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Extreme Object Island Episode 10 (Part 2): The End

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applelover9000's Avatar applelover9000
Level 33 : Artisan Artist

Chapter |: A Good Angle!

The next day, Latte and Purple Spider woke up, ready to make a plan.

“Good mornin’,” Latte said, “So, shall we make the plans?”

“Yeah!” distorted Purple Spider.

“Okay,” Latte said, “So, we have to sneak into TV's laboratory. I bet there might be something in there.”

“But, what kind of thing?” asked Purple Spider.

“Well, since he stole many inventions from Glasses Geezer,” Latte continued, “I bet there’s got to be something in there!”

“Well, I see your point,” Purple Spider said, “Anyways, let’s go now! We don’t have time to waste! Come on!”

“Okay,” Latte said before running off with Purple Berry.

While trying to get to the elimination area, they crossed paths with many monsters, but those monsters never saw them. So, they just continued on their journey.

Seven minutes later, they managed to find the elimination area. They ran to one of the seats and Latte tried to open it.

Latte was struggling, can’t pry open the platform. Then, Purple Spider lent a hand and helped Latte. After a few seconds, they managed to loosen some screws and finally opened the platform.

Although Latte was able to fit in the hole, Purple Spider wasn’t. So, she just stayed on the surface, hiding in the forest and trying not to get caught.

Latte jumped into the hole and hit the floor silently. She can hear TV from the other room talking to The Tough Abomination and The Inner Evil.

Latte goes under a table and looks through a box that has the text, ‘Geezer’s Inventions’. She looks through it and sees a ray gun that says, ‘Undoer!’ In the description, it states, ‘The Undoer is a ray gun made by Glasses Geezer where you can undo anything!’.

The ray gun also had a message from Glasses that states, ‘To my friend Paint Bucket Griffin, this invention was specifically made for you. After that accident, I wanted to undo that cause that affected you mentally. I’ll try to find you everyday so I can fix you.’

Then, the door opened and what came out of it was TV. TV could hear some noises coming from the laboratory and wanted to check out what was in there.

Latte, who knew that eventually that TV would find her, grabbed one of the blasters on top of the table and shot at him, causing him to have a second crack.

“What the hell!?” TV yelled, noticing Latte coming out under the table.

Latte laughed, “Got ya!”

“Oh,” TV said, “You don’t understand! There’s nothing you can do to reverse my spell!” He laughed menacingly.

“Oh, contrary, my capturer!” said Latte, “You forgot something very important. You forgot to search in the Geezer’s box!”

“Oh no!” yelled TV, “ I did!”

“Yep,” Latte responded, “Anyways, I’m going to go now with no problems! So yeah, anyways, see you again in prison!”

“Oh, contrary my prisoner, you also forgot something.” Then, TV clapped his hands. The door opened and what came out of it was The Tough Abomination and The Inner Evil. “Boys, get her!”

The two monsters charged towards Latte. But then, she aimed at the two and shot at them, which caused the two to transform back to their original forms.

“What?” Tape asked, “What happened?”

“Yeah,” said Cup.

Latte grabbed the two and ran to the door while holding the blaster at TV. After they left, they went up the stairs and managed to come into the overworld. As they ran to the elimination area, the speaker turned on and TV said out loud, “Attention abominations! If you find Latte, Purple Berry, Tape, or Cup, bring them over to me and you’ll be rewarded ten thousand dollars!”

Two minutes later, the trio were in the elimination area and they went to the forest where they found Purple Spider.

“Oh, you’re here!” Purple Spider said.

“Yep,” Latte responded, “And I got what you want!” She pulls out the ray gun and shoots at Purple Berry, causing her to transform back to her original form.

Purple Berry sighed in relief, “Finally, normal form. I miss ya! Anyways!” She pulls out a piece of paper, “Okay, so since we got the Undoer now, I suggest we undo the curse from the people who are the most dangerous to less dangerous. Sounds good?”

“Yeah,” everyone said.

