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Banned for being based on a artwork.

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Level 29 : Expert System
Reason for maps temporary removal due to resent changes within the MUG (Minecraft user guidelines) this map fails to fallow Commercial guidelines which is one of the requirements for ANY published items for the game.

MUG sec.5 personal use
When you decide to share your content with the community (whether you plan to make money off it or not), you are doing what we consider to be a commercial thing. When you do commercial things, you must follow the Commercial Use guidelines.


When it comes to using Minecraft as a platform to promote yourself, your product, or your services, we are a little more strict. We understand why you might think Minecraft would be an amazing way to connect your brand with others. But Minecraft is a place where players of all ages come together to play, not to be a part of an advertisement.

With that stated, commercial companies, corporate brands, advertising agencies, non-profits, politicians, political action committees, governments, individual artists, and other entities are not permitted to use Minecraft gameplay to promote or market products, services, events, campaigns, or brands unrelated to Minecraft without prior written approval from Mojang or Microsoft.

Here are a couple examples of things that are not allowed:
  • A mod created to allow players to play in a world with branded automobiles
  • A skin pack containing brand logos
  • Minecraft blocks used to build a world or characters from a movie
  • A political campaign or rally that takes place in-game

due to the fact that all forms of published content are now considered commercial content, i must abide by the comical guidelines. the mug states via the implication that because "Dragon snow" a Intervisual artist. made changed which makes changed forever a world that promotes the game changed it is no longer allowed to exist without Mojang's permission. there for the indefinite suspension of the project until Mojang stops being so full of themselves.
if Push comes to shove and things change i may work Agen until then I'm sorry that I need to let you down.

36 Update Logs

we tried and it didn't work : by willyandme 12/15/2023 2:01:59 amDec 15th, 2023

so me and my dev friend went to the mc discord server to ask how to ask for permission to post this they seed to contact support, so we did, and we told them our dilemma and they just sead that we need to look at the rules, the same rules we asked them to clarify.

in other words this project must not be allowed anymore welp it was a pleasure to work with yall

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05/06/2024 6:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
yo when will the reupload come? what if you use like media fire and put the link in the commet's? you could try that
03/06/2024 12:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dang, came back to see what was going on with the map these days and this happened. sorry for what happened
Papa Enny
02/21/2024 8:59 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Answer Dwarf
politics are kinda obvious
12/03/2023 12:21 pm
Level 29 : Expert System
i just now realized i can ask Mojang for permission to post this map Agen!
if all goes well i will be able to continue working on this map
02/11/2024 7:00 pm
Level 1 : New System
As stated in the update log:

We've got some bad news... the Mojang Support team basically told us to read again or talk to a legal expert.
I'm gonna be honest, that's not supportive or at all helpful.

We're... kinda just stuck wondering whether this map can be public again.

At this point we've gotten tired of the antics of the rules and we're just... probably going to close up shop. :|

See y'all in the future.
08/26/2023 12:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
can the map be uploaded on another website or a mediashare?
09/07/2023 10:22 pm
Level 29 : Expert System
i cant this map now brakes Microsoft's - Mojang's TOS that's why it was taken down im sorry but i am no longer allowed to publish this for fear of punishment. however, if they change their ways i will be back as i have a backup. so we will see what happens.
08/07/2023 12:32 am
Level 1 : New System
I'm am sorry for the current state of the project, I am currently trying to see whatever I can do to bring this project back from the dead.

The recent changes to the Minecraft's Terms of Service, being the Usage Guidelines, Commercial Usage Guidelines, Minecraft's End-User License agreement has brought much confusion to us, and unfortunately we have been frustrated with Minecraft's lack of quality and constant controversies.

However as of recently, I have reviewed the documents more thoroughly. I will talk with the other developers to see if this project can be reinstated.

This may possibly be our last project on Minecraft if issues continue further.

