Minecraft Blogs / Other

boarrito leaving!

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Boarrito MCBoar
Level 32 : Artisan Blockhead Pig
I think its obvious I don't post much here anymore, so im leaving this account for good, and if leaving it to rot then atleast with a message!

I'm not interested in posting something here anymore, you can ask for how long im leaving? well its not forever, but probably for a long time, cuz I have no ideas and no enthusiasm, and well not everybody remembers me (only person here who knows me well is papa enny, RIP illager dingo)

I'm sure there will be a time when ill get enthusiastic enough about running this account and come back, but its not gonna happen anytime soon

for the time I will be gone I will only improve my art, and as you can see in the image I've already improved atleast a little bit since the last post.

goodbye people!! oink

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11/11/2024 10:06 pm
He/Him • Level 11 : Journeyman Network
: (
