Published Sep 6th, 2012, 9/6/12 3:39 am
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In this tutorial I will teach you how to make new biomes in minecraft without ModLoader!
Some guys asked me if I can post a tutorial, and here it is. So here are the steps.
1. Download Minecraft Coder Pack:
2. Extract the Minecraft Coder pack files in a folder like "MCP"
3. Download the clean bin and resource Here (If you have by yourself a clean bin and a clean source folder you can use your own)
4. Unpack the .zip in the "jars" folder in MCP, or put your own bin and resource folder in it.
5. Open the minecraft.jar and delete the META-INF.
6. Download and unpack ModLoader in the .jar (This mod doesn't need ModLoader but it makes it compatible with it)
7. Click on the decompile.bat
8. Setup Eclipse (If you would like) Here's a tutorial, how to do
9. Code ;)
So we are gonna code this biome.
1. You need to open the "", and the "".
2. You have to create a ""
3. In "" you have to write the code
public static final BiomeGenBase tutorial = (new BiomeGenTutorial(23)).setColor(353825).setBiomeName("Tutorial").setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 1.0F).setMinMaxHeight(0.4F, 0.6F);
* the first variable "tutorial" sets the Variable "tutorial" for adding the biome for example in
* The second thing "(new BiomeGenTutorial(23))" declares which class defines the biome "tutorial" and the "23" is the biomeID.
* ".setColor(353825)" sets the color of the biome.
* ".setBiomeName("Tutorial")" sets the displayed name of the biome when you press F3.
* ".setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 1.0F)" sets the temperature and the rainfall so "0.8F" is the temperature and "1.0F" is the rainfall.
* ".setMinMaxHeight(0.4F, 0.6F)" sets the minimal and the max height of the biome.
The gray thing is only a declaration.
Then you write in this code in
Then you have to write this code in
package net.minecraft.src;
import java.util.Random;
public class BiomeGenTutorial extends BiomeGenBase
public BiomeGenTutorial(int par1)
this.spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityWolf.class, 5, 4, 4)); //This string spawns Wolfes
this.theBiomeDecorator.treesPerChunk = 10; //This string sets, how many trees can be generated in one chunk
this.theBiomeDecorator.grassPerChunk = 2; //This string sets, how many grass (high grass) can be in one chunk.
this.topBlock = (byte)Block.blockDiamond.blockID;//This string sets the topblock, here is it a Block made of diamond
this.fillerBlock = (byte)Block.blockDiamond.blockID;
* Gets a WorldGen appropriate for this biome.
public WorldGenerator getRandomWorldGenForTrees(Random par1Random)
return (WorldGenerator)(par1Random.nextInt(5) == 0 ? this.worldGeneratorForest : (par1Random.nextInt(10) == 0 ? this.worldGeneratorBigTree : this.worldGeneratorTrees)); //this string sets which tree generator the biome uses for trees.
So then you have to recompile with the recompile.bat then click on the starclient.bat to start and test it.
Hopefully you understood that whole thing, and if you have any questions, ask me.
Oh and btw, if you would like to see everything in the .java files then you can look here.
Some guys asked me if I can post a tutorial, and here it is. So here are the steps.
1. Download Minecraft Coder Pack:
2. Extract the Minecraft Coder pack files in a folder like "MCP"
3. Download the clean bin and resource Here (If you have by yourself a clean bin and a clean source folder you can use your own)
4. Unpack the .zip in the "jars" folder in MCP, or put your own bin and resource folder in it.
5. Open the minecraft.jar and delete the META-INF.
6. Download and unpack ModLoader in the .jar (This mod doesn't need ModLoader but it makes it compatible with it)
7. Click on the decompile.bat
8. Setup Eclipse (If you would like) Here's a tutorial, how to do
9. Code ;)
So we are gonna code this biome.
1. You need to open the "", and the "".
2. You have to create a ""
3. In "" you have to write the code
public static final BiomeGenBase tutorial = (new BiomeGenTutorial(23)).setColor(353825).setBiomeName("Tutorial").setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 1.0F).setMinMaxHeight(0.4F, 0.6F);
* the first variable "tutorial" sets the Variable "tutorial" for adding the biome for example in
* The second thing "(new BiomeGenTutorial(23))" declares which class defines the biome "tutorial" and the "23" is the biomeID.
* ".setColor(353825)" sets the color of the biome.
* ".setBiomeName("Tutorial")" sets the displayed name of the biome when you press F3.
* ".setTemperatureRainfall(0.8F, 1.0F)" sets the temperature and the rainfall so "0.8F" is the temperature and "1.0F" is the rainfall.
* ".setMinMaxHeight(0.4F, 0.6F)" sets the minimal and the max height of the biome.
The gray thing is only a declaration.
Then you write in this code in
Then you have to write this code in
package net.minecraft.src;
import java.util.Random;
public class BiomeGenTutorial extends BiomeGenBase
public BiomeGenTutorial(int par1)
this.spawnableCreatureList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityWolf.class, 5, 4, 4)); //This string spawns Wolfes
this.theBiomeDecorator.treesPerChunk = 10; //This string sets, how many trees can be generated in one chunk
this.theBiomeDecorator.grassPerChunk = 2; //This string sets, how many grass (high grass) can be in one chunk.
this.topBlock = (byte)Block.blockDiamond.blockID;//This string sets the topblock, here is it a Block made of diamond
this.fillerBlock = (byte)Block.blockDiamond.blockID;
* Gets a WorldGen appropriate for this biome.
public WorldGenerator getRandomWorldGenForTrees(Random par1Random)
return (WorldGenerator)(par1Random.nextInt(5) == 0 ? this.worldGeneratorForest : (par1Random.nextInt(10) == 0 ? this.worldGeneratorBigTree : this.worldGeneratorTrees)); //this string sets which tree generator the biome uses for trees.
So then you have to recompile with the recompile.bat then click on the starclient.bat to start and test it.
Hopefully you understood that whole thing, and if you have any questions, ask me.
Oh and btw, if you would like to see everything in the .java files then you can look here.
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