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Defiled Flower

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Darksoul128's Avatar Darksoul128
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
A single flower blooms in the wasteland, it life is lonely and sorrowful and as it goes on this flower begins to question why it lives when none can see it, when it cannot find another to be beside. As the time ticked on the flower grew weak and began to wither but then in an instant another flower appeared next to the first one. Time passed again and the white flower the first bloomer stayed alive with the new flower by its' side, the white flower was filled with joy as others also came and it knew many more flowers. However another flower bloomed to the white ones other side and tried to force its' way into the white flowers ground, this sparked a battle between the white flowers first companion and this new upstart flower which went on for many years. By now you must be wondering what this has to do with anything so now I shall tell you, the story of this flower is actually of a princess of a kingdom and the war that sparked over a rivalry for her affections. It began long ago and now I shall tell you this story as I was once told, now listen.

Chapter I
Overlooking the city from a forward tower of the castle stood a girl in a flowing white dress, her long snow white hair blew in the wind, her gentle blue eyes wandered the city heights. She turned to lean with her back against a nearby pillar revealing her face, her softly rounded face and nose, her thin supple lips and kind expression that always seemed to be there no matter what. This was the princess of Landor one of the kingdoms of Garciana a large island continent. Landor was a prosperous kingdom, the people were happy and poverty was near to non-existent, it's neighbors were Farsania a small kingdom that was situated inside of a thick forest and the other Trasong a large kingdom about the size of Landor that controlled the coast while Landor controlled the mountains and Farsania the plains and forest. Each kingdom had once been engaged in war with one another to try and establish dominance, but after many years of war it was decided they shall work together to further the glory of each kingdom.

A knight approached the princess and kneeled before her, "My princess your father has sent for you, please report to his throne immediately." He said emotionlessly before getting up and leaving. The princess sighed before ultimately deciding not to anger her father. She arrived at the throne room twenty minutes after she had received the knight's message as she had wandered the gardens of the castle first, upon entering the room she was greeted by her father berating her for not arriving sooner and he grew angrier after hearing her reason. He spoke further on how she should act more like royalty and learn what she must if she is to one day take the throne, the princess sighed again without her father noticing. She was his only child her mother had died in childbirth for her and her father had never re married.

"Lexia, you are not even listening right now are you. You are my only daughter and shall one day take this throne from me, if you do not know how to rule a kingdom Landor shall fall from grace and be a haven for bandits and will quickly be conquered bu another power!" The king bellowed at her.

Lexia then spoke in a calming angel like voice, "Father I have been listening to you even though I do not need to, each time you call me here it is for the same reason, I must act like royalty, I must learn, and I do without the teachers you send me I do not require them." She the curtsied and left the room before he could reply.

Lexia the name her mother had said before she died, she knew why her father had agreed to it, for his wife's last wish and to make sure he remembered each and every day that his daughter was the one who had caused his beloved wife to die, Lexia while only being fourteen years of age now had figured out this fact when she was merely seven. She knew more than she should at her age and this also angered her father.

As she slowly walked the castle hallways arms behind her back she felt the fabric of the carpet gently caress her bare feet.

"Tis good that he did not realize that once again I am incorrectly dressed, this dress is too short and light so it billows around me from the slightest movement or breeze, and not wearing shoes, leggings or even socks would have angered him even more." She quietly said to herself as she went forward without direction, after a while she decided to head to her room and maybe upset her father further by going somewhere else.

In an attempt to force the flower to grow as he wanted the gardener had kept it isolated from all other flowers, resulting in a flower that had no idea of how to grow beside other flowers. This meant that when the gardener had finally planted the flower alongside others it slowly created a wasteland around its self resulting in something that could not function with others.

Lexia had returned to her room and dressed in her least flashy clothes and made sure to wear something with a hood so as to hide her face. She sneaked through the castle and out through a servants entrance, she headed towards the market district of the city passing through the royal gardens and park that were open to the public, Lexia avoided the nobles that wandered around and quickly passed through the gate without any noticing her.

Upon reaching the market district she was shocked at how busy it was however she was glad that her clothes would fit in quite well. She had chosen brown shorts, a white shirt and a hooded dark blue overcoat, along with white leggings and knee high brown laced boots. Many people had similar clothes to her and she sighed with relief, Lexia began wandering around but quickly caused problems when she kept bumping into people which attracted attention and caused many people to yell at her. She stopped in the middle of a large group of people and within moments was being buffeted back and forth before she finally got pushed so hard that she ended up being forced in a direction and she lost her balance. Lexia hit the floor very hard and she knew her right knee was now injured, however no one seemed to notice her and a large group of people headed towards her. Lexia expecting to be trampled tried to stand but her knee kept giving way, the group got closer and Lexia whimpered just as a hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled away.