- "Vic"
06/23/2023 5:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Back to play chapter 2 of this amazing map. (Has it really been 9 months? Geez.) And I am also back to list some issues that may be good to resolve later. I have also catagorized them by what type of issue they are and have listed things that i found amazing in the negative numbers. I reccomend reading through and discussing all the issues so that you can come up with a game plan to fix the issues efficiently withough having to do too much tedious work. i will likely upload more each day i am playing through


Day 1 playthrough

Coding and functional issues:
-2: LOVE the directional noise when on those anxiety vent blocks. it always tries to stay behind you but is slow to move arround you, making you feel like something is stalking you. beautiful ambience work.
-1: the new light latex pathway blocks. how did you even do it? it feels straight up like a new block. incredible.
1: The night vision ran out... i cant read the signs in the upside down part of the tutorial. EDIT: didnt give night vision when i respawned
2: dnd club needs a decoration mode zone so that the props can actually be used, maybe make a printer that spawns book and quills while you are at it
3: not sure but i think the button in the library cafeteria may be broken
4: the lore note in the library 2nd floor supply closet was not signed
5: library 2nd floor supply closet save point is missing a button
6: the dark latex hive is just painful to traverse
6.1: it would be good if the latex jump pads gave 2-3 secs of resistance or some other buff to remove the fall damage
7. "over here 16" sign is there before
8. for some reason, the tfs will apply every tick instead of once and done. due to this, if you get tf from both thrones, pain occurs.

Linguistical errors:
-1: i like the linguistical errors existing in some places, for instance those of the reverted latex beasts, who have not used their brain for most likely years, although some periods could be good to add so it is easier to read
1: spelling and gammatical errors in: starting area, tutorial, renamed items (capitalize), guiding signs (like "to housing")
1.1: notes by certian charachters: Dr. K
2: More of a tip/suggestion than an issue: im pretty sure resourcepacks can change the name of items, so you could have the items spawn with edited names instead of having to use an anvil, thus lessening work (no need to go through every single chest to make a change or renaming items when making a new chest) AND removing the issue of names reverting (for instance, when placing then breaking an object in decoration mode) Edit: from the robot head in "local weirdo's strange lab" it seems like you have already figure it out and dabbled in it a bit
3: sign consistency errors (perhaps you should make another sign type for physical signs?) : player house, MineRLG's room, the stairway up to the library, gens by the fungal area, sign in the orange and blue mess hall's pantry
4: illegible signs: library 2nd floor cafeteria has a dialog sign with light grey text on a light grey background
5: every single apostrophe has been corrupted into a weird symbol

-4: I absolutely ADORE the remake of the light latex hive, its twisting and confusing yet expansive, and really does feel like a jungle. It also makes parkour much more feasible.
-3 love the use of fan coral for crystals
-2: love the sprinkler particles in the library's greenhouse, would it be possible to make a redstone activated varient for the showers in the lockerrooms?
-1: the pool looks very fun to hang out in but...
1: ...I cannot swim in the pool (and yes, i did edit the order of this list in order to do that)
2: if you do end up making an rp version: multiple player houses
3: the fountain in housing unit beta is an OSHA violation waiting to happen: add a railing or lessen the water pressure, lmao
4: water source blocks missing before the 4th(when looking from the lower floor) waterfall in the wheat farm
5: vent stairs need a higher ceiling, its teidious to get up whilst having to crouch
6: library second floor balcony is missing a barrier from falling off, also i can see the amogus from here
Tip: while building, dont be afraid to use worldedit and other building mods, it will also help a lot if you get something that can search for signs and chests with certain contents for retrofitting changes.
7: library 2nd story storage closet has 3 doors. it is the only 3 door enterance in the entirety of the library foyer. ARGH
8: "Dr. K, using safety tape to fasten the pool plumbing to the ceiling doesnt make it safe"
9: someone forgot to get lockers to install into the locker rooms.
10: windbreaker area from acess shaft uses the anxiety vent blocks as its floor
11: why is there a line of damaging pink crystals in the middle of the staircase between the two latex hives?
Tip: you might be able to use mcreator to easily create new blocks if you ever run out of vanilla ones to retexture
12: there are 2 blocks missing from the ceiling of the diciples hall of even's cathedral
13: giant hole in the map next to the atom's residence
14: cannot open the top freezer chests in the store next to the new inn

