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How to make a minecraft mod for 1.7.10 - Blog 3 - Setting up Proxies

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Planetjoshua's Avatar Planetjoshua
Level 24 : Expert Architect
Welcome back everybody to MINECRAFT MODDING SERIES!
Today we are adding Proxies. A Proxy is if you are trying to affter you package your mod run on a server, or a client.

First, (Optional) in src/main/java add a new package name it: com.yourname.Proxy or com.yourname.core.Proxy In my case it would be: com.joshua.Proxy or it could be com.joshua.core.Proxy

Second, In MainRegistry class. Add in the class @Instance((optional)value = RefStrings.MODID)
public static MainRegistry instance; or modInstance;

Third. Import Instance to cmd.tools.
Fourth. Type under the Instance @SidedProxy(clientSide = , serverSide = , (optional) modId = RefStrings.MODID)

Fith. In your RefStrings class add Two new strings. so do something like this:
public static final String CLIENTSIDE = "com.yourname.Proxy.ClientProxy", "com.yourname.core.Proxy.ClientProxy";
public static final String SERVERSIDE = "com.yourname.Proxy.ServerProxy", "com.yourname.core.Proxy.ServerProxy";

Sixth. Back in MainRegistry class under the @SidedProxy make the clientSide go to the RefStrings.CLIENTSIDE Same with the Serverside to RefStrings.SERVERSIDE

Seventh. Under the @SidedProxy Function. Type: public static ClientProxy proxy;

Now why do we have the ClientProxy Instead of the ServerProxy?

The reason why is beacause if you want your mod to be on a server and client working. then it must access to it. Otherwise your mod wont get in with your server and it will crash.


Eighth. in your main package or your Proxy Class make Two more classes One is: ClientProxy and one is a ServerProxy.

In the ServerProxy. public void registerRenderInfo() {


and in the ClientProxy it will extends to the ServerProxy for instance its like this:
public class ClientProxy extends ServerProxy {

Why can we not import ServerProxy?

Cause we can only import stuff that
is from a different package or somewhere else.

and in ClientProxy then 

@Override (optional)
public void registerRenderInfo() {


Now in your MainRegistry we need to add 3 More voids. 1 Is optional. And thats the Init InitializationEvent

Type in mainRegistry:

public void PreLoad(FMLPreInitializationEvent PreEvent)


public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event)


public void PostLoad(FMLPostInitializationEvent PostEvent)


(optional)public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event)

Now import SidedProxy to cpw.mods.fml.common

Import EventHandler to cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.
and Import The InitializationEvents to cpw.mods.fml.registry.

You have setted up proxies good job!

Again, what is a proxy? A proxy is if you are trying to run on a client. Or a server.

Bye! Next we are adding ITEMS!!!

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