Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to Make Bedrock Skinpacks

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Level 21 : Expert Crafter
Hello Everyone! This is my tutorial on making bedrock skinpacks. i also included a video made by another youtuber (chronicoverride) so you can import it, if you wish to (the video is for importing it on all xbox one consoles)

1. Download and/or make your own skins here.

2. Download the skin compiler made by flaviogarcias. (Download Here)

3. Open up the .exe after extracting the zip then click on new skinpack.

4.give your skinpack a name and description in the provided boxes.

5. select import multiple PNGs in the bottom left.

6. select all of your skin files (must be a .png)

7. once you are done click on save skinpack.

8. select the location that you wish to save your skinpack.

9. You have finished now!

Wait a minute...
You probably want to install this skin pack, don't you?
Watch this video: Here (Skip to 1:42 in the video to get on to installing it) (or if you are on win 10 edition, open the .mcpack from files explorer)

PMC Team (as the place listed to get skins from)
flaviogarcias (for the skinpack compiler) (he has a donation button on the skinpack compiler)

Chronicoverride (for the installation video) (His Channel Here)
myself (The making of the tutorial)

I hope you all liked this tutorial on how to create and install skinpacks on the bedrock edition of minecraft.

I updated the skinpack compiler link as it was broken.
CreditChronicoverride and flaviogarcias

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09/02/2021 10:55 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Toast
I can't download the compiler on google drive because it said
Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist.

Make sure that you have the correct URL and the file exists.
02/24/2022 9:59 am
Level 21 : Expert Crafter
Sorry, about the 6 month wait, try this link:
