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Creepypastas came to dinner

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Level 27 : Expert Artist
My story. The creepypastas came to dinner. On a summer day jane the killer stood in my front door of my house looking sad and she nocked at my big house she looked around seeing a big driveway and a garage and trees and bushes everywhere around my house she thought my house looked amazing and cozy. She couldn't take her eyes of the house I opened the door and gave her a smile. She smiled back feeling flustered and her cheeks turned pink behind her mask hii she said softly hii I said to her hugging her I'm so happy your here she stepped inside looking at the different rooms and the kitchen and the living room everything wad big and beautiful. I told her she can put her stuff in her room. She nodded and smiled. She headed upstairs into her room. Her room was big with art and books and window seat near a big window looking about on the big backyard. The back yard had a green lawn and I big wide river and beyond the river was the dark looming woods with thorns growing on the trees. The woods jane looked at the woods and shivered the sight of the woods gave jane shivers. She came downstairs and walked to the living room where I was and I Siad I hope you found your room ok. She nodded and smiled I did thank you so much for letting me stay here in your amazing home I'm sure I'll be happy here. I smiled and offered her to sit with me she sat beside me on the couch and snuggled against me warm and happy. The sun was peaking behind the dark woods making the sky in different colors I sighed and jane looked at me and said is everything OK? I told her everything is fine she nodded and got close to me. Then I heard the other creepypastas walking through the front door jane and I stood up and sat in the kitchen table the first one to come in was Jeff the killer he was wearing his white hoodie and a smile on his face that he carved. Jane saw him and she looked away from him angrily to think about all he done to her in her past. The other person to come to the door was black rose she smiled through her mask and waved the wore a black shirt with a chest plate with a beautiful rose in the middle she had dark purple hair and wore jeans she wore gloves and she sat near jane smiling. The other person to walk in was lulu I shivered at the sight of her remembering that she was a collector she smiled her eyes covered by black bangs and she was wearing and dark blue hoodie and black skirt with striped socks. The other person to walk in was hoodie and masky hoodie wore a yellow hoodie and black mask and dark blue pants masky had a mask similar to Jane's his dark brown hair was a mess he wore a dark yellow jacket he didn't smile nore waved he just sat by the other. The other person to walk in was Toby Rodgers he was moving a lot and he wore a gray hoodie with a dark blue hoodie he wore a mask and orange goggles he had messy dark hair he moved like he can't be still jsne thought he looked odd. The other person to walk in was Sally and clockwork Sally was a young creepypasta she had a smile and she wore a pink shirt and dark blue pants her hair was brown and red with a pink bow in it say waved at us and said hiii she sat down by jane waiting. Clockwork was wearing a dark green jacket with fir on it she had a smile that she carved on her face and a pocket watched in her left eye socket the other eye was green she had dark messy brown hair. The other person to come in was ben drowned he wore similar to links clothes in Zelda his eyes were red and black dripping he wore a hat similar to an elf he smiled and sat by hoodie waiting. I looked at the faces of the creepypastas welcome to my home I hope you will all like it here. They all said we're happy to to be here some of them smiled at me others looked away. Sally lulu and rose said thank you for letting us stay here are hungry am sleepy I nodded ill get you dinner a big nice hot dinner as I walked to the kitchen jane followed me into the kitchen never leaving her gaze on me she had a smile behind her mask she watched as I brought out some meat and made the mash potatoes the roama filled the house making others very hungry when I was do e I said dinner is served they went to the kitchen and grabbed a plates I said help yourself to anything you want I told them they nodded happy jane followed me to the dining room and I sat down beside her she felt happy to be beside me she never wanted to leave me she felt safe in my cozy home she looked around the room gazing there were lots of art and pictures of landscapes and lights hung on the sealings I smiled and watched jane looking around pretty isn't it? I asked jane she nodded and said it's pretty and cozy here she came close to me wrapping her arms around me.

