news." he tells him. "Go on, then." Schtormand responds. "I'm listening." "In the their universe, war has erupted among the PMC nations." Greatstoneman elaborates, referring to a dimension they've been watching for some time. "They’ve turned on each other, and their conflict grows fiercer by the day." Schtormand grins evilly. "And what do we intend to do about it, Leonard?" he asks. "I propose we spread rumors among the PMC peoples to further fan the flames of their war." Greatstoneman suggests. "Let their nations exhaust their resources and their peoples grow weary. Once they are weak and their spirits are broken, the Federation will march into their universe unopposed. A war-weary peoples cannot resist us." "This… this is our opportunity." Schtormand declares. He turns to the strategist. "I support your plan. The sun shall never set on the Great Imperialstonelandia!" Then, he laughs maniacally.


While sailing past Morbid Island on its way back to PMC City from Illager Island, the cruise ship SS Drzzter is boarded by a squad of Cryptic Family soldiers. "Kill everyone and blow this ship up!" the general orders. "Let's hope those Mainlanders get our message. There ain't gonna be no secret pacts formed behind our back." "Secret pacts?" a crew member asks. "The heck are you on about?" "There's a rumor going around that the Mainland-End alliance's neutrality is just a cover for a secret alliance with the Forge and the Nether Empire." the general answers. "Sounds like a false rumor." the crew member responds. "How about you shut up?" the general snaps back, shooting him in the head. The people around him scream and run away, before realizing they have nowhere to go.

For the next hour, the squad has a fun time chasing innocents around the massive ship and murdering them in cold blood. The captain attempts to organize a secret escape by deploying the emergency inflatable boats in a hidden spot, but he and the other escapees are quickly blocked by the rest of the squad, who are aboard their boat. They bring them aboard, tie them up, and keelhaul them, laughing joyously all the way through. Once everyone aboard the ship is dead, the squad reunites aboard their craft and sail away, remotely detonating explosives they planted during their slaughter.

In PMC City, Silabear is outraged to hear the news. "Those sadists." he says. "Us? Lying about neutrality? How could they be so foolish?" The Council of Mods meets again (with Piaccu also joining them). "I know I was all for neutrality 4 days ago, but I can't stand for this." Silabear tells them. "I don't think any of us can. All in favor of declaring war on the Forge, the Nether Empire, the Cryptic Family, and the Cholan Empire?" Everyone, including the usually-pacifistic Piaccu, raises their hand. "What will be our first move?" the Ender Lord asks. "We strike the Family's allies." Silabear answers. "Call the military base. Tell them to ready a battalion of troops to ship out to Chola Island by 3 PM today." Councilman Smack nods and goes to call the base.


"Sir, ten PMC City ships have been sighted heading towards us." the guard in Castle Chola's northwestern watchtower says to King Elightin Elytra on the comms. "I had a feeling this would happen." Elightin responds. He turns to Rob and their friend and fellow founder of the Cholan Empire, Marshall Cat. "You know what to do." The two Marshalls nod and leaves the room. Elightin himself has the Royal Guard begin locking down his wing of the castle while he prepares to fight in the event that their attackers break in.

On the northern coast, five of the ships split off from the rest of the group, intending to go around to the western coast so they can land at the beach. Teams of divers hold down their goggles and regulators and fall over the edges of their ships, swimming under the radar to the shore. The northern half of the battalion makes port at the docks, running down the piers and into the city, where they open fire on the Chola Army soldiers waiting for them. Cat arrives with her unit to lead the defense. "Press on!" General Diiby, the leader of this group, orders. He puts away his assault rifle and draws his rapier, diving into the fray and slicing chests and heads.

Meanwhile, on the western coast, the other five ships dodge shots from the cannons that have risen out of the boardwalk. They can't maintain this for long, though, as one of the boats is eventually hit. As the bow goes up in flames and smoke, the captain orders everyone to jump overboard and swim to the shore, which is exactly what they do. From the center ship, General Wagnerbaum, the leader of this half of the battalion, sees this and turns to his troops on the deck. "We should probably follow their lead." he says. "Oh great, I have to get my uniform wet." Private SB comments quietly to his friend and fellow private, Violiie. "Ugh, I hate when that happens." she responds. "At least we'll get to cool off. It's way too hot on this island." They reluctantly jump over the side of the boat with their teammates.