“Okay, so, I think we should get Cheeseburger first,” Purple Berry said, “He’s the most dangerous. 2, Ninja Star, but we need to have sunglasses so we won’t get stonified by him. 3, Paint Bucket and Cheese Orb, since they are very smart. 4, Fidget Spinner, who’s associated with fire. And lastly, Sweeping Broom, who will eat us. I’m not sure what skills does Milkshake have so yeah. Anyways, any questions?”

Tape raised his hand.


“Well, does this mean I have to work with this weak wimp?” Tape asked before pointing Cup.

“Hey!” Cup responded.

“Yes, you do,” Purple Spider said.

“Well, crap,” responded Tape.

“Hey!” Cup yelled, “What’s your deal man?!”

“Nothing! I just don’t want to work with a nerd!”

“I’m not a nerd! I’m an Anti Bullying Activist."

“Whatever! Still the same thing.”

“Alright, shut up!” Purple Berry interrupted, “Anyways, let’s go!”

The four started walking, trying to find Cheeseburger.

“So seriously,” Cup continued, “What's your problem?”

“Nothing!” Tape denied, “I was born to beat your kind up!”

“Kind?” Cup said, “Kind!? Aren’t we all objects born from toxic chemical-”

“Guys, we have company!” Latte shouted right before everyone looked in her direction and saw the large Cheesezilla, coming towards them.

The large monster laughs, “Foolish mortals. I, Cheesezilla, will become your demise!” He laughs again.

They screamed. Latte tried to shoot Cheesezilla with the Undoer, but Cheezezilla stomps the ground where it blows Latte back a few feet.

“Oh no!” Latte shouted, “If he continues stomping on the ground, I can’t shoot him!”

“Oh, I got an idea,” said Tape.

He ran up to the giant Cheesezilla and started punching him in the leg.

“Ow!” Cheesezilla shouted, “Hey! It’s time for your demise!”

“Now!” Tape shouted.

Then, Latte grabbed out the ray gun that she put away seconds ago, and shot Cheesezilla. After a few seconds, Cheesezilla shrunken down by feet and feet, until he was back to his normal form.

“Wha?” Cheeseburger asked, “Hey! I’m back to my original form!”

“Nice,” Cup said.

Then, Cup spots Tape and walks up to him.

“Hey,” he said, “Thanks for distracting him-”

“Yeah yeah, blah blah blah, whatever,” Tape interrupted. “Look, I only did it for myself, okay?”

“Okay,” Cup said reluctantly, knowing that Tape did it for a good cause.

“Guys,” Latte said, “We have to go! We need to undo the curse on everyone! Come on!”

Everyone started following her, now trying to find Ninja Star.

Chapter ||: Stonifying Danger!

While walking, Latte stopped and said, “Wait, we need to get some sunglasses! But how?”

“I got an idea,” Tape said before grabbing a tablet out and ordering five sunglasses pairs on Shopmediately. “Okay so, the sunglasses will be here in one minute.”

“Wait, you had a tablet the whole time!” Latte shouted.

“Not exactly,” responded Tape, “You see, when you were dragging Cup and I, I stole one of TV’s tablets.”

“We could’ve used this to grab attention on the internet, who don’t know where we are!” shouted Latte.

“Nonsense,” Tape responded, “They probably-Yep, they don’t know where the heck we are.”’

“Well come on, record a video and send it on social media, or call 677 to grab their attention!”


Then, a package came out of the air.

“Yes, it’s the sunglasses! Everyone grab one!”

Everyone proceeded to grab one of the sunglasses and put it on each other.

“Anyways, let’s go find Ninja Star-” Latte elbowed him, “Fine, whatever.”

He grabbed out his tablet and proceeded to record a video.

“Hello social media,” Tape said, “Aaaaaaa, I’m here to say that, well, we’re captured on Rockville island by TV. Please, send help quickly! If you don’t believe that I’m the real Tape, then here are the others!” He proceeds to show Latte, Purple Berry, Cup, and Cheeseburger. “Anyways, send help.”

After he was done recording the video, he uploaded to all social media accounts that he had. Then, he called 677.

“677, what is your emergency?” the caller asked.

“Hi, um,” Tape responded, “Can you send the police to Rockville island?”

“Why is that, sir?” the caller asked.

“Well, you see,” Tape said before Latte grabbed the tablet.

