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Bioshock themed mods, please.

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Level 25 : Expert Dragon
If you don't know me, or are just a desperate Modder who needs work, I am Kleiner (or as it says on my name tag Kleiner1917).

I am currently working on the map of the Bioshock Survival Games, a theme hunger games-bioshock crossover map that I am building alone with whatever I have. Now as for the construction of the map itself, that has been completed, and currently I'm working on little traps and the story (aka distractions), but in order to enhance the feel of being in the Bioshock world of Rapture, I need a mod.

Not just any mod, a Bioshock themed one, with Big Daddies and little Sisters and splicers and plasmids and and gene tonic, vending machines that say "Need more ammo, Bandito?", and all the rest of the things that make Bioshock I and II, Bioshock.

So if someone makes this mod, I will show everyone a picture of my cat with me holding her. Or at least give you some 50 million diamonds if you don't want the cat, or I could give you both.

And understand that I am ask for this because of two things, Planet Minecraft and you who wish to play my map as if you were in the real Rapture. Planet Minecraft because there is only one Bioshock mod and it isn't really a mod at all (just a bunch of Bioshock themed skin in a file.) And for you, the player, because you wish to enjoy Bioshock in Minecraft as well.

P.S.- When you make the mod, can you have it have a program that automatically installs it (like sp commands) or really detailed but simple instructions on how to install it for less technical inclined Minecrafters like myself? Please?

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02/05/2013 6:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I am willing to try and make a bioshock mod with all the stuff you want and big daddy armor
07/26/2012 3:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hi, i just wanna say that it is totally awsome that you are making a bioshock mod and that bioshock is one of my favorite all time games. Unfortently i have no clue how to mod stuff so im not very helpfull, thank you for making a bioshock mod.
07/27/2012 6:14 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragon
No, you must have mis-read or I was unclear, I am not making the mod, but I am asking someone to make the mod. As of so far no one has taken the offer which is sad, I myself am as just clueless as how to mod anything.
06/29/2012 11:41 pm
Level 47 : Master Network
totally. I always wondered why people haven't done Bioshock. Thanks for your hard work. Consider me a big fan. Keep it up!

also check out my projects, see what you think of them, as I always find either useless to little creation about secret facilities like mine