Adding more emotion to the environment
1: Adding deptha and purpose to the exterior to buildings: the buildings exteriors lack depth and detail, add some fire escapes, telephone poles, windows, supporting structures, graffiti, balconies, signs, ac units, ect. there are many ways to add depth and realism to buildings
2: Erosion: the building exterior colors are too bright for the context, i suggest using more muted colors (aka terracotta) and patches where the once colorful exterior has worn down to the brick and mortar, maybe even rebar, also, maybe have a few signs have letters fall off and get inbedded in the ground below
3: Pathways for damage if there is an open window or a broken wall, it would allow plants and grime to get inside of buildings
4: overgrown foliage is not limited only to green vines, allow the foliage to spread along any power lines and droop down, add brown vines, let the trees grow onto the side of buildings, K U D Z U. Also, pathways and stairs are not magically protected from being overtaken by vines
5: water damage: in the apocalypse, water stops moving through pipes, storm drains get clogged with rubble and foliage, and water starts to pool up from the rain. show the paths that the water takes using damage. also, any stagnant and unfilterd and unmanaged water would get algae in it
6: fire damage. lightning, raiders, sparks from rubble falling down, ect can cause a fire to start, and many places might have combustable materials (dead plants, wooden rubble, stagnant sewers (which would explode easily) and gas lines) would all combust, causing structures to burn and explode

lore and logic:
-2: love the detail of using the enchantment particles at the white drone throne room, it makes scense seeing as this is a nexus point for a hivemind
-1: I really like how you represented the daily life of the latex beasts, ex: "please clean goo off the controlers" as well as how you gave them individual personalities and hobbies. I know from experience that avoiding charachters with "2d personalities" can be hard. And dispite that you guys did a beautiful job with keeping a good balance, at least for the most part
1: i know that the extremely hot coffee is a joke but 3000 kelvin would have boiled (and possibly ionized) off the water instantly, so it would just be coffee remnants scorched to oblivion, maybe change it to 372.15 kelvin, as that is 1 degree less than the boiling point of water?
2: i think that there is a way to use command blocks to change the labled author of custom books
3: what kind of pool damages those who try to swim in it (it still doesnt make sense when thought as an aquarium turned into a pool)
3.1: why can the squiddog tentacles handle the rushing water whilst the squiddog cannot?
4: why are the pink fan coral crystals the only ones that give poison
5: suprised that the dark latex dont have boatloads of flashlights.
6: why did you make an obvious sign giving directions furbines, a secret area?
7: how does the flooding of the lower floor of the aquarium protect the sharks when there is a functional elevator, and how is the elevator functional?
8: some chests are too full outside
9: would the beerless black latex not have crystalized by now?

pure confusion and things not catagorized:
im still confused as to why there are raining crying obsidian particles at points in the dark latex hive
random blank armorstand at -65, 36, -38. another in the theatre, another at the place
unopenable vent at access vent tram station
did you make furbines easier to get to?
"hmm, what is this maintainence area?" *BWAAAA* (i see that you took the nightmare anxiety out of the vent passages and condensed it into a tunnel)
07/06/2023 1:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Day 2:

this one is a bit shorter, and i feel maybe a bit more negative? idk. hope it helps!

Note: am playing on version 1.19.3

Linguistical errors:
1: Spelling and grammatical errors in/at: main menu splash text

Coding and Functionality:
1: maybe some way to remove and rearrange the achievements would be nice, also i lost my strength shield by putting it in an achievement frame
2: the top row of achievement frames in the 2nd nexus are unreachable
3: depth strider would be apriceated at the aquarium

-1: love the pairing of tinted glass and resprited glass at the interview room, feels like glass bricks
1: where are the cars and roads?
2: skylights and windows are lacking
3: use the vine blocks sparingly, they get EVERYWHERE
4: the end of the garden's wooden pathway is a bit underwhelming. it feels like there should at least be some seating there
5: asymetry in the supports of the farm stairways
6: what is the functional purpose of the carrot farm having 2 floors? why wouldnt the resisdents of the lab use one floor for the carrot farm and another floor for, for instance, gardening supplies?

