Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to craft and brew everything in minecraft(In progress)

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Level 21 : Expert Ranger
In this blog I'm going to show you minecraft players (mostly beginners) how to craft and brew in minecraft. :) Hope you like and give diamonds.

1. How to make tools.

A. Wooden,Stone,Iron,and Diamond Pickaxes

To make these tools you need 2 sticks and 3 wood,stone,iron ingot, or diamond. Then you put the sticks in the crafting table one on the very bottom and the other just above it. Next you put the 3 stone in the crafting table along the very top. To make Iron,Wooden or Diamond pickaxes just follow the same instrusctions.

B. Wooden,Stone,Iron,and Diamond Axes

To make an axe you need 2 sticks and 3 wood,stone,iron ingot, or diamond. Then you put the sticks in the crafting table with one on the very bottom in the middle and the other one just above it. Next you take the 3 stone and put them in the crafting table one in the top second row on the left lined up with the sticks and another stone just above the first one and the third one goes on the very top in the middle of the row. To make iron,wooden. or daimond axes just follow the same instrusctions.

C. Wooden,Stone,Iron, and Diamond Shovels

To make a shovel you need 2 sticks and 1 wood,stone,iron ingot, or diamond. Just like axes or pickaxes you place the 2 sticks in the crafting chest with one on the very bottom in the middle and the other stick just above the first one. Then you place the one stone just above the second stick. To make iron,wood,or diamond shovels just follow the instuctions.

D. Wooden,Stone,Iron,and Diamond Hoes

To make a hoe you need 2 sticks and and 2 stone. Then you put the sticks in the crafting chest one on the very bottom in the middle and the other stick just above the first one. Then you put the stone just above the top stick and the second stone on the left of the forst piece of stone.

2. How to make Weapons and explosives.


To make a sword you need 1 stick and 2 stone,wood,iron,or diamond. Then you put the stick in the crafting table on the very bottom in the middle and the you put the stone just above the stick and the you put the second stone just above the first piece of stone. To make wood,iron, or diamond sword just follow the instuctions above.

B. Bows

To make a bow you need 3 sticks and 3 string. Then you put the 3 sticks in the crafting chest in a side ways v shape and then you put the string down the left side.


To make tnt you need 5 gunpowder and 4 sand. Then you put the gunpowder in a x shape in the crafting table and the fill in the rest of the sections with the sand.

D. Arrows

To make arrows you need 1 feather, 1 stick, and 1 flint. Then you put the feather on the very bottom in the middle of the crafting table and then put the stick in the middle of the crafting table anf then the flint goes on the very top.

3. How to make Armour.


To make helmet you need 5 leather,iron ingot, or diamond.Then you put 2 leahter on both sides near the top of the crafting table and the 1 lleather on the very top in the middle.


To make a chestplate you need 8 leather,iron ingot or diamond. Then you put the leather in the crafting table and fill in all the spaces except the very middle one on the top.


To make leggings you need 7 leather,iron ingot, or diamond. Then you put 3 leahter along the top of the crafting table and 2 leahter on both sides of the crafting table.

D. Boots

To make boots you need 4 leather,iron ingot, or diamond. Then you put 2 leather on both sides of the crafting table on the bottom vertically.

4. How to make slabs.

A. To make a stone,sandstone, or wooden slab, simple take 3 stone and place them straight across the crafting chest.

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12/15/2011 12:16 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Skinner
Ur going to do everything :O
12/15/2011 1:31 pm
Level 21 : Expert Ranger
Yeah! :)
12/15/2011 9:48 am
Level 21 : Expert Ranger
Will be doing everything soon.
