Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Enchantments For an Axe in Minecraft

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Just25Savage's Avatar Just25Savage
Level 42 : Master Archer
Hey Friends! Today I'm going to teach you about the Enchantments for an Axe in Minecraft. Last time I have done Enchantments for a Sword in Minecraft! If you like that one you are Awesome or if you have not seen that Click Here- https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/enchantments-for-a-sword-in-minecraft/
So friends, Let's get Started!


1. Sharpness
2. Smite
3. Efficiency
4. Silk Touch
5. Fortune
6. Bane of Arthropods
7. Unbreaking
8. Mending
9. Curse of Vanishing

NOTE- Some of the Above Enchantments do not work together!

Using these Enchantments you can make an OP Axe!

What enchantment guide comes next?

I will be back again with MORE ENCHANTMENTS next time!

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