“We are trapped on Rockville island!” Latte shouted, “It’s me, Latte. And the person who was talking earlier was our douchebag friend, Tape!”

“Hey!” Tape shouted.

“Anyways, please send help! TV has transformed some of our friends into monsters!”

“Okay, we are sending a batch of our officers to you!”

“Thank you,” Latte said before hanging up the call, “Anyways, let’s find Ninja Star!”

“Yeah,” everyone shouted.

“Oh, you don’t have to,” Darkstar said before everyone turned around to face him, “It is time for your demise-Oh, you have sunglasses.”

“Yep,” Latte said.

‘Well, that just means that I have to KICK THEM OFF!” Darkstar responded before running up to the cured contestants and trying to kick off their sunglasses.

The contestants dodges his attacks constantly for a few minutes.

Then, Tape said behind Darkstar, “Hey Ninja Star!” Darkstar turned around, “Take this you black eyed weirdo!”

Then, Tape kicked Darkstar, making Darkstar whine in pain for a few seconds. Latte proceed to grab out the undoer and immediately shoots Darkstar, transforming him back to his original self.

“Huh,” Ninja Star said, “What happened?”

“Ninja Star!” said Cheeseburger before running to Ninja Star, “I missed you buddy!”

“I missed you too,” Ninja Star said.

“Hey, we have to go now!” Latte shouted, “Our friends are waiting for us! Come on!”

Everyone followed Latte, now trying to find the Paint Bucket and Cheese Orb.

Chapter |||: Punching Will Do No Good!

After a few minutes of walking, they still haven’t found Paint Bucket nor Cheese Orb.

“Ugh,” Tape said, “We still haven’t found them yet!”

“Hey!” Cup shouted, “Be patient!”

Tape sighed, “Whatever.”

“Hey Purple Berry,” Latte said.

“Yeah?” Purple Berry asked.

“Well, where do you think Cheese Orb is?” asked Latte.

“Well, I don’t know,” Purple Berry responded.

“Oh, okay,” Latte said.

“But, I do have an idea on how to get his attention,” Purple Berry said, “Just say, Oh Purple Berry, you’re so smart!”

“But why?” Cheeseburger asked.

“Just do it,” said Purple Berry.

“Okay,” Cheeseburger said, “Ohhh, Purple Berry, you’re so smart!”

“Yeah, smarter than Cheese Orb,” Ninja Star joined in.

“Yeah,” Cup said.

Then, the contestants heard a fan flying in the air. They looked in the noise’s direction and they saw Paint Bucket with a yellow brain, sitting on a metal flying chair.

“Oh, I heard that you think my old acquaintance is smarter than me,” Cheese Bucket said, “Well, think again! Robots!” Ten robots, two being the lunch lady and Reggie, “Attack!”

The robots charged and were ready to fight. Although the contestants destroyed five robots, there are five others still left.

“Oh, this is going to be easy,” Tape said before jumping up to Cheese Bucket. While initiating his plan, Cheese Bucket saw his attack very early and immediately used his chair’s robot arm to punch Tape.

After Tape got punched, Tape didn’t give up and he tried to beat up the floating Cheese Bucket, but it still failed. After 7 attempts, he got tired and started resting on a tree, thinking about his actions.

Cup noticed the tired Tape and walked up to him. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

Tape sighed, “It justs, ever since I punched that stupid kid, I’ve always thought that punching will be the answers to everything! But, I guess it’s not.”

“Yeah,” Cup responded, “It’s really not. I mean, sometimes it is the answer but sometimes it’s not. Look, I beat up this kid like a lot of times.”

“Woah, you were like me?” asked Tape.

“Yeah,” Cup said, “And, it was fun, at first. But after a times, he...he-”

“He’s gone now?”

“Yeah. And, that’s what I learned. Beating people up is not the answer, it’s the opposite! The answer is always the logical solution.”

“Yeah, I guess so. But, that doesn’t really explain how to beat that flying smart guy or whatever.”

“Yeah, but there is one way! What math problem is unsolvable?”

“Well, there’s” Then, Tape had an idea.

When he got back up, the contestants were now fighting the flying Cheese Bucket after they defeated the robots.

