Minecraft Blogs / Interview

about me (is the interview category good?)

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Level 19 : Journeyman Architect System
You've probably seen me around now and then, making a wall post here or a rare skin post there. If you've seen my posts and have just scrolled on, that's okay. But here's some stuff to know about me!

1: I don't post skins as often as I do anymore because I'm busy with high school. it's exhausting (._.;)
2: I was born on Halloween. I'm excited for my birthday every year because I can get presents and candy if I go trick-or-treating!
3: I have a partner! (I know, crazy) I love them so much (^>^)

here's a fact about irl me (if you ever want to try drawing me irl or a character like irl me): I have blue-grey eyes :D

...that's how this is done...right?
have fun and keep living life. outlive your enemies. >:3


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