The half-battalion rises out of the water, their boots crushing the seashells beneath their feet as they splash more liquid onto each other's clothes. They run up the beach; the soldiers manning the cannons leave their posts to prepare for close combat. "I hate to steal Diiby's line, but... open fire!" Wagnerbaum orders. Bullets fly from both directions, and men fall on both sides; civilians who were enjoying the sunny day at the beach are also caught in the crossfire. The PMC Military troops push forward, cutting their opponents with their bayonets. "Send in the back-up units!" Rob orders from several blocks down. From both sides of the street come more Cholan soldiers. "This doesn't look like it'll end well..." SB says, reluctantly continuing to fire his rifle up the beach. "Agreed." Violiie replies. "Behind you!" Private Dakota warns. Violiie spins around and stabs a Cholan with her bayonet. "That was close." she comments.

Back on the northern coast, Diiby's half of the battalion isn't faring too well. Cat and her men are overpowering them, forcing the soldiers back towards the docks. "Bring in the tanks!" she orders. Three tanks drive forward, firing their cannons at them. "I see your tanks, and I raise you an air strike." Diiby says. He puts his middle and index finger against his earpiece and contacts the Palaeos, a nearby aircraft carrier. "This is General Diiby of the 30th Infantry Battalion; I'd like to call in an air strike." "The Chola Island raid, right?" the naval officer on the other end of the line replies. "What coordinates?" "Have them target the streets right by me." Diiby answers. "The missiles will cause the buildings to collapse on their tanks and infantry." "Roger that, general." the officer says. Diiby disconnects from the line and continues battling.

10 minutes later, a quintet of fighter jets fly overhead. Diiby and the half-battalion immediately know to regress back to the piers, where they watch the jets fire their missiles at the buildings on the streets nearby. "Everyone get out of the way!" Cat orders. The buildings explode and begin to topple over, falling inward onto the road and crushing the tanks. Several Cholans who couldn't move away in time were also caught in the collapse. Despite the losses however, Cat remains determined to drive away the invaders. She lobs several grenades at the piers as the PMC Military soldiers charge back towards them; the explosions send some of them flying upwards or forwards. "Give them everything you've got!" she orders. The Cholans do as she orders and charge, causing the battle to turn into a "pushing each other back and forth" situation. Some even go as far as to force their opponents into the water. "Fall back, men!" Diiby shouts, recognizing that they're starting to lose. The half-battalion retreats back to their ships and leaves the port.

On the western coast, Rob and his soldiers have done something similar, managing to successfully drive back the attacking PMC Military troops. "To the ships!" Wagnerbaum orders. "But we're down one!" a soldier reminds him. "Then one of these boats is gonna be a little crowded." the general responds as he descends deeper and deeper into the water, before the swimming to his ship. Once everyone is back onboard, they reunite with Diiby's group and head back to PMC City.

Rob and Cat return to Castle Cholan to report to Elightin. Field Marshall Greief (another one of the co-founders) is also present. "The defense was successful." Rob informs them. "Minimal civilian casualties." "And we presume you saw the damage caused by the air strike?" Cat adds. "Yes, I saw." Elightin answers. "Sad, but nothing we can't rebuild." The king turns to Greief. "How's the missile defense system coming along?" he asks. "Golden's just about done with the schematics." the Field Marshall replies. "We're currently drawing up estimates for cost and resources." Elightin nods approving.

In PMC City, Silabear, Piaccu, and the Council of Mods meet again. "What do we now?" Councilwoman DreamCritting asks. "Attack the Forge?" "No, that's a bad idea." Councilman Phantasm responds. "They're friends with the Nether Empire, and those guys are powerful." "Good point." DreamCritting agrees. "So do we just sit around and wait to be attacked?" "Pretty much, yeah." Silabear replies. "Once Piaccu's legions are ready for battle, we'll make our next move. In the meantime, we can focus on building our defenses. You know, strengthening the shield dome and all that." "This is off-topic, but does anyone know what the Illager Clan is doing?" Piaccu inquires. "I was talking to Illager earlier today." Smack answers. "He told me that, after some deliberation, they've decided to remain neutral. If things escalate, they'll get involved, but who they'll come to the aid of - if they'll help any of the three alliances at all - will be determined when it's time." "Ah." Piaccu responds. "Anyways, I best get going. It's almost time for the troop inspection." "Bye!" Silabear says, waving to him. The others also wave, and his hologram disappears.


