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HarumiQuietOne4 Q&A

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Level 63 : High Grandmaster Princess
Hello everyone,

I would like to present to you my Q&A from questions about skins to stories and more. This post will be constantly updated based on any questions receive in the comments. There is no date this will end. As much as I would like to answer every question possible for the sake of my privacy, I will not be answering any questions about where I live, my real name, religion or political views and so on.

Q= Question
A= Answer

Q: Are you a boy or a girl?
A: If my username didn’t give it away, I’m a girl.

Q: What’s with your username?
A: I really enjoy Harumi as a character and she’s practically me as a villain/antagonist. Plus her name Quiet One describes me very well as I am introverted. As for the number 4, it’s always been an important number to me as it’s been my go to jersey number when I used to play my favourite sport.

Q: Why don’t your skins not really have an outer layer?
A: I have two main reasons. The main one is that in Java there is a feature that allows someone to remove the outer layer and turn it back at will. If that ever gets added to Bedrock, my skins would allow it so for example you could take off the ninja’s mask and put it back on without removing details of the skin. The big detractor is also time. Frankly, I already put a fair amount of time into skins so I don’t want to add hours into one skin.

Q: Why is the armour on the outer layer if you intend to make skins that don’t loose any detail when removing the mask?
A: I debated back in forth about putting the armour on the outer layer or not, but for why I chose to put it on is for a few reasons.First, if I ever want to update the arm it avoids me possibly having to redo most of the arm. Second, there’s multiple times throughout the show where the ninja are wearing their suits but don’t have armour so there’s that. Third, I think making the armour more 3D looks cooler than it on the same layer.

Q: Why don’t your skins have mouths?
A: When I first started playing Minecraft Steve was the only skin option you had. As Steve doesn’t have a mouth I tried to replicate that to stay true to the game. That and well it looks weird when I try to add a mouth.

Q: Do you use the skins you make?
A: Yes and no. I mainly use my Harumi, Skylor and Seliel skins. As those ones are my favourite. As for any others not really but my sibling uses all my Ninjago skins (more Kai than anything). Plus I just make them so people don’t have to pay for skins.

Q: Why do you mostly make Steve model skins instead of Alex?
A: I mostly make Steve, so people who like to use both Steve and Alex models can use my skins. As I don’t add much detail on the arms it won’t effect the skin if you import it as Steve or Alex.

Q: How do you come up with skin tones for the characters in a show like Ninjago?
A: I mostly rely on the skin tone of the voice actor, however, if it’s a character from the comics (ex: Seliel) I look at fan art of that character and go with the most popular skin tone. The only exception to this is if the characters are siblings or related, ex: as I made Kai first, Nya shares the same skin tone as Kai. Additionally, Harumi’s skin tone is based more on my skin tone than the voice actor’s because I use my Harumi skins.

Q: Why do you mainly make Bedrock skins instead of Java?
A: Though I have Java edition I don’t play it a much as bedrock. Not because it’s inferior but simply because I’ve played Bedrock since it’s release and am just more comfortable and used to the features Bedrock has. As a result, I don’t make Java skins often because they aren’t the ones I would use often. Plus, on Planet Minecraft people make so many better Java skins than my own!

Q: Do you take requests for skins?
A: Currently at the moment I’m not taking any requests and may not be taking any requests in the future.

Q: Can I use your skins/maps in other forms of social media ( videos, blogs, ect) or post an edited version of your skins?
A: Absolutely! All I ask is to give proper credit, please check out Credit for skins and maps for more information.

Q: What are your plans for skins in the future?
A: Right now I’ve started rewatching Ninjago all the way from the Pilot to Crystalized and am taking notes of every time the ninja change outfits and making a skin of it. As you may have guest it is quite a lengthy process but it’s something I want to do. Additionally, some may have noticed I have also recently been updating old skins to ensure they are up to date, yet that is a slow process as well.

Q: Are you going to Ninjago Dragons Rising skins?
A: Not at this time. Though I have already released some, these were a request (back when I still did them). Admittedly, I’m not the biggest fan of Dragons Rising. Don’t get me wrong there’s some parts I like (Arin & Sora, along with Kai & Wyldfire’s father daughter relationship) but I just find it’s not for me, so I’m in no rush to make skins of the show.