1: i feel like the number puzzle isnt quite railroaded enough, and you can solve it by just wandering. maybe you could make checks so that the next part of the puzzle only spawns after the prior one is found?
2: 2 netherite ingots are hidden in the bar in the same manner, maybe raise the chandeliers on the 3rd floor (due to being able to jump-click the netherite ingot there) and remove the chandelier on the 2nd floor? the 2nd floor chandelier doesnt make too much sence on its own anyway i feel.
3: netherite ingots i found a bit too easy: the one in the pool vents, the one on the bar's lower chandilier, the one between the secret painting building and the npcs
4: the vines grew over the doors in the maze of agony game, making it impossible to complete. i do not think this is the type of agony you were looking for. EDIT: the vines also allow you to just climb over entire parts of the maze.
5: secret balcony achievement. it makes sence if there wasnt the garden teleport. but there is. which makes it only a short walk to an obvious door and up a staircase to get to it

lore and logic:
-2: love the snep vodka factory
-1: after going to an actual arcade, i can say with certainty that almost every single game is unique, and i love that you did that with your arcade as well.
1: apart from the puro snacks, i feel like oranges would be more prone to rot if stored in separate slices
2: please adress in game why the heck 16 can hear past conversations and thoughts
3: how on earth did raiders destroy puro's home? why? where is the wreckage? why could dr k orchestrate the renovations of ENTIRE FLOORS OF A COMPLEX whilst not be able to repair a simple room????
4: where did the supplies for the lab get delivered? where were they stored?
5: i dont think it is professional police behavior to keep case files unorganized in random cardboard boxes

Storytelling critiques:
1: the player being the anomaly seems like it is trying to be a twist but there is little to no weight behind the revelation. what make the anomaly a big deal? what makes the anomaly being the player unexpected and important? what is the anomaly in the first place?
2: "choices matter" is a aspect of a story that requires sacrifice and change. what does the player have to loose in a world in which they have no memory and almost no other charachters? also what choices *can* we make?
3: Even seems to be a charachter built to be easy to be unnerved by. if that is intentional, then keep in mind paralells between Even and Puro
4: charachter motivation is VERY important in a desolate setting, what purpose does 16 have for exploring and wandering canonically? how can you turn the player's want to explore and see the map you have made into the motivations that 16 feels for exploring?
5: Dr K. suffers a very common fallback in stories: ceasing to be an antagonist without the proper charachter development to back it up. Why did he change his behavior? Why did it change in the way that it did? and, keeping the map discription in mind, what makes him still somewhat sinister?

-1: forgot to say, but the fact that you went the distance to remake the main menu is amazing
0: depth strider boots + dolphin's grace = chaos zooms
1: was hyped up for pizza time, was no pizza

random comments and thoughs as i played:
wtf happened at the crime scene? what does even have to do with it?

amendments to prior points:
-1 you always had the powder snow blocks act differently to light latex drones didnt you

IDEAS (note: i am not a person well aquainted with how texture packs and commands work in minecraft, plus i have no idea what you guys have planned for this map, im just throwing random ideas out if you want to use them for inspiration):
you may be able to use 1.20's armor trims to make any armor equiped overlay with the transfur active using the texture pack
maybe you can make the command blocks in the class quiz section update the values that determine how the player interacts with stuff, for instance the tf interaction with the powder snow blocks can automatically be active on the player, plus sence the player is already canonically transfured, you can ditch the binding armor and let the player equip the armor they find in the map, maybe instead using the idea i had earlier with the armor trims to make the armor suit the assumed skin via applying the right armor trip upon equiping? this might also allow armor sharing in multiplayer if that becomes a thing.
i feel like the more creative raiders might steal the golf balls for ammo, so what if the latex beasts restocked them with with oranges? they are round and have the same kinda surface, plus what else would they do with the ones in the greenhouse?
maybe make a branching path in which we take an alternate escape route from the laboratory tower and never aquaint ourself with Even
i feel a missed oporotunity with the waterfall by the garden, unsure however bc i will not be entering spectator mode to check untill i have gone through everything i can find in adventure (with some help of survival for broken areas)
