Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

[Template] How to Permanently Rename Items - 1.19! (1.18, 1.17, 1.16.4, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.12, 1.8)

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Retired Moderator
Level 70 : Legendary Artist Senpai

Tutorial: How to permanently rename items in Minecraft: With pre-made template

(Currently works with version 1.8, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19)

Hello there, my name is Stubbs, and I've put together this tutorial. I have complied all necessary files into one zip folder, so that you can avoid having to make new folders, make typos. etc. I hope you will enjoy this tutorial, and find it useful.
[Template] How to Permanently Rename Items - 1.19! (1.18, 1.17, 1.16.4, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.12, 1.8)

Step. 1
Download a .json Editor (text editor) & Choose version.

Before you can start this tutorial, you need to make sure that you have a Text Editor on your computer, which can edit .json files. This step can be skipped, but for this tutorial: We will be using Notepad++ (Coda for MAC users).

- Notepad++ 32x Bit (Windows XP, 7, 8, 10)
- Notepad++ 64x Bit (Windows XP, 7, 8, 10)
- Coda MAC / iOs

Next is to choose which version of Minecraft Java Edition you want to use. All the downloads are .ZIP folders containing the folders and files required to rename items in Minecraft.

List of available downloads:
- Notice: 1.16 only works for 1.16 and 1.16.1 - Any other version of 1.16 needs to be the 1.16.4 resources.
- Notice: 1.18 has been updated to be compatible with both 1.18.1 and 1.18.2, if you have the old version (pre 12/03/22), you may encounter errors.

[Template] How to Permanently Rename Items - 1.19! (1.18, 1.17, 1.16.4, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.12, 1.8)
1.8 Resources - Java Edition

[Template] How to Permanently Rename Items - 1.19! (1.18, 1.17, 1.16.4, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.12, 1.8)
1.12 Resources - Java Edition

1.13 Resources - Java Edition

1.14 Resources - Java Edition

1.15 Resources - Java Edition

1.16 Resources - Java Edition

1.16.4 Resources - Java Edition

1.17 Resources - Java Edition

1.18 Resources - Java Edition

1.19 Resources - Java Edition

Once you have downloaded the version you want, move on to step. 2

Step. 2
Finding and Replacing.

Open the Resources Java (The .ZIP folder) you downloaded, and drag the folder inside that ZIP, onto your desktop. From there, open the folders in the following order:
  1. Open: Resources Pack (Version) Default
  2. Open: assets
  3. Open: minecraft
  4. Open: lang
Inside the 'lang' folder there is a .json file set to be the default US-english.
This is also the language you will have to set your game to in-game in order to make this work.

Right-click the 'en_us.json' file, and click on "Edit with Notepad++"
Once inside Notepad++, go to the top section of Notepad++ and find the button with binoculars (The 'Find' button) and click it.

Type in what item / block you want to find, and click Enter until you reach the block / item you're looking for.
Once you've found it ONLY change the name that comes after =

(1.8 - 1.12)

(1.13 - 1.18)

When you're done changing the name of the item, you can click on Save (The floppy disc in the left corner) or use CTRL + S and then close Notepad++

Step. 3
Get it into the game!

Open your Minecraft launcher, and set it to the version you chose, and load up the game.
Once you're in the Minecraft menu
Open the menu's in the following order:
  1. Options
  2. Resource packs
  3. Open Resource Packs Folder
A folder will have opened up on your screen. Drag the Resources Pack (Version) Default folder into the newly opened 'Resource packs', and close it.

Inside Minecraft, go back to Options, and back into Resource packs. There will now have appeared a resource pack.
Click on the logo to turn on the resource pack.

Before you go In-game to check the Item, MAKE SURE that your language is set to English (US)

Now go in-game and search for the re-named item.
The Item will now have changed to whatever name you've given it.

Go back to Step. 2 if you forgot any items, or if you changed your mind.

adding the pack to Minecraft for version: 1.8
The "open resourcepack folder" button is not available in Minecraft Java v. 1.8 - Therefor you have to do it in the following way: Click on the Windows button and find search menu. Then in search type in the following:

(Notice: This will not be the programs name, if your PC's language is not set to EN (English) )

Open the Run program and type in:


Click enter and open the following folders:

    1. Open: .minecraft
    2. Open: Resourcepacks

Go to your desktop and find the Resources Java (version) folder, and drag that folder into the newly opened one. This will add the Resources Java to your list of Texture-packs. Turn the texture-pack on in the game, and then go kill a few creepers by getting a skeleton to shoot them. Obtain a disc, craft a jukebox, and now you will be able to listen to your custom music, in Minecraft.

That's it!
If you have any questions, leave them in the comment section below and I will answer them as best I can.

FAQ & Common issue's

"It doesn't change the item name when I try it."
- There are two possible issue's which can cause this.
1. You might have forgotten to set your in-game language to EN_US (American English) If it's not set to that, then it won't work.
2. Depending on which version of the game you use, please double-check whether or not the " " markings are at the beginning and the end of the word you have changed.
Example: Check if it says: "item.minecraft.charcoal": "Charcoal",
Or if it says: "item.minecraft.charcoal": Charcoal,

Check the other words for this, and check if the words you've changed look like the others. If it doesn't then you've found your issue.

"Can I add another language?"
- There is currently no known way to alter other languages, or creating brand new ones. When a solution is found, a new tutorial will be created, and I will be linking to it right here :)

If you're still having trouble: feel free to leave a comment or send me your files. I'll take a look at it and see what I can do :)
If it is urgent, please add me on Discord: Sleeves#0658 and send me a copy of your files.
CreditJohn the Slime

12 Update Logs

Update #12 : by Stubbs1 06/17/2022 1:04:53 pmJun 17th, 2022

Version 1.19 is now available
Reworked description
Removed broken images
Reworked banner

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09/19/2022 11:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
if I use this alongside another one that changes the names, will it overwrite the names?
09/20/2022 11:26 am
They/Them • Level 70 : Legendary Artist Senpai
Whichever pack is at the top will overwrite the one below, that sadly also means that you can only have 1 language changing pack on at a time. But if the pack does not include anything language changes, then this pack's changes will appear in-game :)
02/25/2022 4:57 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Nerd
is there a way that i can have only the edited items listed in the JSON file?
03/02/2022 2:31 am
They/Them • Level 70 : Legendary Artist Senpai
I have been unable to find a way to do this with just a resourcepack, I believe it is possible through mods, however, take it with a grain of salt though, as I only know basic coding :')
But please let me know if you find or figure something out :D
02/20/2022 11:40 am
He/Him • Level 50 : Grandmaster Ninja Carrot
Thanks! Helped out a lot! :D
12/03/2021 10:43 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I need it for 1.18, Is it available soon ?
12/05/2021 4:03 pm
They/Them • Level 70 : Legendary Artist Senpai
Just updated it, even with a new 1.18 video to accompany it :)
Hope you find it helpful
08/29/2021 7:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
texture pack does not show up in the texture pack menu

08/30/2021 3:23 am
They/Them • Level 70 : Legendary Artist Senpai
There can be a few possibilities as to why that is
- Check if you have unzipped the zip file
- Check if you have placed the folders in the Resourcepacks section in your .minecraft
- Check that you are using the corresponding version

I hope you figure it out :)
08/31/2021 6:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Thanks for help :D