Q: What are your plans for your worlds?
A: Both Makeshift Lego Ninjago Bedrock Edition and LEGO Ninjago note block tutorial (including their Java counterparts Makeshift LEGO Ninjago Java Edition & LEGO Ninjago note block tutorial Java Edition) I hope to continue to update, however, keep in mind some updates may be slow as I’m only one person, not a team.As for my Children movies note block tutorial,(including its Java counterpart Children movies note block tutorial Java Edition) have been officially discontinued as I don’t really use it anymore.

Q: Why is your world called Makeshift LEGO Ninjago instead of just LEGO Ninjago?
A: For starters the map is in no way 100% percent accurate to the show as it was just made for fun. Second, in truth, I’m waiting for someone to build a better Ninjago map. I chose Makeshift in the title as that is what this world is intended to be a temporary substitute until a better world comes along.

Q: Do you want help building your Makeshift LEGO Ninjago Map?
A: I have received this question from some and I thank anyone who offers to help but I’m good. It’s more of something I’ve been working on my own at random hours of the day and wouldn’t want to have to worry about scheduling time to work on the map.

Q: Do you plan to continue to write stories for the future?
A: Yes, honestly I really enjoy writing Ninjago stories and don’t plan on ending that anytime soon.

Q: How do you make the art for your stories?
A: Short answer, Screenshots of my Minecraft world and my skins, and ibisPaint X. I take a screenshot of my Minecraft world for the background. Then pose my characters in Planet Minecraft. Once I have both of those elements I open ibisPaint X to adjust the skins to where I want them on the background. Using ibisPaint X also allows me to add shading/ lighting along with adding expressions to the skins.

Q: Do you have beta reader(s) for your stories?
A: Yes, I have different people who beta read my stories and provide their feedback. One of them watches Ninjago and the other has never watched a single episode. This allows me to know if it’s a story that both fans and non-fans of the show can enjoy. However, despite this I know my spelling will never be perfect so be free to let me know if you come across any mistakes.

Q: Do you do collaboration (collab) stories?
A: Yes. So far I have only done one collab story with LittleDino_2005 which is the story Crossed Realms. I’m unsure if I’ll do more so we’ll have to see what the future has in store.

Q: What’s your inspiration for/ reason you made each story you’ve written?
Secrets Left Written: To be honest, at the time no one knew if Harumi was going to return when I wrote this. So me being a Llorumi shipper since season 8 (don’t kill me) wanted to write a story about them but have it revealed Lloyd was just thinking of what if she was alive. Since I honestly believed she was dead and not coming back. THANK YOU CRYSTALIZED FOR PROVING ME WRONG HA HA LLORUMI FOREVER. I mean, I’m glad Harumi is back and is reformed also Llorumi shippers called it years ago.
Phantom Upgrade: I wanted a story to establish who Seleil was so people who didn’t know anything about her could also enjoy it. Seriously, I have had so many people who thought she was an original character (OC). I also thought it would be fun to introduce her to Pixal since why not put the droid scrapper with a droid.
Painful Legacies: Mainly Skylor becoming annoyed whenever someone mentioned she was Chen’s daughter. Additionally, I wanted to push myself a bit by taking a character without and name and giving them a name and backstory.
Lilly’s Libber: Okay this story was written with one goal in mind that I achieved. This story was written to show people ( friends and family) how I grieve. Since I don’t grieve the same way media displays it (that being the 5 stages of grief) people would often get mad at me saying I didn’t care for the person who passed away. This story was to show I’m not heartless. There are little lines in the story that people who know me will pick up on that hint at this. I chose Libber because the mystery around her always intrigued me and I wanted to give her more of a personality than what the show did. Additionally fitting to the story, there were many songs that influenced the story in specific scenes. If you'd like to know what song influenced what scenes I encourage you to check out the Scratch I made here so you can listen to the songs and read about the scene.
Born Bitten: Welcome to me putting a theory into a story. I always had a feeling Lloyd’s eye colour was because of the venom. However, I wanted to see if I could find proof that this was the case, causing me to research the effects of a snake bite to get answers.
Five Things That Never Happened To Garmadon: As mentioned in the fun fact of the story, it was heavily inspired by to “Five Things That Never Happened to Twilight Sparkle” specifically the reading by Scribbler Productions. I wanted to write something similar but instead of making it gory and calling it a day, I challenged myself a bit by trying to make it like something that could appear in the show. To do this I relied a bit more on fridge horror.
Falling Apart: Honestly Jay and Nya never being called out for leaving Echo Zane to rust and not telling Zane he has a brother. Seriously Echo Zane first appeared in Season 6 Skybound and now well past Season 16 Crystalized and Jay and Nya haven’t said/done nothing.
Why I Dance: Honestly, several things. First had to be "Way of the Departed" and "Quest for the Lost Powers (LEGO Ninjago): Four Untold Tales" which provided some insight about Lilly. Second, similar to Lilly's Libber there were songs that inspired certain scenes, the Scratch project is here if you'd like to listen to the songs.
Who Built You: Honestly just the mystery of where Mr.E came from. I know a lot of people (myself included) believed for the longest time that Mr.E was just Echo Zane reprogrammed. However, with Harumi’s diary mentioning her or any of the SOG knowing where he came from makes that less likely. Not to mention the magazines show Echo Zane before Crystalized and he wasn’t Mr.E. As a result, I began exploring where the droid came from. However as the story progressed and I began looking for more answers I found myself drawn back to old theories I had several years ago, the Scratch Project is here if you’d like to check it out(it’s near the end).