It was night time and the moon was out casting a shadows around my house the dark woods loomed over the river jane and me and the others played minecraft I said to them first find the website they found the website then I Said you need to make accounts so you can invite your friends to your minecraft worldThe others made an accounts having fun making up new accounts jane helped Sally make her account since Sally was the youngest creepypasta. Then I said download java they did and waited for the game to load on to their computers I sat next to jane jane felt close and happy to be with me. Then I said go to the game minecraft and it will load they did and the minecraft game loaded to the mane screen they waited. The game went to the screen that said menu. I said go to invite menu and invite your friends by hitting there usernames they did and I added jane lulu rose and Sally and the others were in the game now have fun. They started to play minecraft building and creating amazing things I was creating this house in minecraft. After me and jane and the others stopped playing minecraft we decided to go to bed. I said good goodnight to the creepypastas and jane smiled she decided to be with me and said would you hang out with me?? I said of course jane as I sat down on the coachHer eyes grateful and she had a happy smile she said I didn't want to be alone. I put my hand ok jane and said your my favorite I love being with you jane. She said why am I your favorite? I said because your beautiful. Her cheeks turned deep red a blushed with happiness I smiled and she smiled back I lay down next to her and she snuggled up beside me it was dark out and the woods were loomed over the river casting shadows on the house. The was quiet as jane closed her eyes so did I.Jane dreamed of being in the dark woods beyond the river and she saw a tall figure standing near the edge of the woods he led her to other side of the woods she was looking for me calling my name but shivered at the sight of the figure standing beside her she saw her house she grown up in she shivered the sight of it remembering every dark past she went through in that house she stepped on the creaking steps and entered the house she looked at the dining room it was burned and the whole room felt cold and black. See saw me laying on the ground my eyes wre closed and she knelt down beside me and put her hand on my chest she looked scared. Then jane heard foot steps coming down the stairs she stood up and waiting for the person to appear. It was Jeff the killer and jane was shockedShe stood back Jeff was menacing then ever with his white face and grin. Jane grabbed her knife and stood in front of Me protecting me from the demon the demon went out and faced the house with a mighty roar it lifted the staff and let it down with a thunder sound that echoed around the rocks the trees and the water rose up and crashed to the house bang!! Bang!! As the rocks hit the house cracking the wood and roof jane new she had to protect me but I was not awake the water rose up and hit the house with a thunderous sound the made the whole house creak and moan under the pressure the demon stood commanding the rocks the water to destroy the house and me and jane inside she wept with tears knowing she had to keep me safe she felt love for me. The rocks kept Coming and hitting the house the house shook and the windows broke and everything in the house smashed to the ground the demon was strong and jane new she had to fight to protect me love was making her strong the demon mocked jsne saying if you love him then save him before the house is destroyed hahaha it laughed with a thunderous boom the shook the whole area. Jane covered herself with her arm as the rocks nocked the wood down and the water lashed angrily at the house jane saw that 1000 knifes were moving with every step and movement of Jane's hands.jane felt stronger that she was controlling the knives she pointed a finger at the demon and the knives flew out of the house into the sky and as a rocket came down on the demon. The demon roared shaking the foundation of the river high. Jane picked me up and clung me near her chest protecting me she her tears running down her face as she held me against her chest to protect me. The rocks kept flying the water kept hitting the house with angrily I moved my finger and commanded the knives the knives flew out of the house into the sky again and flew down on the demon with fire flaming on then scorching the demon with fire it roared and angrily slamming the staff to the ground the water rose up and crashed to the house jane kept her balance holding me in her arms crying the house shook and cracked the knives came sown and hit the house the house cracked and the wood slammed on the ground the jane commanded the knives with her fingers. The knives flew into the sky again turning into darts and filled with holy water they came down like rain on the demon showering the demon with holy water that smoked everywhere the demon let out a mighty roar and throwing the rocks at them the knives turned into long and sharp cutting through the rocks turning them into dust. Jane smiled and hope trickled in her heart. The rocks were nocked back by jane. And she walked out side with me in her arms she had to escape the demon as she came out of the house the knives flew down and cracked the house down with a mighty creak it crashed down sending dust to the air the trees bend with its forces as the dust cleared the demon said with a mighty roar!!! I'm not done!!! I'll be back!!!!! Jane's tears came down and knelt down holding me the demon flew into the woods the woods shimmering with the force. And jane was alone with me.Jane woke up from her dream and looked at me sleeping she smiled in relief she snuggled against me again and kissed Me on my cheek she new something dark was coming was the dream forming into the future?? She didn't know but she new she'll fight and love me always.

