Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial


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Frosty Dude 333
Level 15 : Journeyman Explorer
Greetings! Ignore my level, it does not matter. But I am here to start a small but helpful tutorial in some aspects of Minecraft, very beginner-friendly. Oh and pros, don't be like some of the idiots you are, saying "I know everything in Minecraft! Tutorial's useless!" In that case, you're useless yourself. I'm not saying that all pros or "professionals" are like this, I'm just calling out the usually stupid ones.

1: Player versus Player, or PvP

A - What is PvP/Player versus Player?

PvP is a gamemode or instance where two or more players, fight to the death or until one's health drops below a certain level. This is present in many RPGs, MMOs, MOBAs, and sometimes, in sandbox games, such as Minecraft itself. Players most often utilize the already added in armor and weapons or by equipment added in via Mods. Players usually fight in a large space, such as during gamemodes such as Hunger Games, Factions, Capture the Wool, and the like.

B - What's so special about PvP?
It's special because every single battle is different from the last. One could be 5 people clad in iron duking it out inside a Colosseum, then the next could be a standoff between 2 people with diamond armor on a grassy plane, then another could be one running around setting people on fire while a bunch of other people are fighting each other. The possibilities are endless, meaning one must prepare or be ready for any kind of PvP type. Aside from that, it will always be intense, no matter the difficulty, people, or sub-type of PvP. Because you never know the skill of your opponent(s).

C - Alright, cut to the chase. Gimme what you can tell me.
Fine, jeez. Here are some techniques or methods that may or may not help you.


Strafing is the act of moving to one side or side to side continuously in order to avoid arrows and other projectiles. If you are in a bow fight, moving from side to side while keeping locked on to your opponent (especially if they are a bow-spammer) can prevent you from being peppered by arrows, or hit by a powerful arrow that would have finished you off.

-Aiming above/jumping
When using a bow, the arrow travels in an arc (basically, it is affected by gravity, as with snowballs, eggs, and ender pearls), so unless your opponent is only a few blocks away, aiming in a straight line will most likely land the arrow only a few blocks in front of your enemy. Because of this, aiming slightly above or jumping can make it so that your opponent will be at the end of the arrow's arc.

-Critting (Performing a critical hit)
If one fully charges up the bow, their arrow will trail stars and will deal around 6-8 (3-4 hearts) points of damage. But this in turn, reduces your walking speed to that of crouching and prevents you from switching items (unless you want to stop charging up the bow). If timed correctly, a barrage of critical arrows can severely weaken or finish off your enemy.


Similar to archery, but not from side to side. If one circles around their enemy while locking onto them, their attacks will almost always miss you unless they manage to lock onto you. If that is the case, circle in the other direction. If you can, hit the enemy as you circle around them in order to disorient them, but be sure not to disorient yourself!

-Critting (Performing a critical hit)
For swords, attacking while falling down will cause your attack to become a critical hit, causing stars to appear around your enemy, knocking them back a little, as well as dealing 6-8 (Again, 3-4 hearts) points of damage. Do note that while falling, if the enemy hits you, you will be knocked back by around 1-2 blocks, allowing them to unleash a series of hits on you.

-Combo-ing (Performing continuous blows on the target)
Combo-ing like mentioned above, is the act of performing continuous attacks on the target. If done correctly (chaining up to 5 consecutive hits) can send your opponent flying back 3-5 blocks, and if done on it, can send them off a mountain or hillside. Dealing extra damage to them (unless they have the "Feather Falling" enchantment, which blocks some fall damage). Especially deadly if combined with critical hits, dealing even more bonus damage and sending them flying further.

(In 1.9 Swords can no longer block, but seeing as the full 1.9 hasn't been released yet, I'm keeping it here)
Blocking (holding right click with your sword) can cut your opponent's damage in half. Potentially preventing a lethal combo. Do know when to block though, as this also puts your mobility in the state of crouching. If the enemy does slow attacks, block from time to time. If they hit like there's no tomorrow. Hold your blocking stance. If one has potions or lava buckets, they can potentially disable or deal a good amount of damage to their opponent if they quickly use the item then switch back to blocking. allowing you to stop blocking and unleash your series of attacks.

What are you waiting for? Go out there, and fight anyone who stands in your way!
Please, tell me what you think and gimme some suggestions if you want the next tutorial to be of your suggestion, you want some more tips for the next tutorial shall I agree on the topic, or if you don't like a specific part of it.
Thank you very much for reading! :D

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02/25/2016 11:12 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
I believe people know most of these, but nice blog!
Frosty Dude 333
02/25/2016 5:44 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Explorer
