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All of my recent FNaF Theories [Fnaf is dark, and so is this. Beware!]

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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
As most of you know, the fnaf storyline is incredibly dark and is hard to understand at the best of times.
There are 4 main resources to use; Fnaf 1, 2, 3, and 4. To start off, I want to say that what is here is
what I think from what I've gathered, keep your negativity out of here.
But anyway, let's start with a nice clear restraunts-in-order.

Fredbear's Family diner....Fredbear and 'Springtrap'

Fredbears Family Diner.....This has good ol' bonnie, chica, freddy and foxy. These guys aren't seen exept
as their dismantled selves in fnaf 2.

the All New Freddy fazbear's pizza...All toy animatronics, bb and marionette. "FnaF 2"Includes minigames.

Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.....Severely downsized since fnaf 2. Bonnie, chica, freddy, foxy.

Fazbear's Fright- the horror attraction...Not a resteraunt, but rather a house of horrors type thing
30 yrs after fnaf 1, with lots of creepy hallucinations, and of course, Springtrap. Includes minigames.

The theories will be in the order of oldest resteraunts/animatronics in-game.

Okay, the oldest animatronics and most recent game currently is FNaF 4, so we'll talk about that for a bit.
In fnaf four, it's the same time as the origional Fredbear's Diner, as shown in minigames.
There is a kid who is neer seen not crying, with a black with two grey stripes shirt that has come
to be well known in the fnaf community.
Shown in minigames, as you walk around your house as the small kid, your brother (or so we think)
Scares you with a foxy mask on. Your brother is cruel and significantly stronger than you, which comes
into play soon. Btw, the year is 1987. Ring a bell? (Ik the year because its on the tv in the minigames)
The phone guy mentioned "The bite of '87" in fnaf 1, and like 3 years later we have who it was clearly
shown. I've seen many arguments about who it was. Mangle? Foxy? Freddy? There was evidence for all,
but like any crime, though some might be possible, you can't argue with stone cold truth.
So imagine you are a little boy at your favorite animatronic diner (hard, ik) but your mean
older brother and his gang of bullies decide you love the animatronics a little too much, and
to make fum of you, they say "Looks like he wants to give fredbear a big kiss!" and put your head
to fredbear.
All of my recent FNaF Theories [Fnaf is dark, and so is this. Beware!]
Now, you feel the sharp metal teeth crush your frail childlike skull, severely damaging
your brain. Told ya it was dark. Now imagine you are the older brother who just effectively ruined your
younger brothers live by crushing his frontal lobe. The guilt, the sadness- it would be overwhelming.
Now I know this theory isn't terribly well supported, but just hear me out- I'm thinking that maybe
you, in fnaf 4, are the older brother. Wracked with guilt, your nightmares place you in your brother's
room. Your brain, trying to justify your awful deeds, makes the animatronics scarier to help take the
blame. You are woken by an alarm clock at the end of the night, and only continue the next night.
Fredbear having bitten (with assistance), he is nearly the scariest, second only to the nightmare,
the embodiment of his fear and guilt. And they are called NIGHMARES for pete's sake, I think this
theory may have some holes, but I think the holes are small enough for this theory to hold water.
To almost prove this theory completely, this image is in the game.
All of my recent FNaF Theories [Fnaf is dark, and so is this. Beware!]
This image is basicly saying that the brother, at the comatose child's bedside, is apolagizing for his actions
in a way that I'm sure a lot of people talk to those in comas.
Also, I found this gif. "You're broken. Do you believe that? I'm still here. I'll put you back together."
It still sounds like the brother talking to the child.
All of my recent FNaF Theories [Fnaf is dark, and so is this. Beware!]
FNaF 2 -
The prequel to fnaf 1, fnaf 2 holds the record for most animatronics in a fnaf game.
This pizzaria is much, much larger than any of the others in the series. I think
maybe that fredbears had a terrible reputation from the bite, so either someone else
bought it or the older owners turned it around, because fnaf 2 is freddy fazbear's pizza (the first!)
So, in buying/turning around the franchise, they gave it a new name and everything,
but they kept the fredbears family diner animatronics in the back, very damaged for
some reason. (Not even damaged like neglect, damage like attacked, almost like mangle)
This game also includes minigames, the first minigames in the series. They play a huge role in the
storyline, as a lot of you know. These minigames depict the marionette putting suits on 4 dead
bodies, and one more (the kid who is posessing golden freddy) flashes at the end. Another minigame
has you giving cake to children in a freddy suit, the children get angry with no cake. If you look just outside
the front of the resteraunt there is a crying child (not the one from fnaf 4) and a purple car pulls up.
A purple man comes out of the car and the child cries harder upon seeing him. The purple man approaches him,
and the child suddenly opens his eyes wide, and the purple man kills him. This is so crucial to the story of
fnaf, for it is thought that the purple man is responsible for the missing children incident (see below) and
most of the killings in the story. The purple guy is in the springtrap suit in fnaf 3, and
you also see the heads and various parts of the toy animatronics in fnaf 3.