Lost in the woods. On a nice fall day I said to all the creepypastas let's go bike riding and go to those woods 3 miles away and eat lunch their how does that sound? Jane and Sally lulu clockwork rose and others said that sound fun!!! Let's do ittt.So i said the bikes are in the garage. I walked to the garage and turn on the garage door Jeff looked at my truck this is a nice truck. I said thank you Jeff. The others saw the bikes and wide eyed these are cool bikes in good condition Sally said to Me. I said yup thanks Sally they are for you. Jane smiled and gave me a hug thanks for providing things for us your so sweet you know that? I smiled at jane I'm happy your all here in my home safe let's ride. So we all rode out into the street and rode on the hills down and up Tennessee hills ohh my. Jane rose and lulu rode beside me I smiled as the breeze wiped the hair off the girls faces. We rode down the hills fast we went ahaha I shouted at jane. Jane and the other girls followed me down the hills the breeze felt good on thier faces. We got to the edge of the woods then rode our bikes in the path Jane and the others were in front of Me sometimes I don't like others behind me. They were head of me not knowing i was behind them. As they rode away couple feet away. I saw a dark figure standing in the shadows of the trees then my bike hit a root and my bike flew me off and I hit a rock and rolled down the hill and splash into the water down below good thing it wasn't deep or ill would've drowned. I got up and saw my arm and leg scrapped up my bike hit a tree and fell I stumbled up and looked around no one was here to safe me I new I had to find the others quick!!!.Meanwhile the others saw a clearing up head and stopped and leaned their bikes up then took out some things and Sat downBut dmsally looked around and saw that someone was missing jane Sally said I think he's gone I don't see him!!! I I don't see him Sally had tears in her eyes and said he's probably behind us maybe he's still riding she was worried for me jane thought may I got hurt and couldn't get up or dead janes tears rolled down her face dark was coming and they didn't know where I was. Then lulu said if we make a fire he might able to smell the fire and he'll come to our location. Jane nodded relieved. Your right lulu jane said maybe he got a little lost ohh I'm so mad at myself not knowing he fell. Sally said hane we all had no idea it's not your fault. I'm pretty sure he'll fine hid way here. Jane smiled at that she new I was smart enough to find my way to the others. Meanwhile back to Me I went to the path where I crashed and knelt down what I saw gave me shivers hoof prints were near the path I thought maybe hoofs front a deer. But these hoof prints look different then the hoof prints on a deer. These were big and some blood on the path I got a cold chill I'm not alone nor the others.meanwhile back at the clearing jane maya1879 ChristalWolf and -mochi and the others were sitting waiting to see what jane and lulu would do lulu rubbed 2 sticks together to make heat jane found a bucket and poured water around the leaves around the fire ChristalWolf smiled at jane and said that's a good idea so the sparks won't fly everywhere and start a fire in the dark woods. Jane nodded and smiled at ChristalWolf right jane said Sally came close to -mochi she said I hope he's ok I'm worried he's hurt and lost. Mochi put and arm around Sally. And Said don't worry Sally we'll look for him. The sun was gone it wad night time and the breeze picked up and the moon shone above the trees Jeff was carving a tree maya1879 looked at Jeff and wondered why he was doing that. Jane stood up and said to the others I'm going to go find him I can't sit here waiting maybe he's hurt I need to go find him. Tears fell behind her mask ChristalWolf said it's dark out and we didn't even brought flashlights we'll get lost. Jane said let's go back to the place where he fell off near thier and see if he comes back and look for him. ChristalWolf mochi maya showed sympathy and affection towards jane. And her bravery and strength but they didn't want to get lost in the woods with the demon around the woods but they new they couldn't let jane go alone ChristalWolf nodded let's go then. Maya held Sally's hand Sally lulu rose and the others wondered if I was ok the smoke lifted up in the air and the breeze was cold it was fall in Tennessee woods they walked along the path Jane carved a heart on the trees way past the clearing they were at. Jane said to mochi ChristalWolf and maya if he sees this he might find us I hope so. As they called out my name they walked on the path mochi wrapped her arm around jane .do t worry jane he's probably looking for us. Jane smiled at -mochi your right maybe he's just lost and trying to find d his way to us ChristalWolf said yeah jane he's very smart person he'll find his way to us but we do need to find him and quickly before that thing gets him. Meanwhile back to Me I'm walking around trying to find maya1879 and jane ans the others I was cold and sad that I might not able to find them I walked to the path and looked around and sighed my knee and arm were hurting ahh I said the night fell over the dark woods and I new I wasn't alone here. As I walked on the path I realized I had a map