Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to make minecraft mob skin

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xXcowsXx's Avatar xXcowsXx
Level 28 : Expert Taco
For years many wondered how to make minecraft skin that look EXACTLY LIKE THE MOBS! Well i found that out by fiddling wiith my keyboard...

STEP 1: Open roaming > Start (type in %appdata%)

STEP 2: Click on .minecraft

STEP 3: Open "Bin"

STEP 4: *REQUIRES WINRAR* Right click on minecraft ( May have numbers on the end so do that one if theres two)

STEP 5: Open it with winrar

STEP 6: Delete meta inf if its there- Open mobs folder

STEP 7: Create a new folder on desktop

STEP 8: Find a skin you want. Say a pig skin

STEP 9: Drag your skin into the folder.

STEP 10: Exit out of all. Go to minecraft.net and sign in > Do browse and click on desktop> open your folder and click on the skin press OK and your done!


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11/14/2012 8:35 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragonborn
Bellaabzug21's Avatar
why on earth would you have to delete meta inf? You're not installing any mods.
11/14/2012 8:29 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
beatlefan416's Avatar
i would do this so many times but i cant since my computer doesnt have winwar and i cant open my minecraft folder