The flower kept the wasteland around it and eventually no other flowers tried to get to it, this brought the flower feelings of both relief and sorrow and these feelings deepened until it noticed a trail of green through its' wasteland and without it even realizing a flower had grown close to her and slowly they grew together.

"Hey you need to be careful here, its' busy everyday and the people are too busy buying, selling and trying to find things to notice people who are having a hard time." A calm kind voice told her. Lexia opened her eyes and saw a person before her. He wore a long black overcoat, white shirt, dark brown trousers and black knee boots. He had a hood over his head so Lexia could not see his features but parts of his hair stuck out, the colour of this hair was dark purple. The person introduced himself as Rosad, Lexia thanked him for pulling her out of the crowd, Lexia then fidgeted uncomfortably and then thanked him again before turning and walking away through a less dense crowd.

"Why did I feel so strange when he spoke to me, not just him, my father, the servants and everyone who I bumped into today." Lexia though as she headed down a path to god knows where. Going further down the path Lexia began to notice that this area was darker and more compact than everywhere else, even Landor's capital had a slum area filled with less desirable people. Lexia decided to head back but quickly found out she was beyond lost.

Lexia sat down and tried to remember the way she had gone but to no avail, she stayed where she was for some time then a voice spoke.

"Seems like you need some help." Said the familiar voice, Lexia looked and saw the person who had pulled her from the crowd in the market place, Rosad held out his hand and Lexia went to take his before thinking and was going to drop her hand but Rosad grabbed it and led her through the streets. Lexia wanted to speak and tell Rosad to let her go but no words would leave her mouth and she allowed him to lead her back to the market place. He asked Lexia if she could find her way wherever she wished to go from here. She nodded and thanked him before quickly heading back to the castle.

Lexia quickly got to the castle quickly and headed to her room, after getting inside she let out a sigh of relief as no one had noticed her leave or arrive back. She turned round and was greeted by her handmaiden Jessie, her hair was brown and in a ponytail, she was slightly taller than Lexia and wore a maid uniform.

"Well then you think you could sneak back in so easily mi'lady." She said with crossed arms, Lexia panicked and tried to think of an explanation and quickly found one. She explained that she had decided to wander the entirety of the castle and its grounds. Jessie listened and after Lexia had finished agreed to believe her story, she then told her that there was to be a ball that night for visiting dignitaries from the other kingdoms and that as the princess and sole heir to the kingdom she had to go and must dress appropriately for the event. Lexia nodded and waited while Jessie got her clothes ready.

"Must I really wear this Jessie, it's a little girly for me right." Lexia complained, Jessie told her that nothing was too girly for her as she was a girl and to not try and run away as she had locked the windows and doors to prevent her from doing so. Lexia groaned as Jessie helped her dress ready for the ball.

"A dress, leggings, hair pulled back to head down my back and a ribbon tied around it. How much do I despise wearing clothes this girly. I mean I will wear dresses and skirts but only ones I have managed to buy." Lexia thought.

The guests had all arrived and the king had greeted the dignitaries, all that was needed now was for Lexia to arrive. Jessie walked slowly down the hallway and into the grand hall. She bowed her head to the nobles and kings and in a loud voice spoke.

"Ladies and gentleman, visitors from Farsania and Transong I give to you the child of our noble king, the princess Lexia." She bowed again and steeped aside as Lexia entered in her blue dress. She bowed to the nobles and walked forward toward her father, her father spoke a little before he stepped down and the nobles began talking and drinking. Lexia however walked towards one of the halls support pillars and leaned against it, from where she was not many people would notice her.

"Father will be mad at me if I stay here all the time but I don't know what to say to these people, or anyone for that matter." she quietly told herself.

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01/09/2013 11:24 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
This is an amazing story. Truly amazing. It has correct spelling, punctuation, a story related moral in which is accurate, description and a perfect ending.
I will now check out some of your other work.
01/10/2013 8:25 am
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
Why thank you Tutto, I had this idea rather randomly like most of my stories and will be carrying it on when I have a new computer as mine has broken.
12/26/2012 7:08 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
crimsoncreeper13's Avatar
Meow Dark! :3 I like the story!
12/27/2012 9:33 am
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
Crimson you are back!!!!! Have not seen you for ages. Also thank you.
12/29/2012 1:21 am
Level 22 : Expert Network
crimsoncreeper13's Avatar
Yep hah been back and blogging for a while buddy!
12/29/2012 5:42 am
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
Well is lovely to have you back.
12/29/2012 8:09 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
crimsoncreeper13's Avatar
And it was lovely to chat again.
01/01/2013 3:06 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Darksoul128's Avatar
Indeed and we should chat more also am now an InuKami not a neko boy as a lich i remade my body.
12/24/2012 6:26 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Prince
Shanery's Avatar
Glad to see your gaining levels and getting more than 1 diamond for your submissions ;)
12/19/2012 10:05 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Skinner
MatyB's Avatar
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