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How to change the models in resourcepacks.

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Ubalube's Avatar Ubalube
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Pyro
I always get questions on my resourcepacks on how to change the models of my weapons. Well, I have created this tutorial so I can reference it in all of my resourcepacks. So here is the mega tutorial!

I have put the time and effort into creating TWO types of tutorials in this tutorial (A straight forward meaning you know about %appdata% and how to access your minecraft folder and a noobie tutorial meaning you have never gone to your minecraft folder and you are not familiar with how to download things and add them to your folder.

I hope this helps!

Explained Tutorial
This tutorial is for people who have never accessed their .minecraft folder or do not know how to manage their folders at all.

Locate your folders on your computer. Now locate the search bar (its the biggest bar on the top of your folder window). Now in that search bar, clear any letters that are in the folder and type %appdata%.
How to change the models in resourcepacks.

Now, hit enter and you will be taken to a folder that has a bunch of other folders. Locate your .minecraft folder.
How to change the models in resourcepacks.

Now we are in your minecraft folder. Now lets navigate to your resourcepacks folder
How to change the models in resourcepacks.
Now in your resourcepacks folder, find the resourcepack you are using. Once you have found it, open that folder and click on assets. After you click assets, click minecraft. Then click models, finally, click items or blocks. Items are stuff like swords, shields, arrows, etc. Blocks are Grass, Fences, Doors, etc. In one of those folders, locate the file you are trying to change. Lets change the model of a diamond sword to an iron sword. We are going to locate the diamond_sword.json file and right click it and click rename. Change the name of that item to iron_sword.json. Now you are done!

Now we have changed the model. Go back into your game and click options, resource packs and if the resource pack you are using is already enabled, disable it then re-enable it. After you are done with that, hit done then your model should be changed!

Straight Forward Tutorial
This tutorial is for people who know how to access their .minecraft folder and has installed things before.

So, once a resource pack of mine or someone else is downloaded, you may want to change the model that is bound to the item. Lets say for example we want to change a model of a sword from a diamond sword to a wooden sword, here is how we do it. So first, open the resource pack folder and navigate to the models folder (assets\minecraft\models) Now in this folder, go to the items folder (models\item) and locate the model that the sword is bound to. In this case, I am going to find diamond_sword.json. After I find this model, I am going to right click the model and click rename. After I click rename, I am going to rename it to the item I want. Lets rename it to iron_sword.json.

Now we have changed the model. Go back into your game and click options, resource packs and if the resource pack you are using is already enabled, disable it then re-enable it. After you are done with that, hit done then your model should be changed!

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08/20/2019 9:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
pws360's Avatar
how do I rename the file in your own texture pack this tutorial is confusing. when I right click the json file it dose not say rename