ohh wow I breathed and I had a flashlight to maybe I could look at the map and see where I feel then go back to the area where I fell properly maya1879 and jane and ChristalWolf and -mochi and the others are probably going to the same place i fell over but i was no near the area my heart was cold and tears fell on my cheeks would i ever find them i called up to god the woods were dark far and dangerous at night but I new I had to stay calm and sommun by strength up and remember jane and mochi and ChristalWolf and maya and the other creepypastas to make me fill with hope as I say down I opened the bag and found my map but..my stuff was wet I new when I fell down the hill and landed in the water most of my stuff got wet parts of the map weren't wet tho. I looked at the map and sighed then maybe if I retrace my steps back to that area I might able to find them I new I wasn't far away from. The place I fell. Meanwhile back to the girls and the creepypastas Toby was moving a lot and saying random things Sally was holding mochis warm soft hand. She said as they walked along I hope wre there soon it's cold out. Jane said we're almost their my friends she smiled with hope ChristalWolf pointed up head hey look is that the same place we rode our bikes before he fell?? Jane looked and a smile came across her face if he's looking for us he'll come here to this spot jane said to maya1879 and ChristalWolfAnd the other creepypastas they stopped at the big root jane looked down and saw tire tracks look she said to ChristalWolf and mochi and maya and lulu and the others. Tire tracks leading to this hill jane looked over the hill and saw the dark waters down below and sighed with sadness nothing. The walked around the place calling my name ChristalWolf said to jane. Jane I think he has a phone maybe you can call him. Jane smiled at ChristalWolf your so amazing. She grabbed her phone and called me but no signal here she frowned ohh darn I forgot they're weren't a signal. She looked down what are we going to do? ChristalWolf walked to jane and said we're going to wait even tho he's hurt maybe he'll come back to this same place to look for us maya smiled filling everyone with hope maya said don't worry yall he's probably looking for us. Jane shivered it was cold and something dark was in the woods with them not just the animals.......Meanwhile back to Me in the woods I was walking by the path and looking for the right path to take me to the others my heart was heavy with sadness but I new I had to go on their were trees everywhere my mind lost I pointed my flashlight down on the path and wondered I new the others were not far away maybe they took a different path and I missed them I thought what happens if I don't find them I had to had to. the night was long and dark shadows of the moon loomed over the trees as I walked I saw the figure dark figure he was standing away from me and he looked at me and ran to me then disappeared I fell on the path shocked the flashlight flew out of My hand the map to and I lay in the path catching my breath what was that?? I didn't know but I got up and walked more making sure that thing didn't come back. I hope the others are safe my mind went to Jane's face and ChristalWolf and the others they were looking for me in the dark looming woods. I turned on some country music to drown out the dark scary feelings. I walked a couple of minutes racking my mind when I came across some foot prints human foot prints then I remembered the others and my heart skipped a beat ohh woe I said maybe that's them if I follow the foot prints I might find them. So I followed the foot prints being carful not to step on them as I followed I saw something carved on the trees they were hearts!!!Then I remembered jane from few days ago was making heart shape with her knife on a wood piece to pass the time. I smiled.....if I follow the trial of the carved hearts on the trees maybe I could find the others I thought about my friends like jane and ChristalWolf and maya1879 and lulu and rose and Sally and -mochi how good they are to me and lucky to have them in my life I smiled at myself remembering everything we did together I swallowed if I don't find them those memories would be gone. So I kept on walking on the path. Meanwhile back to the other creepypastas and the girls some were sleeping underneath the trees. Mochi and ChristalWolf and jane talked while maya was carving a stick and Sally and lulu and rose were asleep so we're the male creepypastas jane sighed maybe I should go and find him I'm getting worried. Cristalwolf said jane I'm sure he'll come and look for us we need to stay strong and hope. Jane nodded at ChristalWolf your right. The night was long cold and chilling the moon shone around. No sound except for the pastas breathing gently. As jane closed her eyes she heard something walking in the woods she thought about the demon with them she was alert ChristalWolf mochi I hear something walking they listened it seems like someone was very hurt and stumbling. As jane looked she saw....ME!! walking up to the path where they were JANE! CHRISTALWOLF! MOCHI MAYA RAN UP TO ME!!! wrapping thier arms around me and talking all at once the others saw me and ran up to me and hugged me jane wouldn't let go. We were so worried about youuu jane said