Cast (in order of appearance)
Rob333 as Field Marshall Rob
AxolotlArmy as Councilman Axolotl
GhostlyBit_57 as Fear Priest Ghostly
Angelonasher as Asher
Square Pirate as Square
Purpl3_ as General Purpl
Aspirin60 as Fear Priest Aspirin
Silabear as Head Councilman Silabear
LeLovesJazz as Lord Piaccu of the End
_Phantasm as Councilman Phantasm
General Leonard Greatstoneman
General Schtormand as General Schtormand, Supreme Leader of the Imperialstonelandian Federation
smack17 as Councilman Smack
Elightin_elytra as King Elightin Elytra of the Cholan Empire
ThatCatWanderingTheGalaxy as Marshall Cat
Diiby as General Diiby
Wagnerbaum as General Wagnerbaum
SuperstitiousBot (anonpmc4374529) as Private SB
Violiie (anonpmc4316492) as Private Violiie
Greief as Field Marshall Greief
dreamCritting as Councilwoman DreamCritting

Mentioned (in order of mentioning)
Firestar2477278 as Aspect of Horror Firestar
GoldenScientist as Dr. Golden

Writing began 12-8-2024 at 6:00 PM EDT
Writing completed 12-11-2024 at 5:45 PM EDT
Published 1-14-2025 at 5 PM EDT
Written by IGEBM, with credit to Monstrouslandian Warlord for writing the original version of the Imperialstoneland scene, including the dialogue that's directly repeated here
Cover art by IGEBM

Tie-ins and Revelations

While writing this blog, I got the idea to expand the lore and history of both the Chaos Legion and the Imperialstonelandian Federation by revealing that it was the Federation who had spread the mysterious rumors about PMC City lying about their neutrality and forming a secret alliance with the Forge and the Nether Empire. I, of course, ran this by Monstrouslandian Warlord, who handles the lore for the Federation and the Greater Monstrouslandian Empire (GMIE). He approved of the idea and began writing his own blog where he'd reveal the information; I had wanted to keep it under wraps until this chapter's release, after which he could publish his blog, but I ultimately decided to just let him publish it. That blog was "The Special Part of the Imperialstonelandian Lore | The Lore of the Conflict between Imperialstonelandian Federation and the Chaos Legion," and the scene in which Schtormand and Greatstoneman discuss their plan to spread rumors is rewritten here, complete with the same dialogue.

Note: The Federation is referred to as the "Imperialstoneland Federation" because that was their name at the time that the scene takes place.

People I'm Tagging So They Can See This
Zibonzi, ShadowZibonzi, Firestar2477278, DarkIce8727742, Aspirin60, GhostlyBit_57, Silabear, DarkRob333, TheMcPig, anonpmc4316492, Greief, Sp3nc3r_, Rakkitatoru, LeLovesJazz, CrownDeluxe, AxolotlArmy, BigFatPotat, ShadowOnTheLoose, WhisperOfTheWild, The Last Kirbalorian, Purpl3_, GoldenScientist, ClayMan1077, Bubblez705, Scarlamagne_Lunar, KaiOceansword, Darkfap, Panda_Tyger, Katfoo10, PsioPsia001, Elightin_elytra, Rob333, Monstrouslandian Warlord, SynthesizedEcho, DoreoTheOreo, Ww2guru73, Jerrygames124, Bmining525

IGEBM Publishing Subscribers

If you would like to "subscribe," read and comment on this thread.

CreditSB for founding the Legion, and Marshal GrossDemonStein for his help with the Imperialstoneland scene

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01/21/2025 11:36 am
It/It • Level 51 : Grandmaster Fish Blob
still super good
01/21/2025 3:43 pm
He/Him • Level 57 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Thanks :D
01/21/2025 10:32 am
He/Him • Level 40 : Master Cookie Jerry
01/19/2025 10:12 am
He/Him • Level 69 : High Grandmaster Guard Bear
yo this is once again awesome
01/19/2025 4:37 pm
He/Him • Level 57 : Grandmaster Loremaster
01/17/2025 11:36 am
She/They • Level 53 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
Nice work!
01/17/2025 3:13 pm
He/Him • Level 57 : Grandmaster Loremaster
01/16/2025 11:31 pm
She/They • Level 29 : Expert Explorer Pixel Painter
LOREEEEE hell yeah love this
01/17/2025 6:56 am
He/Him • Level 57 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Glad you enjoyed it lol
01/16/2025 9:43 pm
He/They • Level 35 : Artisan Warrior Cat
I can feel the intensity of the situation rising 😁👏👏
