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i found herobrine in the code

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Level 19 : Journeyman Archer
herbrine is in the code. go to minecrafts folder then assets, skins click on 98. click on the skin file

he IS real 

his skin is called 98b7ca3c7d314a61abed8fc18d797fc30b6efc8445425c4e250997e52e6cb

go on if you dont believe me. i promise you hes there.

i do not have any mods which add herobrine.

also if you click on aa then the skin file, you get qmagnets skin

it seems qmagnet is alsoin the game as aab58bd56796b4474ee0af37ae9cb3b9cae396328e9ff5666c8d7d6c5c21a0ba

and the last one in folder f3 is...

my skin. (maybe yours for you)

no i have not had herobrine or qmagnets skin on before. ive only ever used my skin and steves skin (and also alex when 1.8 came out)

i only found it because i was looking for the end poem, the folder that the wiki said it was in didnt exist so i clicked on a random folder (skins) i clicked on 98 and the file inside 98. 

i have just tried to upload it as a thumbnail. but planetminecraft wont accept it.

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07/12/2015 12:50 am
Level 40 : Master Dragon
i guess it's just a secret left by Mojang.
Btw herobrine never existed untill the mod and command block thing, it was just a viral creepypasta.
07/11/2015 4:11 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
I don't even have a 98 folder, and qmagnet's isn't in my aa folder. I'm inclined to believe the guy below that says the game downloads the skins for players you meet on servers. That's probably how the game renders them. I would imagine a lot of people have herobrine skins, and I guess you've either ran into qmagnet online or someone else uses his skin (I'm not actually sure where he got it, it may have just been online :P).
07/12/2015 4:49 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Archer
yeah probably...
07/11/2015 12:51 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Wtf why is there Herobrine in the Minecraft Folder? Maybe because of the Mod? Pfft Idk
07/11/2015 1:00 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Nevermind i googled about it and found something on an German Minecraft Wiki , it said : If you connect to a server the skins will be saved under .minecraft/assets/skins
07/11/2015 11:52 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Interesting, in the folder where the herobrine skin is located, I actually found 2 other skins that I've never seen before in my life. Check out the folder marked "98" again and look at 989cac6f802fc8b6748c55063ba4fd055595865b57a8fb3782c3ffccc and 9838d9fcf79a5cfcd35d911683d12281e6f46e862e9ae83c863eadc7d3fe5. While these skins may be in the minecraft folder, I've never seen them implemented in the actual game, which could unfortunately debunk your theory that Herobrine is actually in Minecraft. But it is a very interesting point to be made.
07/11/2015 10:20 am
Level 38 : Artisan Archer
wow im going to go try to find the file now