tears of joy ran down her cheaks ChristalWolf and the others never let go of me afraid they might loose me again. I smiled big and tears ran down my face I I thought I lost all of you. But let's go back to my home and I'll explain everything that happened to me they all nodded jane never let go of Me she seemed protective of me now jane said we're all sorry we didn't hear you fall it was our faults sob. I patted jane on the shoulder and looked at ChristalWolf and mochi and the others thank you all for not quitting on me and trying to find me I'm soo grateful to have you all here with me at that they seemed happy that I'm found it was a long night cold and lonely but now it all seemed good for now we all rode our bikes to my home and smiled at each other jane never looking away from me always staying close ChristalWolf maya and Sally and mochi all seemed to ride beside me as we went out of the dark woods the demon behind a tree saw us and growled with angrily it wasn't done yet with us whatever plans it gad was dark and dangerous but I new the me and my friends friendship will last a lifetime no matter what happens I kept something in my heart I will always love those who are around me even tho some are here or thier I will
always be kind to them.

One nice fall day me and jane decided
to go for a swim in the river behind my home it was little warm and the leaves turned a pretty colors Tennessee fall day. I asked jane would you like to go swimming in the river? Jane said that sounds wonderful I would love to go. I looked at ChristalWolf would you like to join us? Cristal said yess I would love to! I smiled. anonpmc5531514 said I would join just need to get done with the writing im doing in my room I'll join later she smiled. -mochi smiled to and said I want to finish the marvel art it's going to be amazing art. I nodded I can't wait to see it mochi I bet your a good artist. Then rose and lulu said we would to join you and Cristal in the river. I smiled and said ok lol. We went out in the back yard. Cristal looked around and saw birds and bird feeders and bird bathes and lots of open green grass and lots of flower gardens. Sky was blue and the sun shone on the sparkling river beyond was the dark woods looming over the river. Cristal decided to chase me around with a worm in her hand she new I didn't like a worm on me the girls laughed and so did Toby and Jeff hahahaha!! They shouted get him Cristal!!! Hahahahahaha!! I said ahhhhhhhhh!! Noooo!! Please Cristal noooooo!! Cristal laughed loudly enjoying Me pretending to be afraid of the worm as I ran around the yard Cristal said your such a child it's just a worm it's not going to hurt you you silly potatoe.I said to ChristalWolf I don't mind worms just don't put them near me ok let's go swimming in the river. ChristalWolf put the worm on a dirt pot and said with a smile the worm is going to wait for you lol. I shivered. Jane laughed and put a hand on my shoulder lol Cristal is soo fun to hang out with don't be afraid of her ghost. She smiled she's not going to hurt you lol. At that we went to the wide river it splashed and rushed slowly down. Jane stood on the edge Cristalwolf and lulu and sally and rose and Jeff and Toby jumped in the river laughing. Cristalwolf and jane looked at me standing by the edge. ChristalWolf had a smug smile and looked at jane and walked behind me and.....pushed me Gently over the edge laughing. Ahhhh as I was pushed into the water with a splash at that I slashed Cristalwolf ah see you deserve that Cristalwolf. Jane and Cristalwolf pretended to be surprised and mad they jumped in and splashed me. Cristalwolf said ah see who's laughing now ghost hehehe. Frown and splashed the girls. The air was filled with laughing giggles and splashing sounds. The others played games in the river like who touched me in the river. Or like tag or dump the person on the plank ChristalWolf and jane kepted splashing me and laughed at me I pretended to be sad and upset. I said to Cristal go and walk on the plank. Cristal looked at the place where the plank was it was a flat dead tree lying across the river. Cristal went on the plank. maya1879 said jump Cristalwolf then let's make ghost jump 4 times hehehehe!!Cristalwolf liked that idea and jumped high of the plank and landed in the water spraying me and jane and maya in the faceJane and Me were making kisses face not really wink. Cristalwolf pushed me onto the plank I tried to run but she stood behind me and crossed her arms nerf you jump of 4 times and I'll let you have a cookie she joked lololol she laughed. I looked down the the water and jumped into the water letting out a fart in the air tooot oops lol Cristalwolf put her fingers on her nose her nose. I landed in the water splash!!As I came up jane swam towards me and hugged me and made sure I wad ok. I'm ok jane thank you tho I smiled Cristalwolf walked in the water collecting things maya was counting the rocks she collected and me and jane were close the others played in the river with joy and laughing I smiled at jane she smiled backYou know you look cute when you smile ghost. I said to her no your cuter. Jane blushed ohh don't say those things ghost or ill blush like a tomato. Cristalwolf said ghost is a potato lol he looks like one. I said to Cristalwolf ohhh Cristal lolol.

