Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Bot Hunting (I Hate Bots...)

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Level 9 : Apprentice Dog
Soooooo.... I haven't Been online in a while because i have been trying to get better at art :l

But Anyways MineCraft Hase These Things Called Bots. What Do They Do? Well They Can Be used for selling things to people or The Complete Opposite of good like SPAMMING... Spamming Is Saying The Same ThinG in chat over and over again. when bots spam its used to slow down chat speed.

So im trying to become a bot hunter...

so i need to learn a bit more about bots.
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Main Bot Target: Oxygen Raider ARASR

Current Bots Defeated: 0

Bot Creators Discovered: 0

Bots Found: Oxygen Raider Bot . We Are Coming Bot. Realms Warning Bot

Also Im Doing This In Bedrock Edition So Please Tell Me Realm Codes So That I Can Try Protect Your Realms From Bots!

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10/31/2024 6:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
a guy told me i can stop them by putting cb wit killing all Commandblock minecrats and npcs
11/02/2024 2:50 pm
He/Him • Level 9 : Apprentice Dog
okay whats the command? because at this point i want to end bots once and for all.