“Hey nerd!” Tape shouted, “What is 0 divided by 0?”

“Well it’s-” Cheese Bucket said before he got confused and his brain started fuming, “Oh my gosh! My brain is smoking!” They screamed.

“Latte, do it!” Tape shouted.

“Okay!” Latte said before shooting Cheese Bucket with the Undoer which caused them to transform back to their respected beings.
“Huh,” Paint Bucket said, “Wait, I'm back! I’m finally back!”

“Wait what?” Purple Berry said.

“Listen!” said Paint Bucket, “I was a scientist working with Glasses, until an accident happened with caused me to be dumb! That ray gun, that person was my ex-partner!”

“Oh cool,” Purple Berry responded.

“Purple Berry!” Cheese Orb shouted.

“Cheese Orb!” shouted Purple Berry, “You’re back!”

“Yeah I am,” Cheese Orb said.

“Mhm” Purple Berry said before being cutted off by Latte.

“Come on!” Latte shouted. “We have to undo Fidget Spinner now! Come on!”

Everyone started following Latte once again.

Chapter |V: The Flames From The Black Jacket

While walking, Cheeseburger sighed happily and said, “I’m so glad that almost everyone is safe and Tape is becoming good!”

“Yeah,” responded Ninja Star.

“Hmmmm, I wonder where Fidget Spinner is?” asked Latte.

“I have a way to find her,” Purple Berry said, “Oh Tape, you’re so cool!”

“Wait, really?” asked Tape.

“Yeah,” Purple Berry responded, ”You have changed and are using your strength for good!”

“Oh, thanks-” Tape said before being cut off by Nega Spinner.

“What is that I hear?” asked Nega Spinner before everyone looked at her. Then, she grabbed out a match and threw it on the floor, which caused fire that spelled out her initials.

“Well that worked!” Purple Berry yelled.

“I see you think that the weakling is strong,” Fidget Spinner said, “Well, think again.” She screamed and tried to punch the contestants. She got a few hits but it wasn’t that bad.

“Hey!” Latte said, attempting to punch Nega Spinner, “I don’t want to kill you!”

“You got no choice-” Nega Spinner said before being hit with a plank of wood by Paint Bucket.

“Wha-Why!?” shouted Latte.
“Look, someone had to do something,” Paint Bucket responded, “Anyways, go shoot her now.”

“Okay,” said Latte before shooting Nega Spinner with the Undoer.

After Fidget Spinner was back, she woke up, confused, and said, “Ugh, what happened?”

“Fidget Spinner!” Latte shouted.

“Latte?” asked Fidget Spinner.

“Fidget Spinner!” Latte shouted before hugging Fidget Spinner.

“Oh, thanks,” Fidget Spinner said, “Um, what happened? My head hurts.”

“Well, you see,” Latte precedes to explain, “You turned to a pawn by TV and Paint Bucket had to hit your head so we can turn you back to normal.”

“Oh okay,” said FIdget Spinner.

“Anyways,” Latte said, “We have to go now to find Sweeping Broom or Milkshake. So yeah. Anyways, let’s go!”

Everyone started running after Latte.

Chapter V: The Fast And Furious Sweeping Broom

Fifthteen minutes after Fidget Spinner was cured, the contestants, once again, haven’t found Sweeping Broom.

Then, Latte looked at Purple Berry.

“Can you just do that, ‘You’re so good’ thing’ again?” asked Latte.

“Sure,” Purple Berry said, “Oh-”

Then, Sweeping Hunger showed up, cutting off Purple Berry.

“There he is!” Purple Berry said.


Sweeping Hunger charged at Fidget Spinner and bit her hand.

She howled in pain.

“Oh no!” Latte shouted, “He got Fidget Spinner!”

Fidget Spinner still screamed in pain, but then, Cheeseburger stepped in and said, “Hey Broom! Come and get me!””

Sweeping Hunger noticed the meat on Cheeseburger and ran toward him.

“Now!” shouted Cheeseburger.

Latte pulled out the Undoer and shot it at Sweeping Hunger, which as usual, transformed Sweeping Hunger back to his original form.

“Huh?” asked Sweeping Broom. Then, he gasped, “Oh my gosh! I’m back!”

“That’s good to hear,” Purple Berry said.

“Awww, group hug!” shouted Cheeseburger.

“Wait!” shouted Latte, “We still got a Milkshake to rescue and a TV to send to prison. Come on!”

Everyone followed Latte where she was heading to the elimination area.

Chapter V|: The Finale

When they got to the elimination area, Cheeseburger asked, “Wait, why are we here?”

“Don’t you get it?” Latte asked, “TV is probably in his laboratory or whatever. So, we’re going in here.”

“But I won’t be able to fit in there,” Cheeseburger said.

“Oh well, who would like to stay last with Cheeseburger so they can help him get in there?” asked Latte.

“Me!” shouted Ninja Star.

“Oh well, okay,” said Latte, “Come on guys, let’s go!”

Everyone went in the hole that Latte made and ended up in the laboratory.

Ninja Star screamed before landing on Cheeseburger.

“Okay,” said Latte, “So he’s in that doorway over there!”

“I agree,” Tape commented, “He told Cup and I to stay here to guard Milkshake.”
“Oh okay-” Latte said before being interrupted by Cheeseburger.

“What are we waiting for?!” shouted Cheeseburger, “Come on! Let’s go!”

Everyone went inside the door where they were in an office.

“Oh,” Sweeping Broom said, “Well, we’re at a dead end-”

“Sweeping Broom,” Cup said.

“Yeah,” Sweeping Broom responded.

“You do realize that there’s a door right over there,” Cup said pointing at a door to the right.

“Oh,” Sweeping Broom noticed, “I never noticed.”

“Okay,” Cup said, “Anyways, let’s go!”

They entered the door where they saw TV, sitting in a chair, watching the blank window.

“There you are!” Sweeping Broom shouted.

“Oh,” TV said turning his chair around, “Well hello there-”

Tape punched TV right through the window, where it caused TV to have a third crack.

“Take that!” Tape shouted before everyone jumped through the window.

“Oh come on!” shouted TV, “How many cracks am I going to take this week?!”

“A lot!” shouted Latte, “Anyways, get him!”
“Oh, contrary my prisoners,” TV said, “You don’t realize. I have the biggest threat of all time!”

“How can they be more threatening than me-” Cheeseburger asked before something hit him in the head, “Ow!”

“Prisoners! Meet Ninjashake!” TV introduced.

Ninjashake stared at them, not saying a word.

“Milkshake!?” Cheeseburger and Ninja Star said in shock.

Then, Ninjashake started running toward Ninja Star.

He screamed and tried to run away, but Ninjashake caught up with him and hit him in the head.

“Oh no!” Cheeseburger shouted before Ninjashake started charging at him, “Milkshake, what ever did he do to you?!”

Ninjashake ignored his question and tried to hit Cheeseburger. But then, Latte pulled out the Undoer and shot it at Ninjashake at the last moment.

“Oh, come on!” shouted TV after Ninjashake was transformed back to her original form.

“Woah, that was fast,” Milkshake commented.
“I know, right?” asked Cheeseburger.

“Yeah,” almost every contestant said.

“Anyways, let’s get that TV!” shouted Milkshake.

“Yeah,” the contestant said before charging at TV.

The contestants managed to get some hits on TV, which caused some cracks on him.

TV howled in pain for one last time before Latte charged at him, where they went straight to a window.

“Ow!” TV said after the attack.

“Give it up, TV!” Latte shouted, “It’s over for you!”

He snickered, “I don’t think so.”

“Well, you’ll see after I give you a punch-” Latte said while trying to punch TV, but he grabbed her fist at the last moment and shoved her to the concrete wall.

He laughed menacingly.

“What should we do?” Purple Berry asked.

“We should help them!” shouted Cheese Orb.

“Don’t worry,” Tape said, “The police are coming.”

Back with Latte and TV, Latte asked, “What is your deal? Why are you doing this?”
“Well, you see,” TV said, “You don’t know this but after my fame, I realized something, I was the next Je-”

“Oh don’t say that,” Latte said, “That sounds weird. Can you just skip that part?”