The demon in minecraft game. Once me and jane and ChristalWolf and anonpmc5531514 and lulu and Jeff and Ben and
Rose decided to play a minecraft game it sounded fun Christal and naya were excited about playing the game. So we all loaded our minecraft game and waited a few minutes and the game started Cristal and maya decided to make a village in my world. Me and jane decided to make a farm and Jeff and Ben battled in the creative mode in my world all was fun. Cristal and maya were making a wonderful dark wooded village and maya was talking to a cow and Cristal was planting potatoes.
As we played the game a new player joined the game the chat said "dark ally joined the game"........ whaaa?? I asked did you invite someone they shook thier heads no they said. I asked maya and Cristal if they invited a player. They said no....
Cristal and maya were very confused who joined the game they wondered named dark ally. Dark ally new what to do in the game . Dark ally teleported all over the minecraft world . He had tnt in his hand and putting in everywhere even our own creations.
Cristal said noooooooo!!! My village!!! The entire episoded and we died in the game all things we created was destroyed .
We respawned made sure dark ally couldn't see us.
Then i had an idea I told the others to follow me by putting signs in front ot them they all nodded andcwalked to the deep cave in minecraft and talked in the chat but I Said that dark ally would be able to see our chat if we chatted in the chat. So I placed a minecraft sighn and wrote a message. They looked at the message and nodded Cristal and maya and jane thought it was good to hide here and make a plan to get rid of dark ally
I switched to survivel mode so dark ally would have to collect tnt gun powder from the creepers and he will be killed if he did that a smug smile on my face dark ally wouldn't get anything from the menu but he could switch back to creative mode so I decided to switch to adventure mode but before I do it we needed to collect mat to survive before night time so I said Cristal go collect wood lulu go collect coal rose go collect food maya go collect lava and jane go collect weapons and I'll collect stone. They nodded and went to get what they needed we'll store them in minecraft chests. We better hurry before night time as they collected mat ben decided to make dark allys game laggy to help us collect mat before the adventure mode starts jane said to Me in adventure mode we can't destroy anything to build a house or a defensive area I nodded that's why we're collecting mat. Let's work together to bring down dark ally. They all nodded Cristal made a stone sword ready to attack maya smiled and looked away from the game to give Cristal a funny smile. Then we all got to work I made the torches while Cristal and maya made a wooden rock wall around a big area lulu and jane and rose put lava around the outside of the wall. Cristal got arrows and bows and put them in chests maya got food and put them in the chests to I think we're good for now I said to them. The all nodded and smiled at what they had done so far. I turned on the adventure mode and the the hard part started for all of us I turned off the cheats so dark ally couldn't use commands nor cheats. Dark ally got really mad and made portals 6 of them in a big circle Cristal was worried what wad going to happen what is darknally planning?? She didn't know but whatever happens would end bad for them. But as long as they fight together they would win. To be continued.....

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01/22/2025 10:12 am
She/Her • Level 14 : Journeyman Button Pusher Muffin
Ok but the worm thing is so you

I’d like rather burn alive than touch a worm lol-

but yas
01/22/2025 10:15 am
He/Him • Level 27 : Expert Artist
Yess but I new you like to tease mee lolol
01/22/2025 10:18 am
She/Her • Level 14 : Journeyman Button Pusher Muffin
That is true
