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Favorite animal and Worst monster?

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Khanz's Avatar Khanz
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
I am wondering what minecraft animal the community (You! :D) and minecraft monsters the community (You again! :D) hates most!

Why am I asking this? Because I do have some favorites and the ones I hate the most, and want to know how many will agree with me.

So, here are my opinions. My favorite animal is the pig. Why? Because it is cute, has the best sound thing, will get cute snouts, looks much better and is quite small AND PINK! :D
Oh, and then it is because I am also a pigman.

My most hated monster, is the skeleton (Yes, not the creeper which would probably be everyone's hated monster...)
The skeleton always kicks me back and ambushes me, and often come in pairs or squads. Their arrows are quite hard to dodge and they can hit you quite accurately. Cover is one of the best options for fighting these, which is what most of my worlds lack...

Creepers are easy to handle for me. 80% of all the creepers I meet in combat, I kill, instead of them exploding.

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03/24/2019 1:52 pm
Level 23 : Expert Archer
jswat10's Avatar
I love wolves they are so cute! I hate skeletons they are so annoying. D:
09/13/2012 6:01 pm
Level 24 : Expert Taco
houseontherock2's Avatar
i used to like skeletons until i took an arrow to the knee.
aside from memes, i really like the cow.
my most hated mob is good ol' endydragon. '-'
01/10/2012 2:46 pm
Level 48 : Master Button Pusher
Nixel's Avatar
I hate SPIDER YOCKEYS the most because they can climb walls AND shoot arrows and my fav. animal is the cow because he drops leather for armor steak for food and when still alive he is so stupid hes cute (i once saw one jumping of a smal floating island RIGHT in a lava pool, LOLZ).
01/10/2012 2:47 pm
Level 48 : Master Button Pusher
Nixel's Avatar
Srry i didnt ment LOLZ but ''That was so terrifying to see my minecraft character didnt sleep that night.''.
01/10/2012 2:49 pm
Level 48 : Master Button Pusher
Nixel's Avatar
By the way creepy skull on the background of the picture...
12/04/2011 9:56 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Blacksmith
TunnelUnder's Avatar

Back in 1.6.4 me and my friend Thomas made a little 2 story home on a beach in single player. We lured a pig into the house, upstairs, and into a pen (not against his will). We named him mr. porkchop. And we would go out to chop trees, and just see a pink blob jumping in the window!

Sadly, he despawned in 1.6.6.

RIP Mr. Porkchop
12/05/2011 9:36 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
Khanz's Avatar
That's too bad :( Wish he could have lived longer.
You could get a new pig though, with the new breeding system you can lure them using wheat, and then you can have him as a pet! You can even get him a girlfriend :)
12/05/2011 8:12 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Blacksmith
TunnelUnder's Avatar
We eventually got a new single player. We made a little deck on a lake. A pig swam across the lake to our house. :DDDDDDD

We named him "mr. porkers" A creeper swam and was trying to get in one night. Me and my friend did a "SIMON" (you know, the AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHH) and mr. porkers stood and was like heaallllll noooo, this is MAI HOWSE
12/06/2011 4:15 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
Khanz's Avatar
Mr.Porkers, the most badass pig in history.
12/26/2011 4:22 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
Pmat's Avatar