“Alright fine,” TV responded, “Anyways, after I came to this conclusion, I started doing whatever I want, because I can. But one day, all that luck vanished and I was put away in prison! But, when I escaped, I had a plan in mind. I would take over the world!” He laughed for a full 10 seconds.

“You sick menace!” Latte shouted, “So that’s why you’ve been transforming all of us, except for me, into monsters!”
“Mhm,” TV said, “And now, it’s time for your time to become my minion-”

Then, an explosion happened out of nowhere. After the dust settled, the contestants looked at the explosion direction and saw a handful of police officers holding guns.

“Put your hands up you sick menace!” the chief said.

The other officers came to get the contestants safely. After everyone got back to the surface, TV was immediately put in handcuffs and was sent to one of the police’s helicopters.

“We finally found you guys,” the chief said, “Come on, your family and friends are waiting for you.

The contestants went to find their friends and family.

“Ayo Mop!” Sweeping Broom shouted, “Wassup!”

“Nothing much,” Mop said, “Good to see you back!”

“Thanks,” Sweeping Broom responded.

“Son!” Tape's father said.

“Father!” Tape said, giving him a hug.

“How are you?” Tape’s father asked.

“I’m doing good now,” responded Tape, “I'm feeling better.”

“Well that’s good to hear.”

Ninja Star looked at Cheeseburger and his family hugging, sad that no one came for him.

“Hey dude!” Cheeseburger shouted, “Come here! Look, this is my father, mother, sister, and dog!”

“Nice to meet you,” Cheeseburger’s father said.

“Thanks, Ninja Star responded.

“Guys!” Cup shouted to Mug and Drink, “Nice to see you again.”

“You too,” Drink responded.

“Purple Berry!” Purple Berry’s father shouted.

“Dad!” Purple Berry shouted, coming towards him, her mother, and her friends who were able to come.

Cheese Orb stared at Purple Berry, happy that she reunited with her family.

“Cheese Orb!” Calculator said.

“Calculator!” shouted Cheese Orb.

“How’s it going?” he asked.

“Good,” they responded, “I did what you did. I taught a kid.”

“Nice,” Calculator said.

When Glasses came onto the island, he said, “Huh, so this is where all my things went.” Then, Glasses noticed Paint Bucket.

“PB?” Glasses asked.

“Glasses?” asked Paint Bucket, “Glasses!”

“PB!” shouted Glasses, hugging Paint Bucket, “You’re back!”

“Mhm, and I’m not dumb anymore!”

“Hehe, yeah.”

“Milkshake,” Smoothie said.

“Grandfather!” shouted Milkshake, “Thank you for coming!”

“No problem,” Smoothie said.

“Grandfather?” asked Latte, “Wait, are you Milkshake Madison, the person who taught me the analyzing lesson!”

“Latte?” asked Milkshake, “Ha, never thought that I’ll see you again.”

“Never thought I’ll see you where you are now,” Smoothie said.

Latte laughed nervously, “Thanks.”

Then, Fidget Spinner grabbed Latte by the hand, “Come on! Let me show you my friends!”

“Okay,” Latte said.

“Everyone don’t worry!” the chief announced, “This maniac will be put in a high tech prison! Come on pilots!”

The pilots came over and took TV in the helicopter, where they brought him to New Ject High Tech Prison.

“No, no!” shouted TV, “This won’t be the last of me, contestants! You’ll all meet your fates by me! You’ll see! You’ll all see!” He laughed one last time like a maniac.

Chapter V||: Aftermath

After a few weeks in court, TV was sent to prison for life and no bail will be able to get him out freely.

After Extreme Object Island ended, Sweeping Broom would become a school janitor with Mop. While on the other hand, Tape and Cup would become friends and would protest about Anti-Bullying.

Ninja Star would become part of Cheeseburger’s family and was considered a son by Cheeseburger’s parents.

Purple Berry was the smartest student in her class and would become Valedictorian of her school.

Glasses and Paint Bucket were reunited and did more projects together. While on the other hand, Cheese Orb would visit school after school, teaching kids about their journey.

Milkshake would become a hero where she would fight criminals at night and save people from destruction.

And lastly, Latte would become one of the members of Fidget Spinner’s group where she would have adventures and fun with them.

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