Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to make bedwars in vanilla minecraft/W no mods or plugins!!!!!!

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Level 26 : Expert Engineer
Hello this is me again now I have been playing bedwars recently and I thought to make a blog on how to make bedwars in minecraft but without plugins

Repeating Alway Active:/testforblock X Y Z bed -1
meaning: this will test for a bed at the specific X Y Z location

Chain Always Active:/testforblock X Y Z repeating_command_block -1 {SuccessCount:0}
meaning:this will detect for a repeating command block that is not working (that is not finding the bed)

Chain Conditional Always Active:/execute @a[score_FinalDeath_min=1] ~ ~ ~ /gamemode 3 @a[c=1]
Type in chat:/scoreboard objectives add FinalDeath DeathCount
meanng: this will make an objective that will keep count of your deaths and if your bed is destroyed and you die you will be out in spectator mode

Chain Always Active:/scoreboard players set @a FinalDeath 0
meaning: this will set your score to zero

If you liked this please give this a diamond. goodbye!!!!!!

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08/16/2019 7:12 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
