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Herobrine is REAL! (Proof)

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CaptainMalk's Avatar CaptainMalk
Level 25 : Expert Pokémon
So, one day I was using MCNostalgia to downgrade to 1.6.6. I generated a new world and made some tools. I got some meat, cooked it, and went around to find a house. Then I saw something in the fog. I decided it was nothing, so I was crafting an axe to chop some trees for wood for a house. But when I was crafting, he got closer. And I saw him clearly. It was him. Mythical Herobrine. In my world! First I was scared, the I was excited to share my story with the world. So, here I am now, sharing my Herobrine story with you, and I tell you, Herobrine is NO MYTH.

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05/06/2015 3:54 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
loobylys's Avatar
I believe that this sighting is real and I couldn't care less wether I get hate for this or not
12/02/2012 8:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
cppenguin2012's Avatar
I saw herobrine and he was on fire and he was holding a diamond sord
01/27/2012 6:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
COOLEOBOY20's Avatar
herobrine is no myth CaptanMaik is my friend BEST FRIEND and i saw the pic on his PCit was so COOL yes ive met hem in real life
01/15/2012 2:37 am
Level 28 : Expert Dragonborn
epicdude32's Avatar
I beleive herobrine is another player. Hence hes not in the coding. Notch can do everything in minecraft. Hes given people bacon cloaks and let peole use skins going outside the skin borders
12/30/2011 12:37 am
Level 37 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Star_blinder's Avatar
herobrine is not real and wheres the proof no screen shots=no proof
12/29/2011 11:55 pm
Level 47 : Master Technomancer
MrManifesto's Avatar
There are youtube videos where Notch says Herobrine is a hoax... I'm not even going to waste my time posting the link, Junior..

Go to Youtube

Type Notch says Herobrine is a hoax


12/30/2011 12:02 am
Level 25 : Expert Pokémon
CaptainMalk's Avatar
1. If Herobrine doesn't exist, what is in the picture, smart one?
2. Have you noticed Notch has actually made too big of a deal about it? 1.7.3=Removed Herobrine
1.8=Removed Herobrine
1.8.1=Removed Herobrine
1.0.0=Removed Herobrine. Suspicious, much?
12/30/2011 2:36 am
Level 47 : Master Technomancer
MrManifesto's Avatar
Notch did it to troll noobs, look who fell for it... hence the interview where they ask him about it being listed in the update... Where he says it's a hoax and a joke.

[size=200%]"[/size]Ok ok. To be honest, there has never existed a Herobrine. It was just a rumor started by some douche and then someone probably created a mod.[1 [size=200%]"[/size] ~ Kappische on Herobrine

You are the ONLY person to to be fooled, and that's why there are no diamonds in blog.
12/30/2011 1:29 am
Level 37 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Star_blinder's Avatar
well i have proof that he is not real

1 no skin or coding

2 the removed herobrine stuff is because notch is sick of everyone talking about him

and the removed herobrine means that notch has deleted the mob humans
01/06/2012 1:37 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Taco
_Alloy11_'s Avatar
i have herobrine in a mod so mabye he might...