Q: What was the hardest thing you’ve come across when writing your stories?

Secrets Left Written: As this was the first story I ever wrote outside of school my biggest challenge (and still kind of is) is spelling. I’m absolutely horrible when it comes to spelling so with the help of my beta reader and Grammarly (free version) I hope to limit the amount of spelling mistakes.
Phantom Upgrade: The challenge was deciding how to test out Seliel’s suit. Luckily my wonderful sibling was able to provide their expertise and give me ideas.

Painful Legacies: Deciding whether to make Skylor’s mother more of a focus or not. Originally this story was going to focus more on Skylor and her mother along with the meaning of amber. However, due to too many conflicting ideas, I couldn’t merge them into the story, so the idea was scrapped as a result.
Lilly’s Libber: Not letting my emotions bleed onto the page. When writing this story I was basing it on my experience of losing someone. So it was challenging to make sure I was telling a cohesive story.
Born Bitten: Researching everything! From roughly calculating how much it would cost Lloyd to repair his screen from the different effects of a snake bite. This story required a lot of research. It was fun to do but it was a lot!

Five Things That Never Happened To Garmadon: Figuring out the key events in Garmadon’s life. Sure some were obvious like Wu being bitten instead or Wu being banished but for others it was difficult. One idea that was scrapped involving Aspheera never being taught spinjitzu. However in the end I chose to go with ideas that were more dark rather then lighthearted (like the one with Aspheera would have been) as that was the kind of story I wanted to write.
Falling Apart: Deciding if I should make Echo Zane become a new ninja like Zane or not. This was something I highly debated about but decided against it. The reason being I wanted to show not everyone is built/born to be a protector and it’s okay if you want to do something different than what others expect of you.
Why I Dance: Coming up with a story to tell. The first scene I got the idea for was the scene with the Ninja dancing together at the end, but I didn't want that to be the whole story which is why I decided to bring Lilly into it.
Who Built You: Figuring out how to format the story. I know I wasn’t fully sucessful with this but I wanted a way to explain the theories I had without making it sound like an exposition. That’s why Lloyd and Harumi are watching his memories so I could use them to explain how I came to certain conclusions. Though I must admit, there’s some sections in the story where it’s clearly me just puppeteering them for exposition.

Fun fact: I originally had a Q&A post for all the different stories. However, deciding it would be easier to make it all one post I deleted them. Then when I try to update the Q&A instead of saving it I deleted it. So here’s the new one.

Harumi skin used: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/lego-ninjago-secrets-left-written-custom-evil-harumi-also-know-as-the-quiet-one-hd/

4 Update Logs

Falling Apart : by HarumiQuietOne4 05/31/2024 11:26:32 pmMay 31st, 2024

Added answers tied to the story Falling Apart.

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10/19/2024 7:43 pm
She/Her • Level 19 : Journeyman Ninja Artist
Harumi, I don't have a question for you, but I read your Falling Apart story, (I really enjoyed it btw, your really good at writing stories) and I want to say, that maybe why Jay and Nya never told anyone about Echo was b/c they weren't really sure if it actually happened. The whole thing was just really weird for them. Or, if you go by the reason the writers didn't have them mention them was b/c (at least I think) Mr. E was originally gonna be Echo Zane, or at least something like that. Anyway, I also want to say that I really like your skins.