Now fnaf 1, the first game to be released.
 "Fun fact- Scott was done programming, his past games
not having done that well. He would do one last game- either a new topic, or a sequel to an older
game. He made fnaf, one of the most sucessful games of this time. Never give up!"
But anyway, this game is almost darker than fnaf 4. The reason is simple; One child or 5?
There are newspaper articles on the walls that replace the rules board on the wall that tell us that
an employee wearing a mascott suit lured five children into the back of the resteraunt,
and brutally murdered them. The article dosn't clarify this, but I thought I'd add that either
the killer or the marionette put the bodies in the suits (Probably the marionette, due to the
events of the "Give gifts, give life" minigame in fnaf 2.) But to continue the article, the employee was
fired. I think somewhere it waid the mascot suit used was yellow, so that basicly meants springtrap
or golden freddy. It is widely accepted that the 5 dead children were stuffed into the suits, then
haunting the suits forever. An employee killed them, possibly a guard, so they hate the employees
for taking their lives at such a young age. So, in the game, you are an employee- they hate you,
wanting revenge. The phone guy says they think you are an endoskeleton, so they put you in
a suit. But I think that is a cover, and they stuff you in a suit to force you to share their awful fate.
But the theory of the whole killed-then-put-in-suits, though well supported, would mean like 20 kids would
have to have been murdered for all of the games antagonists(Of course not including springtrap or the nightmares)
to have come to be killer in this way.

Fnaf 3 - Fazbears fright, the horror attraction!
Ok, thirty odd years after fnaf 1, neglect has caused the old fnaf stuff to rot and decay. But one dude thought
it would be a great idea to find what he could and make a house of horrors about the fnaf resteraunts.
There is a marionette mask, paper plate characters... you use bb sounds to scare people, nothing too bad.
No customers, which is odd. But then, night two is a very different story. The new laid back phone guy says
"We found one. a real one" suggesting they have an animatronic from the pizzaria, and they do. It was
a prototype suit to be a functioning animatronicbut also a mascot suit to be worn by employees for parties,
in the old fredbear diners. It was a gold-brown rabbit, known as 'springtrap'. The springlock system that
kept the endoskeleton and robotic functions from coming back into place was weak, and if it was breathed on too
hard it would dislodge and make it an animatronic robot again. The only problem with that is you're inside that,
now a employee smoothie. Eww. But anyway, the suit has a person in it that the fazbear's fright people happened
not to notice, which has been in there for 40+ years. How did someone get in there? The purple man, hiding from his
guilt and hallucinations of children, got in the suit. Laughing at his own cleverness, he dislodges the springlock.
So now you know. Springtraps eyes aren't springtrap's, freaky huh?

Thats all the games and theories for today, bye!
cya next time!

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09/01/2018 12:21 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Demolitionist
thats dark
09/01/2018 12:21 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Demolitionist
10/09/2015 7:37 pm
Level 41 : Master Pyro
dang lots o time went in this I bet spring trap is not fredbear though...

I am ⌊·—·⌋
10/09/2015 7:57 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
The way I worded it was confusing, sorry. But I said "Fredbear AND who is later known as 'Springtrap'"
10/09/2015 8:37 pm
Level 41 : Master Pyro
oh my bad Xd
still I am fredbear {"-"}
10/09/2015 9:45 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
lol yup
10/10/2015 8:49 am
Level 41 : Master Pyro
The Inquisitor
10/09/2015 6:25 am
Level 46 : Master Droid
