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Level 19 : Journeyman Cake
In this tutorial I will show you how to engage in a combat fight, with a melee weapon, and a bow.

First of all: This is how I do it, if you ask a dozen people how they PvP, you'll get a dozen different answers.

Bow Combat

Melee Combat
When I engage another player, I will jump about half a second before I reach them, this will give me a critical boost before we even showdown, and If you sprint and jump, you might not need to even showdown. originalpng Try tomaneuver around, make yourself a harder target.And whatever you do, never spam LMB and RMB together, all it does is reduce your chance of hitting your opponent.

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10/16/2013 9:57 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
I agree that you shouldn't spam left click and right click because sometimes you don't successfully get the switch timed right and you just end up getting hit more and hitting them less. And as for the bow, this is great advice. I do this myself on a capture the flag server with an archer kit that gets 1 hit kills(headshots) from a certain distance and I once got an 83 kill streak using this technique. Thanks for the advice and i will put it to good use.
10/17/2013 10:27 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Cake
No problem! I do this to help. :3
Unfortunately the servers I play on don't have more distance more damage or headshots, I really would like a skeleton detection in the game, then you can actually implement more techniques for shooting.
10/16/2013 6:26 am
Level 1 : New Network
Key word: potentially

While it is true it has a chance of slow your attack down by a few milliseconds, it also has a high chance of reducing the damage taken. Plus, I have agreed that not every time is a good time to block hit. Haven't you heard defense is the best offense?
10/16/2013 10:58 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Cake
I have, but It doesn't always work (defense is the best offense). I play on the Oc.tc servers, a pvp based on team work, if everyone defends, you can't win, you just can't. I played a game for about 4 hours because both of each team was defending a core (2 obsidian blocks). You can't win. So that is why full on attacking is better that defense attacking.
10/15/2013 4:18 pm
Level 1 : New Network
I disagree that you should never spam Left Click and Right Click (AKA Block Hitting). There are certain situations this technique would be more effective.

One being in Soup PvP. Maybe not ALL the time in Soup PvP, but at least when head to head, it makes hotkeying to the next slot much easier.

Also when trapped in a corner, it helps to Block Hit as you cannot really escape the corner anyway without moving them out of the way.
10/15/2013 5:32 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Cake
But it does increase the time for your next hit, so hitting them again could potentially take twice as long.
